- Background of the study
Collective Bargaining has come to be recognized as one of the major column of industrial relations especial in the process of industrial democracy. It plays an vital part in creating and sustaining industrial peace through early recognition of emergent areas of conflict and taking steps to remove them through dialogue and accord. But the machinery of collective bargaining is often maltreated through non-adherence to the basic principles that guide the practice of collective bargaining. Before going into Additional details, it might be proper to define collective bargaining in the context of this research work. Collective bargaining has been defined as negotiations about work conditions and terms of employment between an employer, a group of employers organizations and one or more representative works organization with a view to rack an Accord. From the above definition, it would be seen that collective bargaining aims primarily at brining both parties in a working relationship together for the intention of reaching accords on their mutual relationship. In most cases, collective bargaining has been sight only as an indispensable tool for wage increases. Nigeria has recently witnessed a huge increase in the number of industrial actions. No day passes in Nigeria without strikes or threats of strikes in one form or another. What was once thought to be a ‘British diseases seem to have become a Nigerian disease. In fact, strikes have become so endemic in Nigeria that even our courts would be prepared to take judicial notice of them.3 This development, however, is not very healthy. In the first place, it destroys the desired growth and development in the economy and secondly, Nigeria’s desire to encourage foreign investment will be hindered as no serious foreign investor will be willing to put down investments in a country bedevilled by bitter industrial disputes and strikes over wages and conditions of service. The implication of withdrawal of foreign investments may appear as another indication of a nose-diving economy.4 There is a firm international consensus that the right to freedom of association enables the workers to aggregate, join and form trade unions for the protection of their economic and other interests.5 Freedom of association is the key enabling right and the gateway to the exercise of a range of other rights at work. When workers join and form trade unions they are entitled to recognition for the purpose of collective bargaining with the employer with a view to improving the terms and conditions of the employment of workers. Thus, recognition of the workers right to freedom of association carries with it the recognition of the right to collective bargaining, as one of its important components.
Even though ages characteristic conspicuous in collective accords, collective bargaining is necessary of the corporate survival of organization for it is supposed to deal with virtually all problems that might affect development of the organization. Union produce security of employment for their members through collective bargaining or accord. They maintain and if possible raise wage levels of their members through collective bargaining with individual employers and the federation. They play an vital part in controlling the problems of work provided the legal assistance for their members and also anxious with education and training political propaganda. It is equally indispensable to note that the stronger the union the stronger the union the stronger their bargaining strength and the more money they are likely to win for their members.
There have been strike actions over the years in Nigeria, more especially during the civilian regime resulting in loss of labour time and low level of productivity. The Nigeria union of railway in October 1986 went on strike action and had to their destinations by 12.00 mid might keeping their passengers stranded. Due to poor relationship between the top management and the operatives, many organizations have not been able to enjoy industrial peace’s for a length of time. In Nigeria, workers are not well provided with good working problems and when profits are made the workers are not adequately provided for. Hence workers have held the opinion that their services are exploited. A coverage Nigerian workers is a person who came to work lake and go home early because he still regards his kind of jobs as the white mains job. In contrast a Nigerian centerpieces is as hard hearted as shylock. He has an insatiable tendency towards profit, which he does not honestly declare to the inland Reveres and would like to pay no wages to the workers if he can avoid it. Lack of communication between the employers and the employees seriously affects industrial relations in the country.
The researcher intends to find out how effectively collectives bargaining have been working in various organizations in the country with particular reference to the Nigeria Railway Corporation, Eastern Division – Enugu as a case study. It is the object of this researcher to substantiate whether the procedure for negotiations and settling trade Debate in Nigeria consequently followed and deviations, recommendations will be made.
This research is also conducted in partial fulfillment of the award of National Diploma (ND) in public Administration of the institute of management and technology, IMT, Enugu.
The signification of this study cannot be over emphasized especially in an organization, which requires industrial accord for management. Employee’s relationship and high productivity. He study help to meet up with the selective harmony reached at the bargaining table and the management on the other hand so as to dodge slow downs, strike, etc, in order to maintain industrial accord.
H0: Effective collective bargaining does not lead to industrial peace.
H1: Effective collective bargaining leads to industrial peace.
H02: Effective communication between management and employees does not lead to industrial peace.
H2: Effective communication between management and employees leads to industrial peace.
The scope of the study covers collective bargaining and industrial peace. But in the cause of the study there were some factors which militated against the scope of the study:
- a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
- b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
- c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.
Industrial Relation: This is the relationship between the employers or management and employees, as individuals or as a group; between supervisor and the worker (s) and between worker and his trade union.
Trade Union: This is a continuous association of wages earners for the purpose of maintaining or supervising the conditions of their working lives.
NECA: This means Nigerian employers consultative Associations.
Dispute: This is the difference between employees or between employers and workmen or worker and workmen, which
This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows
Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study
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