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This research work  focus on effectiveness of recruitment process in MTN telecommunication company Nigeria. Recruitment is a process is discover the source of manpower skills to meet the requirement of the staffing and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower skills in adequate number to facilitates effective selection of an efficient workforce. New processes and techniques employed by the company such as behaviour based interview talent alliance, employee referral and internet online recruitment which have revolutionized various recruitment process management.

The recruitment process has been dynamic in MTN telecommunication company Nigeria. It takes between 3-6 months for the whole exercise to complete, starting from the advertisement placement to the training. It has been reviewed that each successful candidate attends up to 3 different interviews before been employed.

This work has observed the need for continuous improvement     in      the      recruitment     process      in      MTN

Telecommunication Company Nigeria as the entire human nature is dynamic and recommended that there should be consistency in recruitment policies, adequate continuous training human resources are also necessary for proper work ethics, skills development  commitment  and  involvement,  team  work, Excellency, innovation and quality work.

The process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

Recommendation was made in the area of manpower (state) development (Training and motivation) and evaluation of selected and recruitment employees.



Before an organization can fill a job vacancy, it must find people who not only are qualified for the position but also who want  a  job.  Recruitment refers  to  organizational activities  that influence the number and type of applicants accept the jobs if offered. Thus recruitment is directly related to both human resources planning and selection, Joythi/Venkatesh (2006: 260).

Aswathappa (2003: 40) states that recruitment also forms the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first being the manpower planning. Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization. Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organization vacancies. In other words, it is a “linking activity” bringing together those with jobs and those seeks for jobs.

Companies are  now  looking  out  for  new  ways  of  giving themselves a competitive advantage. New product, new image and  new  marketing  idea  are  some  of  the  ways  this  can  be achieved but enlightened and successful companies look towards their people to provide the leading edge.

According to  Flippo E.B.,  (1978:  30)  “Recruitment is  the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization”. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers.

Ezigbo. (2011) states that the step of recruitment of prospective employees begins when the organization determines the various positions to be filled, develops job descriptions for these  positions,  and  conducts  a  skill  inventory  to  determine present and future human resource needs. Recruitment is  the generation of applications from applicants for specific positions. Recruitment is the process of looking for prospective employees and motivating them to apply for jobs in the organization. It is also defined as the process for identifying the sources of prospective candidates and to stimulate them apply for jobs.

Plunket/Attmers, (1999) stated that in recruitment, the organization is  attempting to  identify and  attract  candidates to meet the requirements of anticipated or actual position vacancies. The two devices used during this phase are the job description and job specification both which we developed as a result of job analysis.

Cole, (1996: 328) Defines recruitment as a policy constitutes the code of conduct which the organization is prepared to follow in its search for possible recruit in the market place. It also stated that  the  aim  of  recruitment is  to  ensure  that  the  organization demand for employees is met by attracting potential employees (recruits) in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Dele (1987) in his own opinion posits that recruitment may mean bringing in a few candidates for single position or correcting hundreds of thousands for a major expansion; furthermore, he noted that in any large company, it is likely to be a continuing job since positions our constantly opening up as employees leave, retire or die.

Going by the above author’s contributions in relation to recruitment, it has becomes obvious that recruitment is a process through which qualified applicants are identified. And/or attracted to an organization for purpose of filling in the vacant positions.

Essentially, the study therefore, will focus on an examination of the effectiveness of recruitment policies of multinational organization in Nigeria particular reference to M.T.N Nigeria organization which is Telecommunication Company in Nigeria.


This study seeks to investigate on the effectiveness of recruitment  policies  of  multinational  organization  in  Nigeria,  a study of MTN Nigeria.

MTN means a new generation of professionals and these individual should not be experts in their field only, but also globally active. So, it is believed that effective recruitment will be able to address the vast challenge facing the human resource mix and will obviously reposition IT system in Nigeria.

Another problem facing effectiveness of recruitment is that many recruiters are not following through on the preparation that is required of candidates their by affecting it determination to delivery quality service to Nigeria.

Therefore, the main problem of this research is applicably of revolutionalized management theories to new work positions adequacy of infrastructures, quality of service delivery and cultural challenges in the wake of globalization in the telecommunications industries.


