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The turbulent and often dynamic state of firm’s operative environment compels its vulnerability to  competitive forces and often implies imperative of change in  corporate culture for survival. TOWS matrix model though applied in  many manufacturing firms across the globe in meeting the growing challenges of competition and need for superior performance, have unfortunately not recorded equivalent results in Nigeria’s manufacturing industries. The limited adoption of TOWS matrix model is explained by a host of factors including firms’ organizational change culture, managerial capacity, and the comprehensiveness of environmental scanning elements.This study, therefore, assesses the prospects and challenges of applicability of TOWS matrix model in manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The methodology of study was the descriptive survey research design. The instruments used for data collection were the structured questionnaire, interview schedule and empirical research findings from available related literature. From a population of one hundred and ninety-two (192) registered manufacturing firms found in the south east area of Nigeria, and a management level employee population of 2,880 using a combination of Taro Yamane  formula,  Proportionate  Stratified  Sampling  (PSS)  and  Multi-Stage  Stratified Random Sampling (MSSRS) technique, twenty-eight (28) firms were eventually selected for the study, from which four hundred and twenty (420) management employees where issued questionnaire with 94.76% response rate. The result of the study showed existence of a positive and significant relationship between a firms’ organization change culture and her awareness of Tows Matrix model; firms’ human resource capacity and degree of application of TOWS matrix model; improvement in the competitive capabilities of firms’ products in relation to others in the best of class and application of TOWS matrix model in the past five years (2004-2009); comprehensiveness of firms’ environmental scanning elements and reliability of strategies formulated with TOWS matrix model; the low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice in Nigeria manufacturing firms and extent of change resistance in firms. The study also showed prospects of TOWS matrix model in Nigeria manufacturing firms while revealing the challenges to its sustainable application. The conclusion of the study  is  that  organisational  culture,  managerial  development,  comprehensiveness  and scanning of environmental elements and adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice constitute critical imperatives in the application of TOWS matrix model in Nigeria manufacturing firms. The recommendation of the study include: entrenchment of organizational change as a deliberate corporate policy; improvement of firm’s awareness and intensity of adoption of TOWS matrix; and development of firm’s managerial capacity. The study’s major contribution to knowledge include: the development of an improved version of TOWS matrix model captioned ‘WEBBED TOWS MATRIX MODEL’.




A major aim of enterprises is to build a market position strong enough and an organization capable  enough  in  producing  successful performance despite  foreseeable  events,  potent competition, internal and external organizational problems (Nimmanphatcharin, 2003:13). Global competition requires that  managers think  of ways to  change their  organizations continuously to gain competitive advantage. The complexity of   today’s operative environment necessitate adoption of a best practice strategic planning model in meeting contemporary challenges faced by organizations in terms of domestic and   cross border product competitiveness (Faulkner and Bowman,2007:45).

Eze (2001:35) posits that both organizations and their managers are subject to changes which render once-effective approaches to competition ineffective.   Ezigbo (2007:79) states that managers introduce changes to solve organizational problems like low productivity, laissez- faire attitude, conflicts, and competitive pressures.

The turbulence encountered by manufacturing organizations in Europe, America and the Far East in the late 1980’s coupled with competition introduced by globalization and free market economy forced firms to review the quality of their strategic formulations by putting in place a  strategic planning  framework known as the  TOWS  matrix that  identifies threats  and opportunities in the external environment and objectively seek to match them with identified internal organizations weaknesses and strengths in a  logical manner in order to remain competitive (Eaton,1999:83).

Itami (2007:29) posits that the proactiveness necessary to place Nigeria’s manufacturing firms in the league of best practice firms for strategic leadership in their spheres of economic endeavour is lacking admist stiff competition and a diversity of industry and environmental challenges.

