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Housing is a basic need of every human being just as food and clothing. Density simply refers to how much of a particular object or thing there is in a particular unit of space. The aim of this research work is to analyze urban land use planning, with the view to knowing the major density type and the area exhibiting the highest residential land use in Minna metropolis.  This research analyses housing densitie, social services and infrastructure and the environment surrounding the selected neighbourhoods. The sample frame for the research work   consist of ten neighbourgoods which are GRA, Barikinsale, Shango, Dusen-Kura, Tudunwada-South, Fadipe, Kpakungun, Maitunbi, Sabongari and Bosso. The sample size of 5 percent was used for the research work and purposive sampling technique was used to administer the questionnaire for this research work.  Primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics, quantitative method was also employed to analyze housing densities in the selected ten neighbourhoods. The result from the field survey revealed that the highest density that is dominant in Minna metropolis is the high density out of the three types of densities existing in planning, the research also revealed that neighbourhoods with high density are more prone to environmental hazards such as erosion, noise pollution, infrastructural degradation. Areas characterized with high density have more negative challenges in terms of infrastructure, facilities and social services, some of the available infrastructure are no more functioning the ones that are still functioning are over stress. The obscene are principally due to limited intervention by the urban authorities to augment local initiatives. In conclusion, the highest housing density in Minna is high density, most of the infrastructure in the sampled neighbourhoods are in poor conditions and also environmental condition of most of the neighbourhoods are very bad. It was recommended that government and stake holders should re-think high density planning and consider how this can be of great help in urban centers in Minna, government should also work with the local neighbourhood associations available within the neighbourhoods to know the needs of the people and how best to plan for the people.



1.1     Background to the Study

Housing is the most important needs of every human just as food and clothing. Housing is very essential to the welfare, survival and health of human. Housing can be seen as the best indicators of measuring a man’s standard of living and position in the society which is very important to the existence of man. The Procedure to own a land in this part of developing country involves access to land, financial resources, good building plans and man power with the necessary social amenities to make the shelter functional, convenient, aesthetically pleasing, safe and hygienic to the environment while unsanitary, unhygienic, unsafe and inadequate housing can affect the security, physical health and privacy of man.

Urban planning is concerned with the design and regulation of urban spaces, such as cities and towns. One of the many factors that urban planners considers is the issue of density which is referred to how much of a particular object or things there is in particular unit of space. In urban planning and design, housing density is concerned with how many dwelling units exist in a given area of land, such as city block or a residential neighborhood (Keeble, 1972). Density has numerous definitions and methods of measurement. For example, when density is seen as how many housing units are in a development designated for housing, or dwelling units per acre, it is the parcels that comprise the subdivision. And when it is the area included in development projects or neighborhood blocks, then housing density can be seen as the provision of an established method that can be used to quantify the intensity of development and a strong indicator of amenity and environmental quality (Tibaijuka, 2009; Ndayako & Kawu, 2012).

Studies revealed that high residential densities can increase physical activities of the residents. For example, in the USA, those states with strong urban containment policies display high rates of relaxation time for physical activities and good transportation system such as cycling, walking, jogging and other form of exercises for recreation purposes than those without such policies (Aytur et al., 2008). Healthy development and good physical activities can be associated to good neighbourhood built environment which can also have great influence in on the behavioral mechanism of those within the neighbourhood.

The neighbourhood environment can assist the adoption and maintenance of an active life style and affect the physical and mental well-being and produce good quality of life and good standard of living for those living the neighbourhood. The physical and the behavioral mechanism at which the environment may affect the physical and mental well- being of those living in the neighbourhood is not really understood by planners. The major cause of environmental pollution in most of the developing countries can be seen as the increase in population, most of the activities of man have both negative and harmful effects on the environment within the neighbourhood (Ester et al., 2016).

Infrastructure is an important aspect of a nation and it should be managed and taken seriously. The type of infrastructure varies from road, health, portable water, electricity, national  assets  all  focused  at  the comfort  and  development  of  the nation  at  large. Sustainable infrastructure can help to promote strong economic development, job opportunities, and the transaction of local goods and services with the neighbourhoods, but most of the available infrastructure in the developing countries such as Nigeria are under stress and in very bad position because of the increase in population and lack of maintenance.   Also, infrastructure decay in Nigeria can be linked to issues of rapid development crises in Nigeria (Uchechi et al., 2014). This study will not only enlighten the populace on the importance of density and infrastructures alone, but it will also bring to the notice of the populace about the effect of density on the environment, it will provide insight on the need and factors that influence density selection and preference in selected neighborhoods in Minna and how denser these neighborhood are in Minna.

