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This work tries to find out the determinants of effective job satisfaction in public sector organization, in Enugu State. The need for this work is based on the fact that Nigerian public sector with particular reference to state ministries has gone down to the lowest ebb. Over the years the ministry has suffered from low productivity, ineffectiveness, inefficiency and lack of growth, which as a result of non-motivated workers. To arrive at its conclusion, the work was carried out based on systematic application of survey research procedures. On identification of the problem, research questions were formed followed by matching hypothetical statements as a guide towards the achievement of the objectives of the study. Related  literatures  were  reviewed  to  form  a  direction  for  the research. In the course of this work, data were gathered both from the primary and the secondary sources. Being a survey research, a sample size of population was determined for the purpose of administering  questionnaire  in  order  to  collect  the  necessary information relevant to this work. The data were analysed using sample proportion statistic to arrive at a conclusion. Finally the result obtained from the analysis of the instrument, questionnaires were used as basis to determine the findings of the work. Based on these findings, some recommendation were also made and that pay, promotion, and organizational policies have a positive impact on job satisfaction. Hence the work recommended that management must create and make use of opinion box to use worker’s complaints to improve organizational performance.



Nigeria as an economic entity is made up of the public sector and the private sector. The public sector is essentially created by the Nigerian constitution thus defines the rules, the power, the duties, the boundaries and the interrelationships of the separate levels of government and their agencies in the public sector.

Public sector is made up of the federal, state and the local government. Public sector activities are conducted through ministries, extra-ministries departments, local councils and parastatals. While the ministries departments, local councils are organized through the civil service rules with civil servants as workers, the parastatals are run either as corporations, authorities, boards, councils and limited liability companies in which the government has either full, majority of controlling interest (Ugwoke, R.O. 2005).

The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. To understand the critical

importance of people in the organization is to recognize that the human element and the organization are synonymous. Any well- managed organization are usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains. Such organization do not look to capital investment, but to employees, as the fundamental source of improvement. An organization its goals. An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of co- operation is effective to the degree to which it achieves and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of the influence. Job satisfaction is a result of employee’s perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. According to (Mitchell and Lasan, 1987), it is generally recognized in the organizational behaviour field that job satisfaction is the most  important  and  frequently  studied  attitude.  According  to Luthan (1998) there are three important dimensions to job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation. As such it cannot be seen, it can only be inferred.

Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes are  met  or exceeds expectations. For instance if organization participants feel that they are working much harder than others in the department but are receiving fewer rewards they will probably have a negative attitudes towards the work, the boss and/or co- workers. On the other hand, if they feel they are being treated very well and are being paid equitably, they are likely to have positive attitudes towards the job.

Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes which are most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response. These to Luthans are:- the work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, and supervision and co-workers. A civil servant who can not get a sufficient wage will be faced with the problem of maintaining his or her family’s life. This problem puts the civil servant far from being satisfied.

Job satisfaction cannot be talk of where there is absence of motivation. Low wages and lack of status and social security affect motivation. Job satisfaction of the civil

servant who has an important place in the information society will affect the quality of the service he renders. In this respect, the question of how the material and moral element affect the job satisfaction of the civil servant gains importance. Job satisfaction is so  important  in  that  its  absence  often  leads  to  Lethargy and reduced organizational commitment. Lack of job satisfaction is a predictor of quitting a job sometimes workers may quit from public to the private sector and vice versa. At the other times the movement is from one profession to another that is considered a greener pasture.

Nigerian public sector is grappling with dwindling economy and its concomitants such as poor conditions of service and late payment of salaries which result in, people tending to migrate to better   and   consistently   paying   jobs.   From   this   viewpoint satisfaction on a job might be motivated by the nature of the job. it pervasive social climate and extent to which workers peculiar needs are met. Working conditions that are similar to local and international standard and extent to which they resemble work conditions of other professions

in the locality. Other inclusions are the availability of power and status, pay satisfaction, promotion opportunities, and task charity.

One cannot ignore these signals. If job satisfaction is going down among workers in the public sector, it will have negative effects on the quality of the services. Not only because lesser motivated workers will deliver services of a lower quality, but also because it will make the public sector less attractive as an employer. This certainly will have adverse repercussions in a tight labour market.

Civil servant satisfaction rating is measured by the degree of his/her productivity, retention, absenteeism, grievance expression, tardiness, low morale, and other factors. Employees who are more productive and stay longer on job, highlight higher job satisfaction ratings. Lower satisfaction causes frequent absence from work. Low performance, work disruption and possible increase in administrative and training cost along with reduction in productivity.