In the light of the above problems, this research has the following objectives;

1.      To ascertain the processes, policies and techniques used by

MTN in recruiting employees.

2.      To examine the extent to which management adheres to laid down policies in recruitment.

3.      To examine the extent to  which the  current policies and practices help in effective recruitment.

4.       To highlight the impact of  MTN recruitment policies and practices on employees performance.

5.      To identify factors (if  any)  hinder effective recruitment of employees in MTN.


In pursuance of the objectives of the study the following research questions are formulated.

1.      What  are  the  polices  and  techniques  used  by  MTN  in recruiting employees?

2.      What are the extent to which management adheres to laid down policies in recruitment?

3.      What  are  the  extents  to  which  the  current  policies  and practices help in effective recruitment?

4.        What are the effectiveness of recruitment of employees in


5.       How  effectively  integrated  is  it  with  the  wider  business strategy in MTN?


The hypotheses for this study are stated as follows;-

1.      Ho:   There are no laid down process, policies and techniques used by MTN in recruiting employees.

Hi:   There are laid down process, policies and techniques used by MTN in recruiting employees.

2.     Ho:   Effectiveness of recruitment has no effect on employees of MTN recruitment of employees in MTN.

Hi:     Effectiveness of recruitment has effect on employees of MTN

3.     Ho:   Management interference in the process of

recruitment is not a major hindrance to the process of effective recruitment.

Hi:     Management    interference    in    the    process    of recruitment is a major hindrance to the   process     of effective recruitment.

4.      Ho:   Effective      interview,      internet      recruiting      and behaviour  test  has  no  effect  on  the  employee  of MTN

Hi:     Effective      interview,      internet      recruiting      and behaviour test has effect on the employee of   MTN.


Since this research study is meant to establish the effectiveness of recruitment policies of multinational organization in Nigeria and operating environment before MTN Nigeria, which stimulate  personnel  performance  and  thus  contributes towards performance and efficiency it is then important that every organization whether multinational, by or small embraces recruitment policy for the purpose of good work in the company, to improve human standards, infrastructure, human resource competence etc, it will also help to educate the public about the activities and employment opportunities in MTN.

Thus significantly, the knowledge gap will be in identifying the   barriers  confronting  modern  day  management  and   the

company owners and advance useful suggestions that may help the fast growing situation.

The study will also prepare personnel managers with the right knowledge in the application of methodologies of management at any time.

The study will also awaken the employees to the recruitment demands and challenges of the new company order.

The study will create the knowledge that will challenges the pro-activeness of individuals, company owners and other stakeholders in the IT industry about the recruitment policy in the company (MTN).

Finally, the knowledge of this study will benefit researchers, students of management, recruitment manager and human resources management who will apply the information positively in the fast changing and growing of the company.


The  telecommunication sector  of  Nigeria  is  made  up  of companies like MTN, Globacom, Celtel now Zain, Etisalat, M-tel, Starcom, Reltel, Bourdex Wireless, Nitel and other companies too

numerous to be mentioned. The telecommunication sector is broken down into the following service categories. National carrier, mobile Telephony, fixed telephony (wireless) V-SAT Networks and Internet services provides (ISPS).

In other to carry out purposeful and directivity research, and also for reasons of accessibility and availability of data, this research gave credence to telecommunication companies that can recruit normal candidates into the service category of mobile telephony. It was based on this yardstick that MTN Nigeria limited were selected as case study and scope of this research.


In  every  human  endeavors  or  effort,  there  is  always problems compound and militating his aims and objective to the peak of success and progress. Therefore, the researcher in the course of these work encountered a lot of difficulties.

1.      Financial Constraints:-Due to financial constraint, this study was carried out in MTN major friendship centers at Enugu, Delta and Port-Harcourt States. As such, this may

not  allow  for  wider  generalization of  the  result  of  the study.

2.      Time Constraint:- A study of this nature would normally require years to put together. That luxury of such time was not there for the work has to be carried out within a limited time frame.

3.      Nature of Survey:- The survey research design has the limitation of the reluctance of the respondents to give answers to research problems or even allow you access to their office for interview and discussion.

4.      The Indifferent Attitudes of Respondents and corporate bodies are a serious stumbling block. Nigerian corporate bodies have not fully developed a culture of providing relevant information on their activities for research purpose.

