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Complex social ecological systems such as artisan fisheries require the inclusion of human dimensions in fisheries management and planning for simultaneously preserving human health and habitat health. Fishery production is significant to Nigerian economy in view of its roles in providing cheap source of food/nutrition security, income, employment and serves as source of foreign exchange particularly those of the riparian communities. Despite these significant roles, the fisheries subsector is faced with huge challenges such as; decreasing yield, inefficient management of fishing policy, inadequate technical and commercial knowledge among others, thereby limiting its production potentials. The possibility of fish production especially artisanal fisheries to match up with fish productivity in the economy depends on fishing operation, efficient use of labour, sustainable and efficient management of fishing policy. Therefore, the essence of this study is to review the challenges in fish production in Nigeria; economic perspective with emphasis on the role of fisheries in economic development, decreasing fish yield, market forces and resource inefficiency.





  • Background of the study

The traditional fishing sector contributes in a crucial way to human nutrition and to social and economic progress. Fishing and agriculture provide 6% of the total protein and 16% of the total animal protein annually consumed by humanity. Fish production in Nigeria comes from three sources; artisanal (inland rivers, lakes, costal and brackish water), aquaculture (fish farm) and industrial fishing (Otubusin, 2011). However, the vast majority of the fish supply in most cases comes from the artisanal sub-sector. Fish production in Nigeria has not been consistent in all the sources (artisanal inland, aquaculture and industrial fishing). Total domestic fish production in Nigeria ranges between 242,525 and 615,507 metric tons from 1981-2007 and has not been consistent (FDF, 2008). In 1981, the artisanal fishery production was about 150,000 metric tons and dropped sharply to about 60,000 metric tons in 1985. Thereafter, it continued increasing with fluctuations between 100,000-200,000 metric tons between 1996 and 2006 and raised to about 240,000 metric tons in 2007. On the other hand, aquaculture which is fast developing in recent maintained, a relatively steady rate of less than 50,000 metric tonnes from 1983 up to 2003. The rapid growth in the aquaculture sub-sector in the last decade has led to a geometric increase in production ranging from less than 50,000 metric tons to more than 100,000 metric tons from 2004-2010. Worldwide, the fishing sector indirectly gives employment to 50 million people in services, transformation, transport and commercialization. Thus, its social, economic, political and cultural importance is confirmed. Women carry out a very important role in the fishing sector in spite of this not being reflected in official statistics. Despite this situation, the traditional fishing sector doesn’t receive the recognition it deserves. It is marginalized or excluded by diverse organisations responsible for coming up with development policies (international organisations, governmental and non-governmental organisations). On the other hand, artisan activity has to confront the progressive diminishing of it resources as it competes with industrial fishing that operates in the same spaces, with the same resources and for the same markets. However, they do so in totally unequal conditions Nigeria, like many other countries in sub Saharan Africa is endowed with substantial marine and inland fisheries resources upon which the fisheries sector is based. Nigeria has a land area of 923,768 km2 with a continental shelf area of 47,934 km2 and a length of coast line of 853 km. It also has a vast network of inland waters like rivers, flood plains, natural and manmade lakes and reservoirs (Shimang, 2005). Small-scale fisheries are a highly significant source of fish production contributing to two-thirds of global catches for direct human consumption (FAO, 2015). In developing countries, artisan fisheries are estimated to employ roughly 37 million people, and directly affect the livelihoods of residents of marine, brackish and freshwater ecosystems resulting in poverty prevention and alleviation, as well as food security of approximately 357 million others (GIZ, 2013). There is a general understanding that small-scale fisheries are failing to fulfill their potential as an engine of social and economic development. In many developing countries like Nigeria, the small scale fisheries lack enabling conditions and receive the least priority in terms of consideration in developmental processes. Weak governance is a key underlying cause responsible for overfishing and other problems that are characterized by underlying factors especially corruption, poor stakeholder participation, poor enforcement of laws, weak institutional capacity, overcapacity of fishing fleets, and illegal fishing (Purcell and Pomery, 2015).



Fishing is an important activity for the economies of developing and developed countries and Nigeria specifically. The oceanographic, biochemical, geographical, and climatic characteristics of marine and coastal ecosystems of the region have benefited it with some of the most productive fisheries on the planet. In 2018 alone, the region’s fisheries exports exceeded $16 billion. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, fish production in the region has shown a decline that has been accentuated in the last decade. The main factor behind this trend is overfishing due to several factors, among them: 1) the technological improvements in the search for schools of fish, 2) the introduction of more efficient fishing gear, 3) the uncontrolled entry of new participants in the fishing activity, 4) the establishment of non-targeted economic incentives, and 5) the adoption of inefficient or even non-existent management systems. In the case of the artisanal fisheries sector, we must consider other additional structural factors that have further intensified the problem described above. Specifically, the fishing sector is characterized by being informal, fragmented, heterogeneous, and dispersed. Its operational and technological nature is incipient, and consequently it concentrates its effort excessively in coastal areas of reduced extensions. It is in view of this that the researcher intend to examine the challenges facing artisanal fisheries in 21st century with emphasis on Agboyi LGA of Lagos state.


The study has one main objective which is subdivided into general objective and specific objectives. The general objective is to examine the challenges facing artisanal fisheries in 21st century. The specific objectives are;

  1. To examine the effect of artisanal fisheries on the economic growth of Agboyi LGA of Lagos state
  2. To examine the relationship between artisanal fisheries and fish production in Nigeria
  • To examine the challenges of artisanal fish production in Nigeria
  1. To examine the role of artisanal fisheries on preserving human health and habitat health

The following research questions where formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

  1. Is there any effect of artisanal fisheries on the economic growth of Agboyi LGA of Lagos state?
  2. Is there any significant relationship between artisanal fisheries and fish production in Nigeria
  • Are they challenges of artisanal fish production in Nigeria?
  1. Does artisanal fisheries play any role on preserving human health and habitat health?

The following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher to aid the completion of the study;

H0: There is no significant relationship between artisanal fisheries and fish production in Nigeria

H1: There is a significant relationship between artisanal fisheries and fish production in Nigeria

H0: There are no challenges of artisanal fish production in Nigeria

H2: There are is a challenges of artisanal fish production in Nigeria


It is believed that at the completion of the study the findings will be of great importance to the artisan fisher men in the study area as the study is geared towards ameliorating the challenges of artisan fishing in Nigeria. The study will also be of great importance to researchers who intend to embark on a study in a similar topic as the study will serve as a reference point to further studies. The study will also be of great importance to researchers, academia’s, students, lecturers and the general public as the findings of the study will add to the pool of existing literature on the subject matter and also contribute to knowledge on the subject matter.


The scope of the study covers the challenges facing artisanal fisheries in 21st century using Agboyi LGA of Lagos state. But in the course of the study, there are factors that limit the scope of the study;


  1. a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
  2. b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
  3. c) Individual privacy: Limited Access to the selected artisan fisher men makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.



Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are often caught in the wild but may also be caught from stocked bodies of water. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, and netting, angling and trapping.

Artisanal fishing

Artisanal fishing consists of various small-scale, low-technology, low-capital, fishing practices undertaken by individual fishing households.

Traditional fishing

Traditional fishing is any kind of small scale, commercial or subsistence fishing practices using traditional techniques such as rod and tackle, arrows and harpoons, throw nets and drag nets, etc.

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