Strategy involves the critical decisions a firm makes about how to match its resources and strengths with its environment to create an advantage over its competitors. The decisions to pursue a strategy type be it, Business level (competitive) strategy, Corporate or Functional level strategy are viewed as measures that can fastrack or impede the adoption, adaptability

and sustainability  of strategic planning frameworks in organizations. The decisions are also rooted on certain organization culture which affects the resistance or acceptability of change. Furthermore,  organisational  ideology  and  strategic  planning  orientation  be  it  Ansoff’s strategic planning model, Mintzberg’s design school model, Steiner’s company-wide planning, or Wheelen and Hunger’s strategic management model also determine the strategy a firm will pursue, as large scale  preponderance of conservatism and resistance to change exist in firms.

Strategic Planning, being a management function relies on the competence of management- level employees for effective implementation. Arising from this, it is viewed that management’s   human resource capacity in terms of core skills determines the extent to which it  would pursue and     implement strategic models be it  of synoptic, adaptive or synthesis (synoptic- adaptive) origin.

The integration of management’s strategic intent in strategy development to drive organisations visions and missions are also seen as key to the sustainable application of TOWS  matrix  strategic  planning  model  in  meeting  desired  performance.  Hoffer  and Schendel (1978:25) posit that an effective planning model must explicitly include the visions and missions of the firm, an establishment of firm’s objectives, and an assessment of the current strategy based on a comprehensive scanning of environmental analysis elements. Studies  by  Wihioka  (2006:89),  shows  that  firms  in  Nigeria  apply  Strategic  Planning processes with low degree of formality and comprehensiveness, and doubts the reliability of formulated strategies to assure firms of desirable performance.

A variety of strategic planning frameworks based on synoptic, adaptive and synthesis (synoptic-adaptive) ideologies have  been developed, showing the relationship of critical internal and external environment variables; including- The SWOT Analysis model, Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) models, and Strategic Factor Evaluation Matrix (SFEM)  models- Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix model, External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix model, Internal-External (IE) matrix model, Strategic Positioning and Action Evaluation (SPACE) matrix model, Quantitative Strategic Planning (QSPM) matrix model, Grand Strategy (GS) matrix model, and matrix models – Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix model, and General Electric Business Screen Matrix.

These models aside from showing the relationship of critical internal and external environment variables are fraught with certain inherent structural and operational limitations that inhibit their individual and collective capabilities to providing feasible alternative strategies for firm’s competitive advantage, as do the TOWS matrix model (Weihrich and Koontz 2005:15; Hirsch, 2006: 327; Davis, 2007: 32). The limitations include the following:

i.          Inability to clearly identify the internal and external environmental scanning elements of a firm.

ii.        Inability to provide guidance as to the comprehensiveness of environmental scanning elements.

iii.       Inability to distinctively identify opportunities in order to take advantage of them. iv.        Inability to anticipate potential threats in order to effectively avoid them.

v.         Inability to give insufficient attention to the threats and constraints in the external environment.

vi.        Inabilty to match or combine the internal and external environment variables of a firm in a logical and distinctive manner in order to arrive at feasible strategic alternatives.

vii.      Inability to systematize the choice of strategy.

viii.     Inability to depict the market position and competitive domain of the firm.

Furthermore, the strategic planning models also give the erroneous impression that a firm uses its strengths to take advantage of opportunities, but ignore other important relationships, such as the challenge of overcoming weaknesses in the enterprise to exploit opportunities. Organizations are known to respond more to threats than opportunities, as it is only a threat to the status-quo that compels a change. Furthermore, few people are sufficiently disposed to identify their strengths at the outset, but they tend to be aware of their weaknesses (Weihrich and Koontz, 2005:129).

According to Weihrich (1982:1), although the set of variables in the above stated models are not new, matching them in a systematic manner is, and this is the distinctive competence of the TOWS matrix model. Hoffer and Schendel (1978:56), Weihrich (1982:9) in evaluating the effectiveness of these matrix models suggest the development and adoption of a matrix in which both the competitive situation and market position of firms are depicted, by proposing the TOWS matrix model. Studies by Nimmanphatcharin, 2003:10; Weihrich and Koontz,

2005:136 aver that the TOWS matrix is a  logical combination of external and  internal environments in a distinctive manner in order to identify best strategies, which could be used at both corporate and business levels of an organization.