When considering job satisfaction, probably the most important point to bear in mind is that many factors that affect it. What makes workers happy with their jobs varies from worker to workers and from day to day. Apart from the factors previously mentioned, job satisfaction is influenced by the employee’s personal characteristics, the manager’s personal characteristics and management style, and the nature of the work itself. Manager who want to maintain high levels of satisfaction in the workforce must understand the needs of each member of the workforce.

This research intends to study the factors which affect the job satisfaction in public sector organizations, with a particular reference to ministries and test the validity and generality of job satisfaction model which has been developed after the review of relevant literature.


The problem facing most organization in Nigeria especially the public sector is how to satisfy their workers to enhance produtivity in the ministry, over the years, has

suffered from low productivity, ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and lack of growth. This is as a result of non-motivation of the civil servant. Insufficient pay, lack of status and other related factors. This can lead to one of the following.

Incessant rate of strike in the public sector is quite alarming, workers demand for increment in salaries and allowances are denied. Thus resulting to poor dedication to duty. Lateness to work is always a dominant factors to contend with in the public sector organization. This can be as a result of lack of supervision of workers, non-challant   of superior officers to carry out punitive measures against this negligent act. Higher absenteeism is becoming a normal routine in the organization as an no one takes up the duty of checkmating. Everyone is his own boss, no restriction of movement, no specific time of coming to work and time of leaving.

The above mentioned factors are all dissatisfaction on the job, because if individual feels that he is been treated fairly from the outcome he receives, or the process used, he will be satisfied and put all his effort to move the organization forward.


Job satisfaction is one of the top issues for management and organization researchers. This is an attitude which shows the level of being happy or unhappy with the workplace, work and organization. That is, satisfied workers have positive perceptions and attitudes towards their organizations. Research shows that happy employees  are  productive  while  unhappy ones are not therefore, success of the organization depends on the satisfaction of their workforce. Organizations want their employees to be satisfied to become productive, efficient and committed.

Job satisfaction is not only a determining factor of occupational choice, but my also contribute to improving a firm’s competitiveness, productivity and growth potential. This makes it important to gain insight into the determinants of job satisfaction. Recognizing the above fact, this research will seek to find out to the effective job satisfaction in the ministries. The following will be looked into:

1.To examine the relationship between pay and job satisfaction.

2.To  examine  the  impact  of  job  satisfaction  on  employee performance.

3.To see the extent of relationship between promotion and job satisfaction.

4.To examine the policies and see how it affects job satisfaction.


This  work  intends  to  fined  answers  to  the  following questions:

1.Is there any relationship between pay and job satisfaction?

2.What   impact   does   job   satisfaction   have   on   employee performance?

3.What is the effect of promotion on job satisfaction?

4.What effect does the policy have on job satisfaction?


Based  on the objectives of this  study and the research questions above, the following hypotheses are formulated:

1.There is significant relationship between pay and job satisfaction.

2.There  is  positive  relationship  between  job  satisfaction  and employee performance.

3.Promotion enhances job satisfaction.

4.There is positive correlation between organizational policies and job satisfaction.


This research tends to cover the effective job satisfaction in public sector economy of Nigeria with particular reference to ministries in Enugu State.


The significance of this study can be viewed from two major standpoints, practical and academic.

Practical Significance

This kind of study will assist in broadening understanding or the scope of knowledge of the following.

!To managers in general, he must properly articulate the need components of the employees so as to enhance effective job satisfaction and this will be a guide.

!To policy makers and regulators in the public sector; it will

present a scheme, through its analysis that could assist them in enunciating policies that will have a positive impact on the workers.

!To economic watchers and the interested public, it will provide

some insight into the job satisfaction of civil servants in the ministries.

Academic Significance

In the academic arena, this study will prove its importance in the following ways:

!It will contribute to the enrichment of the literature on job


!Its will suggest ways (of interest to academics) based on empirical evidence of enhancing effective job satisfaction in Nigerian public sector ministries.

!The study will serve as a body of reserved knowledge to be referred to by researchers.


The conduct of research in Nigeria and of course, -indeed, all developing countries is imbued with a lot of problems. However, in this particular research, the following problems are anticipated. i)Delays in filling and returning the questionnaires by respondents. ii)Limited use of varied analytical technique due to size of sample

and shortness of period of investigation.

iii)Financial constraint: smallness of smaple due to lack of fund, and inability of the researcher to expand her scope was also a result of financial constraint and time.

iv)Time is another constraint that the researcher encountered. This is because this research is restricted to a specific period.

The above mentioned problems may affect the quality of this work but at the end an invaluable sight is gained into the effective job satisfaction.


!Civil Servants/Public Worker

These  are  workers  in  government  corporations,  authorities, councils, board, and ministries, etc.


This is seen as salaries, wages and fringe benefits put together or the total financial emoluments.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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