1.2     Statement of the Research Problem

Density is an essential part of planning, without density the neighbourhood design might not be functional and the whole city at large.  The study of density, environment and infrastructure can help neighbourhoods to be lot more effective and viable beyond a certain threshold and boost the economy for effective productivity.

Density, environment and infrastructure are therefore essential to sustain development and this is demonstrated using Minna as a case study. This research work accessed housing densities in Minna, its environment as well as the infrastructural decay which has not been given much attention by the researchers. It also looked at the major density type in Minna and the neighbourhood that has the highest residential land use, while this was done by Obateru in Lagos to know the neighbourhood that exhibited the highest residential  land  use  and  it  was  discovered  that  Lagos  Island  exhibited the  highest residential land use in 2005 (Obateru 2005). This has been looked into in Minna in this research work. A total number of ten neighbourhoods in Minna were considered in order to identify the neighbourhood with the highest residential land use and the highest density type in Minna.

The growth of counties mostly depends on the proper provision of infrastructure which is the ability necessary to enhance business growth, development of science and technology and the improvement of the nation’s research. Quality and standard infrastructure allows the citizens to express themselves creatively, innovatively, fully employed, independent, creators of wealth and availability of sustainable security. But in Minna, little attention has been given to infrastructural related studies and other environmental and housing density issues.  Most of the available social facilities and infrastructure are in a state of degradation and some are no more functioning at all  creating developmental crisis (Atuaya 2012).

1.3   Research Questions

To clearly provide direction to this study, the following research questions were framed:

1.         What is the main housing density type in Minna?

2.         What are the Housing conditions in the study area?

3.         What are the conditions of social services and infrastructure provision available in the study areas?

4.         What are the environmental conditions and problems in the study areas?

1.4      Aim and Objectives of the study

The aim of this research work is to analyze urban land use planning in the area of housing densities, environment and infrastructure, with the view to knowing the major density type and the area exhibiting the highest residential land use in Minna metropolis.

The objectives of the study were to:

1.   Assess housing densities in Minna

2.   Assess housing conditions in the study area

3.    Examine social services, facilities and infrastructure provision in residential neighbourhoods of the study areas.

4.   Assess environmental conditions and problems in the selected neighbourhoods of Minna.

1.5      Scope of the Research

This research is focused on housing density, environments and infrastructure in Minna. The research employed qualitative approach to assess housing densities in Minna. This research focused on ten neighbourhoods in Minna which are Bosso, Maitumbi, Dutsen Kura, Fadipe, Barikin Sale, Shango, Tudun wada South and Kpakungu and Sabon gari. These ten (10) neighbourhoods were selected due to the similarity of the characteristics with others they represent including their near centrality in terms of locations.

1.6     Justification of the Research

Since density is the most important part of sustainable development, it is important to know that the contribution of this research  works cannot be overemphasized. This research provided the awareness, understanding and guidance on importance housing densities and the highest density in Minna, the environmental aspect of the neighbourhoods selected and the infrastructure available to serve the selected neighbourhood and also the conditions of the infrastructure available in these neighbourhoods. The research work made use of qualitative method of data analysis with the use of purpose sampling technique for the sampling size.

This  study will  go  a long way in  assisting efforts  towards housing provision  and infrastructure in Minna and also provision of suitable environmental conditions.

1.7    Study Area

Minna, the administrative capital of Niger State is located on Latitude 9˚ 37’N and Longitude 6033/E (Longman, 2003). It is made up two Local Government Areas of Bosso and Chanchaga, Minna is 135km away from Abuja the Capital of Nigeria (Figures 1.1 and 1.2) and it is common to find significant number of people who live in Minna but work in Abuja thereby commuting on a daily basis (Sanusi, 2006).

Source: Niger State Ministry of Land and Housing, Minna (2012)

The map of Minna shows the road network and the smaller towns and communities that make up the city. In terms of topography the city lies on a relatively high land between 240m – 270m above sea level which greatly determines the climate of the region. The climate of Minna is such that the average annual rainfall is about 1334mm with the highest rainfall experienced in the month of September, the average temperature is about 30.50C which explains the need for environmentally friendly building designs to ensure sustainability (Popoola, 2015). Minna, is believed to be surrounded by continuous stretch of sometimes steep line of hills with varying heights which has encouraged quarry business in the fast expanding metropolis.

Source: Adapted from Popoola (2015)

The population of Niger State is put at 3,950,249 in 2006 based on data from the National Population Commission (2008). Minna is often referred to as a civil servant city with large proportion of the dwellers working with either the State or Federal Governments. Commercial activities are often limited small scale shops within residential areas to the shop owners along the major roads within the city. There is only one major market in Minna which is located along the Western bye-pass of the city which is called Engr. A. A. Kure Modern Market.

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