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Conferences are viewed as one of the greatest assets of any organisation when it is viewed as an organised thinking environment. It is indispensable to any society and as such calls for an avenue or focal point where people can gather to express their ideas and views. Its need by society’s, individuals and organisations cannot be underestimated as it gives room for formal and informal meeting.

Its origin can be traced down to the use of open spaces, courtyards, village squares and market squares to hold meetings during the earliest times. Ilo and Obu houses were used in south Eastern Nigeria as a meeting ground while the Agora and Forums were used for meeting areas in Greece and Rome respectively.

In Nigeria today, Anambra state conference centre comes with the packages of providing an avenue where conferences, seminars lectures, workshop, and recreational activities can be comfortably organised. It also seeks to generate revenue for the state and also promote the values of the State, companies and various corporate organisations.

Various case studies carried out on conference centres depicts their merits and demerits. The merits of each conference centre will be utilized while solutions for the demerits will be provided in the proposed conference centre.

Conference centres cannot function properly without good planning and technical considerations like lighting, fire, day lighting, acoustics, ventilation, security, landscape, and construction materials. Taking all these into consideration will create a stepping stone into ensuring efficiency in use. The functional relationship of spaces created in the conference centre also determines the maximum efficiency of the

conference. A good space relationship will encourage maximum utilization of the conference centre.

A proper space program or analysis and services provided will also determine the magnitude and size of the conference centre.  The space requirement will show the number of persons to each room provided. This is essential so as to avoid congestion or over utilization of the facilities provided.

Internal and external circulation of cars and visitors will be properly separated so as to avoid conflict. Direction and separation of groups attending different meeting and functions or activities will be properly planned to achieve flexibility in design in order to accommodate all forms of activities.

The success of the centre will not depend on the architectural design of the project but also on the excellent management of the facilities by the body (State Government) responsible for its use.



Conferences have long begun since the existence of man, where spaces were carved out for both formal and informal meetings. These spaces can be traced back to the ancient Greece where the meeting place was the Agora. While in Nigeria, it can be traced back to our traditional compound where a courtyard (open space) is created to accommodate any form of meeting and activity. In these spaces, man discussed and exchanged views and ideas on subjects and strived to find solutions to problems existing in the society.

Conference centre is very important in every country; its existence gives great opportunity for different kinds of conferences to take place like academic conference, amplified conference, business conference, football conference, News conference, settlement conference and parent–teacher conference.

The earliest conference centres developed a core of meeting space balanced between multipurpose rooms to meet the varying needs of different users and single purpose spaces dedicated to conferences, audiovisual presentations, private dining, and so forth. Developers eventually learned which types of rooms established the most salable mix between these two divergent approaches. Today, must conference centre operations emphasize the single –purposed spaces, further strengthened by increased marketing and management abilities. Also over the last two decades, operators have found that attendees want and expect more generously sized rooms, and so space requirement

have escalated.

Modern conference centre offers principal types of conference centres like the

Executive conference centre, Resort conference, Non-residential conference centre,

University conference centre and corporate conference centre which have their general characteristic and offer a typical range of facilities for conferees.

In Anambra state today, the influx of investors into the state calls for a focal point where people will converge to hold seminars, conferences and meetings etc to channel the state into a developed state.


Considering the developing nature of Anambra state, many major corporations especially those in telecommunication, insurance, pharmaceutical and financial services are coming into Awka the capital of Anambra state to invest. Those in the state are struggling with the decision whether to build their own centres or to rent a space in hotels to train their staff. However, there is a need for suitable conference centre to

serve the needs of these major corporations. The conference centre gives room for companies and industries to expand their business and operate efficiently in the state. Anambra state is one of the developing states with no befitting conference centre to cater for her needs. Therefore, there is a need for such project to be established to give room for seminars, formal meetings, lectures, discussions, and political meetings to take place and to generate revenue for the developing state.


•     This covers both external and internal circulation. In external circulation, it is of essence to consider the conflict that is likely to arise when vehicular and pedestrian movement is not properly designed.

•     The issue of unobstructed sightlines from different area in the conference hall.

•     Making the internal spaces flexible to accommodate different activities and furniture.

•     Servicing the conference centre for the effective functioning of the building.

•     Evacuating people from the building during emergency is a major concern. Integration and location of spaces like the library, business centre, accommodation and restaurant in the conference centre for maximum use.


The aim of the study is to design a functional conference centre where people can hold conferences, seminars meetings, discussions, and lectures to foster development in the state.


•     Provision of internal and external functional space that will allow for good inflow and outflow of visitors in and out of the building.

•     The use of suitable architectural form and layout that will accommodate the various functions required in the complex.

•     Provision of a good functional relationship between spaces to achieve comfort.

•    Provision of a good access route in and out of the site.

•     Separation of vehicular movement and pedestrian movement to avoid conflict.

•     Provision of a design flexible enough to accommodate various activities.


The project would be an Executive Conference Centre   narrowed to a proportion of Nigerians at the state level for holding conferences. The centre incorporates the following basic requirements;

•    Auditorium/ conference room for 1800 persons

•    Four (4) Meeting rooms for 60 people each.

•    Two (4) Seminar rooms for 30 people each

•    Two (2) board rooms for  30 people

•    Two (2) Breakout room)break shop

•    Exhibition spaces

•    Mini-library for 30 persons

•    Restaurant and bar

•     Shops

•     Business centre

•    Cybercafé

•    Administrative department

•    Multipurpose hall for 1000 people.

•     Eighty (80) guest rooms( 40 single rooms,30 double rooms, 10 executive rooms)

•     Ancillary facilities such as changing rooms, lockers, stores, audiovisual rooms etc.


The facility and professional services is provided for the Anambra State Government.


Case study is a research method used in this project. The various case studies will utilize both primary and secondary sources of data collection.  This type of research method is aimed at exploring and investigating specific areas of phenomena in order to gain more insight into the particular problem under investigation and solutions to posing problems.

The primary sources of data collection involve personal interviews .The personal interview was done orally and recorded with a cassette. On the other hand secondary source of data include books, published reports, journals, magazine, newspapers and the internet.


1)  CONFERENCE: a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with a formal agenda). A meeting/gathering

of particular individuals invited to consult with, discuss and/or present information on a particular topic or set of topics of common interest. Participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation. As compared with a congress, a conference in normally smaller in scale and more select in character – features which tend to facilitate the exchange of information.

2)  CONFERENCE CENTRE: According to ‘business dictionary’ it is a specialized hotel (usually in a less busy but easily accessible location) designed and built almost exclusively to host conferences, exhibitions, large meetings, seminars, training sessions, etc. A conference centre often also provides office facilities, and a range of

leisure activities. It is also seen as a building, especially one with several large rooms, designed to be used for large business meetings or gatherings.

3)  SEMINAR: is a class held for advanced studies in which people meet regularly to discuss original research, under the guidance of a professor; a meeting held for the exchange of useful information by members of a common business community or a meeting or series of meetings of specialists who have different skills but have specific common interest and equally call for a high degree of participation; primarily for training purposes. The leader is both a content expert and a discussion leader. The term may also be used about a group of experienced people who wish to share their experiences.

4)  LECTURE: According to ‘web dictionary’, a lecture is an oral presentation intended to present information or teaches people about a particular subject. Or is a Large, formal classes in which lecturers’ present course material to all the people enrolled in a given subject.5)  WORK SHOP:  according to the “web dictionary” is a group of people engaged in study or work on a creative project or subject. It could also be said to be a seminar or series of meetings for intensive study, work, discussion, etc. in some field. It is also known as a brief intensive course for a small group; emphasizes problem solving.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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