5.      Dearth of Materials:- Though the topic is not a new topic in the broad area of management and human resources, getting recent textbooks and other research materials like journals and periodicals that addressed the issue of study

are extremely difficult. Based on this, one will resort to internet sources which are bedeviled with numerous technical problems.

6.      Statistical  Limitations:-  There  are  always  sampling errors. The personnel interview mentioned has the limitation  that  respondent  may  give  answers  that  first came into their minds.

In addition, there many important files and other documents which were not discussed due to security reason and fear at public disclosure  of  the  company  and  also  insufficient  power  (light) supply by power holdings company limited (P.H.C.L) during this research work.


Recruitment:-This  is   defined  as   the   process   of   attracting, screening and selecting a qualified person for a job.

Human Resources Management:- This is the management of

people  at  work,  management  is  the  act  of  planning,  staffing, leading, controlling, researching, developing and innovating.

MNC:- This means multinational companies

TNC:-This means Trans national companies


MTN Group Chief Executive, Phuthuman Nhleko and his management team led MTN’s expansion strategy in pursuit of new telecommunications licenses across the rest of Africa and internationally and provide support to all MTN’s operations outside of  South Africa .  Leading Africa into  a  new  age  of  economic development using telecommunications as the spring board is the driving force behind MTN’s investment strategy for the continent. Effective communication services are vital-particularly from a business perspective and nowhere more so than in Africa, which is developing into one of their most important trading continent, it’s on this fundamental truth that MTN has based its vision to become the leading provider of communication services on the African continent, linking nations by providing an affordable, accessible and quality service that is a catalyst for economic development.

As  one  of  the  most  enterprising  operators  to  enter  the cellular area in Africa. MTN has duplicated its outstanding success

from South Africa in its operations in Rwanda, Uganda, Swaziland, Cameroon and Nigeria thus ensuring that these countries have access to leading edge technology which is affordable without compromising on quality. With this success, MTN’s vision is fast becoming a reality; a vision with a focus on three clusters, East Africa, West/central Africa is gathering momentum. Thus MTN’s aims also at facilitating change that will have long-term domestic benefits oblivious economic development, local infrastructure and facilities are upgraded and the qualities of life in communities is uplifted of which Nigeria was a major destination.

MTN Nigeria, a part of the MTN group, and Africa’s leading cellular telecommunications company, on May 16, 2001, became the first GSM network to make a call following the globally landed Nigerian GSM auction conducted by the Nigeria communication commission (NCC) earlier in the year. Thereafter the company launched full commercial operations beginning with Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt.

MTN paid $285m for one of four GSM license in Nigeria in

January  2001.  To  date,  more  than  US  $1.8  billion  has  been

invested  building  mobile  telecommunications  infrastructure  in

Nigeria. Aimiuwu (2004).

Since launch in August 2001, MTN has steadily deployed its services across Nigeria. Its now provide services in more than 223 cities and towns, more than 10,000 villages and communities and a growing number of highways across the country, spanning the

36 states of the Nigeria and Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Many of these villages and communities are being connected to the world of telecommunications for the first time ever. Aimiuwu, (2004).

The  company’s digital  microwave transmission backbone, the 3,400 kilometer Y’ello Bahn was commissioned by President Olusegun Obasanjo in January 2003 and is reputed to be the most extensive  digital  microwave  transmission  infrastructure  in  all Africa. The Y’ello Bahn has significantly helped to enhance call quality on MTN network. The company subsists on the core brand values of leadership, relationship, integrity innovation and can-do. It prides itself on its ability to make the impossible, connecting people with friends, family and include a new numbering range

with the prefix 0806, making MTN the first GSM network in Nigeria to have adopted an additional numbering system, having exhausted its initial subscriber numbering range-0803.

In its resolve to enhance quality customer’s service, MTN Nigeria has also introduced a self-help toll-free 181 customer-care line through which subscribed can resolve their frequently asked question  free  of  charge.  MTN’s  overriding mission  is  to  be  a catalyst for Nigerian economic growth and development, helping to unleash Nigeria’s strong developmental potential not only through provision of world class communications but also through innovative  sustainable  corporate  social  responsibility initiatives.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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