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The  study  comparatively  analysed  the  technical  efficiencies  of  broiler  and  egg  production enterprises in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select

108 broiler and 108 layer farmers. The data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics, stochastic frontier production function; gross margin analysis and likert scale rating techniques. The result showed that majority, broiler (58.7%) and layer (55.6%) farmers were within the age of

41-60 years with mean ages of 43 and 44 years for broiler end egg farmers respectively. Male (broiler 92.6% and layers 93.5%) dominated poultry production in the study area, majority of the farmers were married ( broiler 90.7% and layer 90.7% ), majority(broiler 49% and layer 44.4%) had tertiary education, with mean years of education of 13 and 14  years for broiler and layer farmers respectively. Furthermore, majority (broiler 66.7% and layer 50.0%) had household sizes of 6-10, with mean household size of 8 and 9 persons for broiler and layer farmers respectively.

74.1% of broiler and 30.6% of layer farmers do not belong to any cooperative society, 90.7% and

92.6%  broiler  and  layer  farmers  respectively  had  no  extension  contact.  The  mean  technical efficiency was 0.68 and 0.79 for broiler and layer farmers respectively. The inefficiency model revealed that age of farmer was negative and significant (p<0.10), level of education was positive and significant  (p<0.05)  while  farming  experience  was negative  and  significant  (p<0.05) and credit  status  was  negative  and  significant  (p<  0.10)  for  broiler  farmers.  However,  for  layer farmers, age of farmers was negative and significant  (p<0.01), credit status was negative and significant  (p<0.01),  membership  of  cooperative  was  negative  and  significant  (p<0.01).  The coefficients of the production factors for broiler farmers revealed that labour and farm size were positive and significant. On the other hand, the coefficient of production factors for layer farmers revealed  that  labour,  feed,  farm  size,  capital  inputs  were positive  and  significant.  The mean technical efficiency of broiler and layer farmers were 0.68 and 0.79 respectively. Broiler and layer farmers were not fully technically efficient and do not operate on the same level of technical efficiency.  The  costs  and  returns  analysis  showed  the  gross  margin  of  N447,689.598  and N748,347.640     for  broiler  and  layer  enterprises  respectively.  The  study  identified  lack  of government support, high cost of feed, lack of credit facilities, poor management practices, high rate of mortality,  inadequate  power  supply,  high cost  of transportation,  inadequate  extension services, and lack of organised market as constraints facing poultry farmers in the study area.



1.1      Background of the Study

The livestock industry is very important in the Nigerian economy because it provides a good source of animal protein such as meat, milk and egg that are rich in the essential amino acids required  for body functions  (Adepoju,  2008).The  industry,  according  to Okunmadewa  (1999) provides raw materials such as wool, hides and skin for the development of local industries using them to produce items such as clothing, shoes, jackets and rugs for human use. Animal protein is important in the human diet for growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues, maintaining the water balance of the body tissues  and for formation of hormones and emzymes(Tanko  & Aji,


Poultry is a collective term for all avian species nutritionally and economically useful to man (Okoli, 2006). The most important poultry species remains the domestic fowl  commonly called chicken not only because of its universal availability but also because it provides important highly relished  human foods (Tanko  & Aji, 2014). The other domestic  avian species classed under poultry include turkey, duck, guinea fowl, goose and pigeon.

However, with continued population growth, urbanization, income growth, changes in life styles and food preferences, it was projected that meats and egg  demand in the developing world will double between 1995 and 2020 to 190 million tons and increase by 25 percent in developing countries to 122 million tonnes (Delgado, Rosengrat, Steinfeld & Courbois, 1999). Demand for meat will grow faster than cereals in the developing world by 2.8 percent per year compared with 1.8 percent for cereals (Pinshup, Pandya & Rosegrant, 1997).

The problems of food insecurity and hunger in recent years have continued to attract the attention  of experts  and  Governments  worldwide  (Babatunde,  Omotosho  & Sholotan,  2007).

