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The quantity of ceramic waste tile in Nigeria has been on the increase without consideration for potential reused or recycling. This increases the risk to public health due to the scarcity of land area. The growing problem can be solved if new disposal option other than landfill can be found. Continuous dependence on conventional materials for concrete is also leading to scarcity of its materials resulting to increase in construction cost. This research was carried out to establish the suitability of ceramic waste tile as aggregate for concrete production. Ceramic waste tile originate from broken, scrap and leftover tiles. The replacement proportion was 100% for both fine and coarse natural aggregates. A total number of 100 cubes were cast using nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with water cement ratio of 0.55 and tested for compressive and split tensile strength at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. Abrasion resistance and water absorption tests were carried out at 28 days of curing age. The results showed that at 28 days the compressive strength was 22.27N/mm2 and 19.46N/mm2, and split tensile strength of 2.94N/mm2 and 1.94N/mm2 for ceramic waste tile concrete and that of conventional concrete. This research concludes that the ceramic waste tile concrete has a higher strength and durability than conventional concrete and also recommends that the ceramic waste tile can be used as an alternative construction material for fine and coarse aggregate.


1.0                                                                         INTRODUCTION

1.1 Background of the Study

It has been estimated that about 30% of the daily production tile in the ceramic industry goes to waste (Senthamarai and Devadas, 2005). This waste is not recycled in any form at present. The ceramic waste is durable, hard and highly resistant to biological, chemical and physical degradation forces. As the ceramic waste is piling up every day, there is pressure on the ceramic industries to find a solution for its disposal. Meanwhile, conventional crush stone aggregate reserve are depleting fast, particularly in some desert region of the world (Senthamarai and Manoharan, 2005). The need to develop concrete with non-conventional aggregate is urgent for environmental and as well as economic reasons. Cement and aggregate, which are important constituents used in concrete production, are the vital materials needed for the construction industry. This inevitably led to a continuous and increase demand of natural materials used for their production. Parallel to the need for the utilization of the natural resources develop a growing concern to the environment and need to preserve natural resources, such as aggregate, by recycling alternative waste materials. Ceramic tiles are important construction materials used in almost all buildings. The production of these tiles normally starts from raw material, grinding and mixing, granulating by spray drying, pressing, firing and/or polishing and glazing (Wattanasiriwech et al, 2009). Ceramic waste can be transformed into useful coarse aggregate. The properties of ceramic waste coarse aggregate are well within the range of the value specify for concrete making aggregates. The properties of ceramic waste coarse aggregate concrete are not significantly different from those of conventional concrete. According to (Binnici, 2007) the use of ceramic waste coarse aggregate concrete has increased because it has various advantages over other cementitious materials. Homogeneous ceramic tiles waste can be used as a replacement to natural crushed stones, as their properties are similar to the natural coarse aggregates (Mashitah et al, 2008). Recycled concrete obtained through partial substitution of natural coarse aggregate is suitable for structural purposes (Medina et al, 2009). Concrete with ceramic waste powder has a minor strength loss but possess increased durability performance because of its pozzolanic properties. As for the replacement of traditional coarse aggregates by ceramic coarse aggregates, the results are promising but they underperform slightly in water absorption meaning that the replacement of traditional sand by ceramic sand is a better option (Pacheco and Jalali, 2010). Ceramic scrap can be partially used to replace conventional coarse aggregates (10% and 20%), without affecting its structural performance (Reddy and Reddy, 2007). Tavakoli et al ( 2013) shows that using tile as a coarse aggregate there is no reduction in the strength of concrete, but also increase the compressive strength of it up to 30% and in higher percent (up to 40%) bear no negative impact on compressive strength. The strength of the samples which include tile has been reported to be very similar to each other. Khaloo (1995) investigated the use of crushed tiles as a source of coarse aggregate in concrete. The research shows that crushed tile had a lower density and a higher water absorption value compared to those of natural crushed stone. The concrete made with 100% crushed tile as the coarse aggregate had a lower density and higher compressive (+2%), tensile (+70%) and flexural (+29%) strengths. Kanaka et al (1992) Found that crushed ceramic aggregate can be used to produce lightweight concrete, without affecting the strength. Brito (2005) suggested that ceramic tile aggregates can be used in elements in which the primary requirement is not compressive strength. However, it can be used in members wherein tensile strength and abrasion resistance are of primary importance, such as for concrete pavement slabs.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Concrete is the most widely construction material. This has led to an increase in the rates of the materials used to make concrete that is aggregates and cement. The extensive use of concrete has led to high consumption of aggregates. Continuous usage of this non-renewable resource would cause the depletion of this natural aggregate for the use of future generation. The generation of ceramic waste tile continued to increase during construction and lots of the ceramic waste tile goes to waste, scrap and leftover. The waste has been dump and stockpiled at landfill, thus causing disposal problem in large quantity since the waste are pilling every day. Hence, these ceramic waste tile has been used either fine or coarse aggregate. However, the combined use of tile as fine and coarse aggregate to wholly replace conventional aggregates in concrete has not been studied. From the standpoint of sustainability, use of recycled materials as aggregates provides several advantages. Landfill space used for disposal is decreased, and existing natural aggregate sources are not as quickly depleted. In addition with the global economic recession couple with the market inflatationary trends the constituent materials used for structures had led to a very high cost of construction. Using ceramic waste tile as aggregate in production of concrete materials would reduce the environmental problem by utilizing the waste and also reduces the cost of the concrete. Reclaiming land degraded by quarrying is also an expensive process and takes time to salvage its glory

1.3 Justification for the Study

The experimental study could establish the suitability of ceramic waste aggregate for concrete production. Since it is clearly known and understood that the rising cost of concrete production limits the use of concrete, a study on the alternative readily available materials (like ceramic waste aggregates) can lead to cheaper concrete. Also from environmental point of view, recycling of these wastes would help in the protection of environment against excessive exploitation of granite and the accompanying environmental degradation. The result of this research may lead to the use of ceramic waste tiles aggregate instead of sand and crushed granite for production of concrete.

1.4 Aim and Objectives

1.4.1 Aim

The aim of this research is to assess the properties of concrete made with ceramic waste tiles as fine and coarse aggregates, this is with a view to establishing its suitability for use in the production of concrete.

1.4.2 Objectives

The stated aim was pursued through the following objectives:

  1. To assess the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic waste aggregate
  2. To establish a suitable mix ratio for the production of concrete with ceramic waste aggregate
  • To assess the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic waste aggregate concrete.
  1. To compare the result of ceramic waste tile and that of conventional concrete

1.5    Research Design


Select a research topic

Literature review

Research Proposal

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Conclusion and recommendations

Figure 1.0 Research Design


Checking of past researches and identified specific problem .A review of existing literature from journals, text books and internet sources to achieve the objectives. Preparation of Proposal which will contain the following

  • Back ground to the study
  • Statement of the research problem
  • Justification of the study
  • Aim and Objectives

Data for the research were collected from laboratory test results. Data were analyzed/compared using simple statistical tools as percentages and arithmetic means Include summary of findings/ Result and contribution to knowledge

1.6 Scope and Delimitations

1.6.1 Scope

The study is restricted to laboratory experimental tests on the physical and mechanical properties such as tensile strength, compressive strength, abrasion resistance and water absorption test.

1.6.2 Delimitations

The research would not cover areas such as flexural strength, porosity, and permeability tests. It was tested on areas specified.


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