The TOWS matrix model, while not replacing other   matrices, builds on the information provided by them to develop four coherent strategies that matches firms’ internal capabilities with firms’ external environment variables for competitive advantage . Competition among firms and across borders has been brought about by rapid changes in the world economic order and social changes (Eke, 2004:10).

Studies by Heller (2007:15) reveal that firms like Pactiv Corporation, Amsted industries, Brunswick Corporation, Hyundai heavy industries, Dresser Inc, FKI Plc, Fiskas Corporation, Federal Signal Corporation, Wal-Mart Inc, AT&T with established tradition for SWOT and other strategic planning models have drastically drifted to TOWS matrix in their organizational  repositioning  for  competitive  advantage  and  superior  performance.  The TOWS matrix model is also fast gaining grounds in large multinational manufacturing firms like  Volkswagen, Daimler  Benz,  Winnebago industries  incorporated, Timken Company, Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce, Bridgestone Corporation, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, Snap-on Incorporated, Mitsuibishi Corporation, Pirelli & C.S.P.A, Alamo Group Inc, Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd, AGCO Corporation, Starbucks Corporation, just to mention but a few.

The Nigerian Manufacturing sector is at  the brink of near collapse, as a result  of low productivity, poor domestic and international competitiveness in a continuously changing business world (Obiozor, 2009:32). Giwa (2000:32) declares that Nigeria’s manufacturing firms must accept the challenges of present times and manufacture products that must meet international standards and apply business strategies that would make their organizations the least cost operators and preferred suppliers of consumer goods.

Unfortunately in Nigeria, there is a dearth of literature and empirical evidence to support the application of TOWS matrix strategic planning model in Nigeria’s manufacturing firms in order to explore its potentials as a best practice model that has positively impacted on many multinational manufacturing firms across the globe. From the foregone, this study seeks to

explore the problems and prospects of applying TOWS matrix model in manufacturing firms in Nigeria.


There is a slow transition from traditional approaches of Strategic Planning to contemporary measures with TOWS matrix model apparently due to the conservative organizational culture and managerial abilities of firms. This slow pace has negatively impacted on the competitiveness of Nigeria’s manufacturing firms owing to their inability to access the full benefits of this model as a result of limited adoption. Strategic planning, being a management function requires acceptable level of managerial development and competence for its potentials to be tapped; but unfortunately, firm’s capability to embark on this role is inhibited by its human resource capacity at this level.

The  comprehensiveness of a  host  of ever  interacting  environmental elements and  their subjection to  proper scanning by firms are  also  doubtful to  guarantee the reliability of strategies formulated by TOWS matrix model; while the low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice  inspite of its  high capacity building abilities in global organizational repositioning, is unfortunately explained by the extent of change resistance in Nigeria manufacturing firms.

The SWOT Analysis model, Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) models, and other matrix models like- Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix model, External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix model, Internal-External (IE) matrix model, Strategic Positioning and Action Evaluation (SPACE) matrix model, Quantitative Strategic Planning (QSPM) matrix model, Grand  Strategy(GS)  matrix  model,  Boston Consulting  Group  (BCG)  matrix  model and General Electrics Business Screen Matrix model aside from showing the relationship of critical internal and external environment variables are fraught with inherent structural and operational limitations that inhibit their individual and collective capabilities to providing feasible alternative strategies for firm’s to achieve desirable competitive advantage, as do the TOWS matrix model (Weihrich and Koontz 2005:15; Hirsch, 2006: 327; Davis, 2007: 32). Put succinctly, the major problems associated with the other strategic planning models are as follows:

i.          Inability to clearly identify the internal and external environmental scanning elements of a firm.

ii.        Inability to provide guidance as to the comprehensiveness of environmental scanning elements.

iii.       Inability to distinctively identify opportunities in order to take advantage of them. iv.        Inability to anticipate potential threats in order to effectively avoid them.

v.         Inability to give insufficient attention to the threats and constraints in the external environment.

vi.        Inabilty to match or combine the internal and external environment variables of a firm in a logical and distinctive manner in order to arrive at feasible strategic alternatives.

vii.      Inability to systematize the choice of strategy.

viii.     Inability to depict the competitive position and stage of product/market evolution of the firm.