Several conferences and world food summits on human nutrition have brought back to  centre- stage for debate the issue of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, (Food and  Agricultural Organisation (FAO), 2003). FAO (1995) also asserted that the most critical in the global food basket crisis is protein, especially of animal origin. The poultry industry represents the fastest and most economic means of bridging the animal protein shortage gap  (Olufemi &Adeolu , 2013). FAO  (1998)  puts  the  current  average  level  of  animal  protein  consumption  in  Nigeria  at

15g/head/day, which is grossly below the FAO recommended level of 35g/head/day.

According to Chukwuji, Inoni, Ogisi and Oyaide (2006), poultry production is attractive because, birds are able to adapt easily, have high economic value, rapid generation time and high rate of productivity that can result in production of meat within eight weeks and first egg within

18 weeks of first chick being hatched. They further stressed that poultry is an important source of animal protein,  income,  employment,  industrial  raw materials,  manure,  financial  security etc. Poultry  production  has  indeed  become  a  leader  in  the  livestock  industry  both  in  advanced management and technology.

The poultry industry in Nigeria has under gone a significant transformation since the early fifties from a backyard, peanut and primitive house hold-oriented husbandry to modern and large- scale poultry which can be found in the country side and urban centres today. Though the value of livestock  resources  have grown in absolute  terms in recent  years,  its  overall contributions  to Agricultural output remains dismally low, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN, 2006).

In Nigeria, animal protein, especially meat is expensive, in short supply and is out of reach to majority of the population (Ike & Ugwumba, 2011). The effect of inadequate animal protein intake is in fact more by a large proportion of the population especially in the rural areas, whose inhabitants constitute over 70% of the Nigerian population and who  constitute over 85% of the extreme poor in the country (Chukwuji et al., 2006). However, for the fact that they will be an

increase in population and demand for animal protein, poultry production is exploited  towards meeting these needs.

According to technical centre for Agricultural and Technical Cooperation (CTA, 2004), the second  half of 1990 saw a sharp  rise in importation  of poultry into  Sub-Saharan  Africa. Statistics from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations as reported by CTA (2004) reveals that importation of poultry to the region more than tripled between 1995 and 2002 rising from 97816 tonnes to 318102 tonnes. At the  same time, global exports almost doubled soaring from 5661000 tonnes to 9381000 tonnes. In 2003, Africa imported about 182,000 tonnes of chickens from the European Union (CTA, 2004). The bulk of the meat arrived by boats, deep frozen at prices that defy competition. In spite of this importations however, the total supply of livestock products still fall short of  the overall demand. However, the subsector is undergoing massive transformation fuelled by a high demand for meat which is likely to double in the near future(Gona, 2009).

According to Effiong, (2004), it is important to emphasize that farm production which is an  organization  of  resources  to  produce  outputs  involves  different  operations  with  varying technical  and  managerial  requirements.  Livestock  production  could  be  significantly  boosted through improved  efficiency of farms by utilizing resources  as well  as introducing  improved technology (Tanko & Aji, 2014). Efficiency is concerned with the  relative performance of the processes  used  in transforming  given  inputs  into  outputs  (Ohajianya  & Onyenweaku,  2001). Production   efficiency  means  attainment   of   production  goals  without  waste  (Ajibefun   & Daramola,  2003).  In essence,  the  efficient  utilization  of resources  in the  production  process implies optimal productivity of resources. Farmers in Nigeria need to improve their efficiency in poultry production  so that  output could be raised to meet the growing demand,  (Ojo, 2003). According  to Effiong  (2004)  an increase  in efficiency  would  lead  to an improvement  in the welfare of farmers and consequently a reduction in their poverty level and food insecurity.

1.2      Problem Statement

Bayelsa State is reported to have the third lowest poultry population in Nigeria (FMARD,

2006) which makes poultry products more expensive when compared to other states in Nigeria. Poultry meat and egg offer considerable  potential for bridging the nutritional gap in view of the fact that  the birds are easily adaptable to our environment and the technology of production is relatively  simple  with  returns  on  investment  reasonably  high  (Tanko  &  Aji,  2014).  Animal Scientists, economists and policy makers are of the opinion that developing the livestock industry is one of the options for bridging the generally known protein deficiency gap in Nigerians’ diet (Mbanasor & Nwosu, 2002 ).

