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High-rise is generally a building that is greater than (22.5 m), and with 7 to 10 stories. They could also mean structures with improved construction activities and enriched with technology that will help in reducing land scarcity, urban density and can accommodate large families in a lesser space. Condominium on the other hand, is a building divided into several apartments or units, and each unit is occupied or managed by different individuals or people. It could also be used for residential, commercial and or industrial purposes. Despite the enormous advantages associated with high-rise buildings, there are challenges facing its development especially in Nigeria. The most notable among its risks is fire outbreak. The multiple floors in the building usually create a cumulative effect that requires many occupants to travel through vertical distances on stairs which will create escape problem during fire outbreak. Fire outbreak in high-rise buildings is always terrible as the occupants population make escape difficult or tedious. This study however, assesses fire prevention strategies available in of some high-rise condominium buildings in Lagos state, in order to suggest most suitable ones that can help in saving lives and properties. To achieve this, the researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative data collection through the use of structured observation schedule and questionnaires issued to the occupants of the selected high rise condominium buildings in Victoria Island, Lagos state. Descriptive research was adopted on selected high-rise condominium buildings. However, eleven (11) high-rise buildings were selected out of five hundred and eighty six (586) buildings using simple random and purposive sampling technique. Out of three hundred (300) close-ended questionnaires issued, two hundred and forty three (243) were returned. Data collected were analysed  through  descriptive statistics  (frequency and  percentages), pie charts  and  bar charts. Findings however, shows that 80% of the buildings observed makes used of active fire prevention strategies though some are not functional. In addition, 77% of the buildings have good ventilation. Many occupants of the selected high-rise buildings responded that most fire outbreaks are caused by electrical faults. Also, 52% of them however, responded not to have come across any fire safety instruction. As a result many occupants have little or no knowledge on fire safety measures and facilities within their building. This is why the researcher recommends that electrical cables and fittings should be of good quality and should be properly installed and monitored. Passive fire prevention strategies recommended are building form, shape of the roof, compartmentation of fire, intumescent coating, photo luminescent marking and fire resistance materials. More so, the occupants of such building should have requisite knowledge on fire safety instructions through awareness, education and information on the operational methods of any available fire prevention measures in the building as that will increase occupant’s cautiousness on fire risks. All these should be applied in designs and constructions of high-rise condominium buildings.



1.1 Background to the Study

High-rise buildings are structures with improved construction activities and technology that help in reducing land scarcity, urban density and accommodate large families in lesser a space (Kavilkar & Patil, 2014). Gibbon (2018) defined condominium as a large complex (building) divided into individual units. Condominium is also seen as a building divided  into  several  apartments  or  units  and  each  unit  is  occupied  or  managed  by different individuals or people. The building could be used for residential, commercial and /or industrial purposes (Paulsson, 2012). From a wider perspective, condominium is said to be a building with several stories and parcels, owned and or used by different individuals (Ariyawansa & Udayanthika, 2012). Condominium buildings help to reduce the distance residents will cover in accessing recreational and commercial centres since those centres are mostly attached to condominium complexes for easy access (Weldemariam, 2017).

On the contrary, many authors and building professionals have in several occasions criticised condominium. To substantiate this, Charlterjee (2009), reported that the occupants of high-rise buildings are faced with psychological problems such as depression, stress, anxiety, and carelessness in community affairs. Zahari et al. (2014) added that, fire outbreak is yet another risk associated with high-rise buildings. This is because, they are buildings with many floors and require many people to walk through vertical distances on stairs. To corroborate the above assertion, Osunsanmi et al. (2017),

supported that, the occurrence of stack effect (temperature difference between two areas) is always high in high-rise buildings thereby creating series of pressure between the floors which will result in natural air movement capable of moving huge volume of heat and smoke when there is a fire outbreak within the building. Similarly, Nimlyat et al. (2017) submitted that, most fire outbreaks in high-rise buildings are associated with construction features capable of causing extensive fire and smoke spread that will make it difficult for occupants to exit.   Olagunju et al. (2013) opined that, fire outbreak of high-rise buildings are always terrible since there are many occupants in building which make escape difficult or tedious.

