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1-5 chapters |


Domestic violence has caused so many issues in the life of many Nigerians; separating families and friends. Nigeria has always being a very peaceful nation for a very long time; the question is; where did it all went wrong?

Ajegunle as the cast study is a very populated area in the heart of Lagos with people of different socio-economic background; mainly families with below income average.

The main inhabitants of this area of Lagos are mainly illiterates, from humble back ground.

The major cause of domestic violence in Ajegunle is due to the high level of poverty. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), a survey is an attempt to collect data from members of a population in order to determine the current status of that population with respect to one or more variables., the researcher targeted the ten sub-location in Ajegunle with 1000 families making up the study population anda sample of 302 respondents.

Conclusion and recommendation was made at end of the study.






1.1       Background to the Study

1.2       Statement of Problem

1.3       Research Question

1.4       Research Hypothesis

1.5       Aims and Objectives of Study

1.6       Significance of Study

1.7       Scope of Study

1.8       Limitation of Study

1.9       Definition of terms



2.0       Introduction

2.1       What is domestic violence?

2.2       Types of domestic violence

2.4       Impacts/Consequences

2.5       Influence of drug abuse on domestic violence among families

2.6       Influence of cultural beliefs on domestic violence

2.7       Influence of level of education on  domestic violence  among families

2.8       Theoritical Framework



3.1       Introduction

3.2       Research design

3.3       Sources of Data

3.4       Population of the study

3.5       Sample size and sampling procedures

3.6       Instrumentation

3.7       Reliability

3.8       Validity

3.9       Method of Data Collection

3.10     Method of Data Analysis

3.13     Ethical consideration



4.1 Introduction

4.2 Demographic characteristics of respondents.

4.2.1     Characteristics of the respondents by age.

4.3.2 Characteristics of the respondents by gender.

4.3.3 Characteristics of the respondents by level of education

4.4 Influence of socioeconomic status on domestic violence among families.

4.4.1 Socioeconomic status influencing domestic violence

4.5 Influence of emotional abuse on domestic violence

4.5.1: Forms of emotional abuse and domestic violence

4.6 Influence of cultural beliefs on domestic violence

4.6 Forms of cultural beliefs on domestic violence

4.7 Influence of drug abuse on domestic violence

4.7.1 Forms of drug abuse on domestic violence.

4.8 Influence of the level of education on domestic violence

4.8.1 Influence of the level education on domestic violence




5.1 Introduction

5.2 Summary of the study findings

5.3 Conclusions

5.4 Recommendations




1.1 Background to the Study

Domestic violence has caused so many issues in the life of many Nigerians; separating families and friends. Nigeria has always being a very peaceful nation for a very long time; the question is; where did it all went wrong?

Ajegunle as the cast study is a very populated area in the heart of Lagos with people of different socio-economic background; mainly families with below income average.

The main inhabitants of this area of Lagos are mainly illiterates, from humble back ground.

The major cause of domestic violence in Ajegunle is due to the high level of poverty. Families find it difficult eat, pay their children school fees; when the parents can no longer provide for their children, the children starts engaging themselves in illegal acts like stealing and other social vices. Some of the children end up becoming members of different cult groups; they begin to steal, kill to survive; when finally they are being apprehended by the police or killed by other cult groups, the whole fiasco will land on their families respectively.

On the 22nd April 2016 in Ajegunle; a father and three of his sons were killed by a group called one million boys. The people that raised the alarm were claiming that the boys were thugs sent by somebody; but the truth is; nobody knows exactly what lead to the death of the man and his three children; it might be a fault of one of the son, it can still be that they were actually being attacked by thugs.

Domestic violence increases on daily bases in this area of Lagos; families are not united; parents cannot give account of their children as to where they are; what they are doing, how they are surviving out there. The life that most children live is as a result of the care and guidance given to them by their parents.

Most of the people in Ajegunle still practice the old time tradition where a man have more than one wife; such homes if there are no compatibility of any kind, there will be a huge crises in their families.

Finally another cause of domestic violence in Ajegunle is as a result of over population in this area, most of the building there is clustered together; no privacy, poor security etc. this can lead to misunderstanding among families.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Domestic violence has being a thorn on the lives of most families in Ajegunle local government area of Lagos, the federal government of Nigeria has always kicked against domestic violence; if domestic violence is not being controlled at the early stage, this can grow to become a major crises in Nigeria. The federal governments of Nigeria, families, friends are looking for a way out of this situation in most of the local areas in Nigeria. Most parents do not start at the early stage to correct these issues until it goes out of control.

1.3 Research Question

  1. What are the roles of parents in the resolution of domestic violence in Ajegunle?
  2. What could be the major causes of domestic violence in Ajegunle?
  3. Does domestic violence have any significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria?
  4. Does the federal government intervention on the issue of domestic violence have any significant effect on the level of crises in Nigeria?
  5. Does education help to reduce the effect of domestic violence?
  6. Does the family background have any significant effect on domestic violence in Ajegunle?
  7. Could high rate of poverty in this area be the major causes of violence in Ajegunle?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

H0: Domestic violence does not have significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria

H1: Domestic violence has significant effect on the socio-economic development of Nigeria

H0: The family background does not have significant effect on level of domestic violence in Ajegunle

H1: The family background has significant effect on level of domestic violence in Ajegunle

1.5 Aims And Objectives Of Study

The aims of the research work are to find out:

  1. The roles of parents in the resolution of domestic violence in Ajegunle.
  2. The major causes of domestic violence in Ajegunle
  3. The effect of domestic violence on the socio-economic development of Nigeria.
  4. The role of the federal government intervention on the issue of domestic violence in Nigeria.
  5. If education help to reduce the effect of domestic violence.
  6. If the family background have any significant effect on domestic violence in Ajegunle.
  7. The effect of high level of poverty on the level of domestic violence in Nigeria.

1.6 Significance Of Study

The research work is an interesting one; as it will discuss in detail the origin of domestic violence in Ajegunle, the best way to eradicate domestic violence in this area of Lagos; the research work will discuss the effect of domestic violence on the socio-economic development of Nigeria and the roles of education in the resolution of domestic violence in Ajegunle.

1.7 Scope Of Study

The research work is only limited to the causes and effect of domestic violence in Nigeria.

1.8 Limitation Of Study

FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS: The researcher was unable to go to all the areas of Ajegunle; but he was able to get all the information needed for the purpose of the research work from the responses of the respondents in Ajegunle, Lagos

TIMES CONSTRAINTS: the research was involve in other departmental activities like attending lectures, doing other assignments, but the research was able to meet up with the time given for the submission of the research work.

1.9 Definition of terms

Abuse refers to an improper usage or treatment of an entity, often to unfairly or an improperly gain benefit

Cultural beliefs refers to a way of life of group of people, the behaviours, beliefs, values and symbols that they accept generally without thinking about them and that are passed from one generation to the next.

Drug refers to a chemical substance that has known biological effect on human or other animals.

Domestic violence refers to Violent or aggressive behaviour within the home,      typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

Education refers to a process of facilitating learning, knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of people.

Emotions refer to a person‘s state of mind and instinctive responses.

Family refers to a group consisting of two people and their children living together as a unit related by blood, marriage or adoption.

Socioeconomic refers to social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes.

Violence refers to a behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage or kill someone or something.

Ward refers to a sub division of local authority area headed by Member of County Assembly.

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