Studies in the past have  been done separately on egg and broiler production enterprise, using various analytical tools such as mean difference  model, break even  analysis,  budgeting analysis, stochastic frontier production function, ordinary least squares and Seemingly Unrelated Regression   (SUR)   Model  in  estimating   technical   efficiency,   efficiency   of  resource   use, profitability, break-even point and cost and return (Adepoju, 2008; Mahama, Andah, Amegastie

& Mesah 2011; Taru, Nkwi, Medugu & Reuben, 2010; Olasunkanmi  2008; Ike &  Ugwumba,

2011; Olufemi & Adeolu, 2013; Ohajianya et al., 2013; Tanko & Aji,2014).

The uniqueness  of this research  is  however,  in the  fact that this is the  first time  the stochastic frontier would be used in estimating the technical efficiency of egg and broiler farmers in Bayelsa State. Studies like that of Tanko & Aji (2014) compared economic efficiency of broiler and egg production enterprises in Niger State; Ike and Ugwumba (2011) estimated profitability of Small Scale  broiler  production  in Onitsha  North Local  Government  Area  of Anambra  State. Losumkanmi & Bamiro (2008) examined economic performance of commercial poultry farms in Oyo state, Taru et al., (2011) examined the economics of broiler production in Meme Division of Cameroun,  Adepoju,  (2008)  worked  on  technical efficiency of egg production in Osun State, Olufemi & Adeolu (2013) assessed the economic analysis of factors affecting the profitability of broiler processing in Southwestern Nigeria and Etuk, Agom, Isika & Ididiong, (2007) worked on resource use efficiency of broiler enterprises in Cross River State with variations in techniques and results.

All these studies were carried out in other places but none in Bayelsa State. There is need to  develop  sound  knowledge  of  the  current  situation  as  regards  egg  and  broiler  producing enterprises in Bayelsa State of Nigeria, and most especially as regards the effective utilization of resources available  to farmers.

1.3      Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study was to comparatively analyse the technical efficiency of egg and broiler production enterprises in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

The specific objectives were to:

i.     describe the socio-economic characteristics of egg and broiler farmers;

ii.      compare the technical efficiency of egg and broiler farmers;

iii.      examine the factors that affects the technical efficiency of egg and broiler farmers;

iv.      derive the costs and returns of eggs and broiler enterprises; and

v.      identify the constraints associated with egg and broiler production in the study area.

1.4      Research Hypotheses

Based on the specific objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were tested:

i.         Ho1: Egg and broiler farmers are not fully technically efficient in their production activities;

ii.        H02: There  is no  significant  difference  in the technical  efficiencies  of egg  and broiler farmers.

1.5      Justification of this Study

Broiler  and  egg  production  enterprises  have  the  potential  to  enhance   agribusiness development, generate income and employment opportunity and as well close the widening gap

between the actual daily animal protein intake and the recommended daily animal protein intake by Nigerians as recommended by the Food and Agricultural Organization. The purchasing power of the population is abysmally low in relation to the prevailing high prices of nourishing foods in spite huge imports annually. There is therefore the need for efficiency in the management of egg and broilers farms at production, marketing and consumption levels, to achieve the objectives of making farming profitable and providing adequate protein supply in Nigeria so as to bridge the existing gap.  Hence, farmers and farm organisations who want to venture into broiler and egg production will find this study very useful.

To policymakers, this study will help formulate policies that will have a direct bearing on the farm which will enhance efficiency, leading to adequate animal protein for all.

1.6      Limitations of the Study

The major challenge encountered  was the inability of farmers to provide well recorded data concerning their inputs and outputs from their farm records. Nonetheless, efforts were made to get reliable data through interviews on one- on-one administration  of  questionnaires  to the respondents. Also accessibility of the study area posed a great challenge, because majority of the sampled areas were riverine which made it only accessible by water with exorbitant transportation cost. However, the researcher overcame this by lodging in a hotel for some days which saved cost and with the help of enumerators who were conversant with the area data were collected as fast as possible. This saved time, energy and money.

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