Evidently, a gap exists in:

1.  The ability of strategic planning models to provide the required framework for a systematic  analysis  that  matches  the  external  threats  and  opportunities with  the internal weaknesses and strengths of the organization for the development of feasible alternatives  and  evaluation  of  strategic  choices  for  firm’s  survival  (Weihrich,


2.  The  ability  of  strategic  planning  models  to  simultaneously  depict  the  firm’s competitive position and stage of product/market evolution (Hofer and Schendel,


3.  The ability of strategic planning models to give sufficient attention to threats and constraints in the external environment of the firm as only a threat to the status-quo can compel a change (Weihrich, 1982:57).

TOWS matrix model has a wider scope and different emphasis from other strategic planning models mentioned. While not replacing other models, it is proposed as a conceptual framework for a systematic analysis that facilitates the matching of external threats and opportunities with  the  internal weaknesses and  strengths of the  organization (Weihrich (1982:57). Thus, by the potentials of TOWS matrix model, a firm is better positioned for competitive advantage and superior performance.


Given the statement of the problem above, this research seeks:

1.         To determine if significant relationship exist between firms’organisational change culture and awareness of TOWS matrix model.

2.         To determine if significant relationship exist between firms’ human resource capacity and      degree of application of TOWS matrix model.

3.         To determine if significant relationship exist between improvement in competitive capabilities of firms’ products in relation to others in the best of class and application of  TOWS matrix model in the past five years (2004-2009)

4.         To determine if significant relationship exist between comprehensiveness of firms’ environmental scanning elements and reliability of strategies formulated with TOWS matrix model.

5.         To determine if significant relationship exist between the low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice in Nigeria manufacturing firms and extent of change resistance in firms.


For this study to achieve its goal, some basic research questions that reflect the objectives of the study are imperative. The questions are as follows:

1.        To what extent is a firms’organisational change culture related to her awareness of

TOWS matrix model?

2.         To  what  extent  is  a  firms’  human  resource  capacity  related  to  her  degree  of application of TOWS matrix model?

3.         To what extent is the improvement in competitive capabilities of firms’ products in relation to others in the best of class related to her application of TOWS matrix model in the past five years (2004-2009)?

4.         To what extent  is comprehensiveness of firms’ environmental scanning elements related       to the reliability of strategies formulated with TOWS matrix model?

5.        To what extent is the low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice in

Nigeria manufacturing firms related to extent of change resistance in firms?


The following Hypotheses constitute an aid to the provision of answers to the stated research questions and also meet the objectives of the study.

Hypothesis One:

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is no significant relationship between a firms’organisational change culture and her awareness of TOWS matrix model.

Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):

There  is  significant  relationship  between a  firms’organisational change  culture  and  her awareness of TOWS matrix model.

Hypothesis Two:

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is no significant relationship between a firms’ human resource capacity and her degree of application of TOWS matrix model.

Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):

There is significant relationship between a firms’ human resource capacity and her degree of application of TOWS matrix model.

Hypothesis Three: Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is no significant relationship between the improvement in competitive capabilities of

firms’ products in relation to others in the best of class and her application of TOWS matrix model, in the past five years (2004-2009)

Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):

There is significant relationship between the improvement in competitive capabilities of firms’ products in relation to others in the best of class and her application of TOWS matrix model, in the past five years (2004-2009)

Hypothesis Four:

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is  no significant relationship between comprehensiveness of firms’ environmental scanning elements and the reliability of strategies formulated with TOWS matrix model.

Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):

There  is  significant  relationship  between  comprehensiveness  of  firms’  environmental scanning elements and the reliability of strategies formulated with TOWS matrix model. Hypothesis Five:

Null Hypothesis (Ho):

There is no  significant relationship between the  low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic choice in Nigeria manufacturing firms and extent of change resistance in firms. Alternate Hypothesis (Ha):

There is significant relationship between the low adoption of strategic alliance as a strategic

choice in Nigeria manufacturing firms and extent of change resistance in firms.


A study of this nature should ideally be carried out in all manufacturing firms in Nigeria. However,   given  the   difficulties   faced  globally   by   researchers   in   funding   a   fully comprehensive research, the scope of this study is twenty-eight (28) manufacturing firms duly registered with the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (M.A.N).

The  firms  for  the  study are  located  in  the  south-eastern Nigeria,  specifically  in  Abia, Anambra, Enugu and Imo states. Firms in Ebonyi state were excluded from the study for reason of their non-inclusion in the M.A.N’s register of firms, which formed the basis of this study.


The study is significant in the following ways:

1.  The study serves as bridge for gaps existing in previous works, especially in Nigeria where there is dearth of empirical research on application of TOWS matrix model in the manufacturing industry.

2.  The  data  generated  from  the  study  serves  as  basis  for  future  research  -work  and knowledge expansion in this specialty.

3.  The private and public manufacturing firms will benefit from the study by expanding their frontiers of knowledge beyond traditional strategic planning frameworks to that of contemporary   model   application,   strategy   formulation,   development   of   feasible

alternatives, and systemic selection of strategic choices, action plans for implementation, monitoring and control.

4.  The study brings to greater focus the impact human resource capacity has on the degree of application of TOWS matrix model in firms and the  imperatives of management participation in competitive advantage and superior performance of firms.

5.  The  study creates a  re-newed awareness of the  interplay between the Environment, Organisation and Leadership in the development of feasible strategic alternatives by firms in a competitive and globalized manufacturing environment.

6.  The study reveals the prospects of application and the challenges of sustainability of

TOWS matrix model in relation to the imperatives of change in manufacturing firms.


This research, typical of most studies, has some limitations which include the following;

.i) The poor attitude and belief of any research as probe on the part of an average Nigerian. They consider the request for completion of questionnaire as a distraction from their routine work, an unrewarded mental exercise, as such, are often attended with hesitation.Certainly, it it is difficult to extract a truly objective information with such mindsets.

ii)The soaring cost of financing research in terms of transportation to locations of enquiry, hotel accommodation, cost of materials and secretarial services, unreliable and often epileptic power supply, political instability, social insecurity and restiveness of some areas of the study, constraints of time, are all overbearing limitations.

iii) This research is relatively new in developing countries especially Nigeria, thus placing heavy reliance on materials and literature from developed economies. This entails a high cost of access to the materials aside from apparent delays in arrival of pertinent information.

iv) The proportion (stratified random sampling) used means that, there was unequal representation of firms used in the study, with some strata presenting more firms than others. The negative effect of this on the study was however minimised by the adoption of sophisticated statistical tools like Proportionate Stratified Sampling (PSS), and the use of Multi-Stage Stratified Random Sampling (MSSRS) techniques.

v) There is no forecasting of the performance indices of the organizations before and after the establishment of TOWS matrix strategic planning model regime, as a measure of the impact of the organizations. Only a description of the enhanced performance was done.

vi) The culture and social values of other geo-political zones not covered by the study were assumed to be similar to that of the south-east, the actual area of the study, as such; the study may not truly reflect a nationalized perspective in absolute terms.

This study, however, inspite of all known limitations still stands the test of relevance validity and therefore answers reasonably well to the prospects and challenges of applying TOWS matrix strategic planning model in Nigeria manufacturing firms.

1.9    CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS USED IN THIS STUDY Organizational Change: Organizational change refers to any alteration in the process and structure  of  the  organization  which  results  in  the  evolution  and  development  of  the organization, keeping in view its continuously changing environment (Khan, 2009:2) Organisational Culture: Organisational Culture refers  to  the  norms,  values and  belief system of an organization (Wihioka, 2006:67)

Change Management: Change Management means to plan, initiate, realize, control, and finally stabilize change processes on both corporate and personal levels (Khan, 2009:5) Strategic  planning:  This  is  the  process  of  determining  the  major  objectives  of  an organization,  and  the  policies  and  strategies  that  will  govern the  acquisition,  use,  and disposition of resources to achieve those objectives (Steiner, 1969:34).

TOWS  matrix  model:  This  is  a  logical  and  efficient  process  of  developing  coherent

organizational  strategies  in  light  of  environmental forces  present  in  the  global  market

(Weihrich, 1999:1)

Situational Analysis: Organizations situational analysis is the means by which firms accomplish their missions and goals through a systemic scan of their operational environment in order to match them with firms’ internal capabilities (Imaga, 2007:365)

Strategy: Strategy refers to a general program of action and deployment of emphasis and resources used to attain objectives (Koontz et al, 1980:206).

Strategy formulation: Strategy formulation involves an analysis of the current and expected future environment, determination of the direction of the firm, and the development of the means for achieving the end (Weihrich, 1998:2)

Manufacturing: The physical process of producing goods be it extractive, analytical, synthetic or fabricative (Ivancevich et al, 1997:419)

Competitive Capability: This is the degree to which a firm under a free and fair market conditions rivals others in the  best of class given certain performance measures (Giwa,


Competitive Strategy: This is the positioning of a business to maximize the value of the capabilities that distinguishes it from its competitors (Porter, 1980:47)

1.10    OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS USED IN THIS STUDY Organizational Change: The actions an organization takes to proactively address the threats from the industry or the immediate external environment for it to take advantage of the opportunities in the external environment, for the corporate survival of the organization. Organisational Culture: The tenets upon which the activities of an organization are founded and from which roles are performed.

Change   Management:   The   planning,   organizing,   communicating,   monitoring   and controlling  of  all  change  motivated  programs  and  actions  for  the  achievement  of organisations visions and missions.

Strategic planning: This is the timely decisions and action plans of an organization in positioning it for leadership among best of class inspite of the forces of global competition. TOWS  matrix  model:  This  is  a  contemporary  framework  that  matches  the  external environment  threats  and  opportunities  with  the   internal  environment  strengths  and weaknesses, to evolve feasible alternatives from which strategic choices of an organization are made and implemented for competitive advantage and superior performance.

Situational Analysis: This involves an object conduct of firm’s internal audit and a comprehensive scan of the external environment to achieve a ‘strategic fit’ for present and future organizational competitive performance

Strategy: The methods, actions and steps an organization takes in mobilising her internal capabilities to secure their prosperity considering the opportunities and threats in the external environment.

Strategy formulation: The deployment of information resources from firm’s internal and external appraisal to provide guided decision on the methods, actions and steps an organization takes for the attainment of stakeholders objectives.

Manufacturing: The  manual and  mechanized activities involved in processing raw and semi-raw materials into finished products.

Competitive Capability: The relative performance of a  firm among contemporaries in industry on the basis of predetermined performance parameters like- Market share, Sales revenue, Reduction in  cost of production, Niche formation, Product differenciation, Increase in customer satisfaction.

Competitive Strategy: The unique attributes of core competencies, capabilities, potentials, and distinctive characteristics which an organization deploys in a synergistic manner to achieve superior performance.


The study is arranged into five chapters with references and appendices. Chapter One covers introduction to the study and includes-Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Research Questions, Research Hypotheses, Scope of the study, Area of the Study, Significance of the Study, Limitations of the Study, Conceptual and Operational definitions of key terms used in the study, and Organisation of the Study. Chapter Two covers Conceptual and Theoretical review of related literature in which current and previous studies on the subject matter are explored in details.Chapter Three covers the Research Methodology including the Research Design, Area of Study, Population of Study, Sample size Determination and Sampling Techniques, Sources of Data Collection, Validity of the Study Instrument, Reliability of Questionnaire, Administration of Questionnaire, and Method of Data Analysis. Chapter Four covers Data Presentation and Analysis. Chapter Five covers Discussion of Results, Summary of Major Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations, Contribution to Knowledge, and Suggestion for Further Studies.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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