Osunsanmi et al. (2017) also revealed that, high-rise buildings may cause disastrous fire outbreak as panic or fear in the mind of occupants may lead to stampede or taking the wrong exit. Nevertheless, Yang (2013) stated that, many occupants of high-rise buildings are often unaware of the fire safety measures and facilities in their building. In line with that, Guo (2012) asserted that, most occupants of high-rise buildings doubt the effectiveness of the provided firefighting measures. Therefore, this research assesses fire prevention strategies in some selected high-rise buildings in Victoria Island, Lagos state.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

The challenges facing high rise buildings in Nigeria today include problem of heights, long vertical distance travel during exit and access to the building (Nimlyat et al., 2017). Onoyan-Usina et al. (2017), added factors such as power surge, abrupt electrical discharge,  use  of  defective  generators,  occupants  carelessness,  fuel  adulteration, improper electrical wiring and fittings, use of substandard materials and arson as possible causes of fire outbreak in Nigeria. However, other features of high-rise buildings that may contribute greatly to fire outbreak are its structural complexity and functional diversity (Hassanain, 2009). Ahrens (2016) suggests that, it is necessary to provide in high-rise buildings fire prevention and fire protection facilities since occupants make exit discharge longer. Olagunju et al. (2013), also stressed that, fire outbreak of high-rise buildings is mostly terrible as the occupants population make the escape means difficult. Osunsanmi et al. (2017), further added that, occupant’s population and their panic during fire outbreak may lead to stamped or taking a wrong exit there by making the situation disastrous. Having said that, Yang (2013), averred that, many occupants of high-rise buildings have little or no knowledge of fire safety measures and facilities within their building.

However, the challenges created by high-rise buildings will not only affect the occupants but also the firefighting agencies. This is because, it is the duty of fire safety evaluator to prevent and respond quickly to any fire incident. (Dechamps et al., 2011). However, the researcher could not find any literature that discusses fire incident of high-rise condominium buildings especially in Lagos state. In view of the above stated problems, this research suggests both passive and active fire prevention strategies as a ways of arresting fire incidents in high-rise buildings to save lives and properties.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

1.3.1 Aim

The aim of this research is to assess fire prevention strategies in some selected high-rise condominium buildings in Victoria Island, Lagos state, in order to suggest better ways of saving lives and property.

1.3.2 Objectives

i.  To  identify  fire  prevention  measures  in  some  selected  high-rise  condominium buildings.

ii. To examine causes of fire in the selected high-rise condominium buildings in the study area.  

iii. To suggest methods (active and passive) of fire fighting in the selected buildings.

iv. To propose an architectural design of a high-rise condominium building with a perfect fire preventive strategies.

1.4 Justification of the Study

Population density and land scarcity are some of the factors that contributed or gave birth to the construction of high-rise and supper high-rise buildings in cities and countries of the world. In Nigeria presently, high-rise buildings are seen as modernized and multifunctional structures despite the fact that, it is very difficult to put out fire and rescue lives from them when there is fire outbreak due to high floors, complex functions and diversified devices when compared with ordinary constructions (Xiuyu et al., 2012).

Nigerian  government  have  recently  concentrated  on  safety  measures  of  high-rise buildings due to the perpetual fire incidences in the country. Tolofari (2010), an expert in disaster management said that, Nigeria experienced about 7000 fire outbreaks and over 1000 death persons every year. Wakili (2013), contributed to the assertion above when he states that, over ($250, 000000) worth of properties are lost to fire disaster every year in Nigeria. The high rate of fire outbreaks in the country call for urgent preventive measures.  This  is  why  Nigerian  government  established  National  Building  Codes (N.B.C) and Fire Safety Codes across the country (Nimlyat et al., 2017). Since high-rise buildings are taller in height, complex in structure, and serve multiple functions when compare with other buildings; their danger when it comes to fire outbreak is also higher (Hassanain, 2009).    Condominium apartments however, provide better housing in the country as it can accommodates more occupants than the low-cost flats (Weldemariam, 2017).

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is to provide optimum safety measures for the occupants of high rise buildings located within the study area. This was achieved by studying different active and passive methods of fire preventions needed to be integrated in the design of any high rise condominium building. Escape route components should include: corridors, stairs, fire door provision and the intermediate floors must also be provided. The researcher also studied and integrated fire insulation properties into the design.

1.6 Limitation to the Study

The security challenge in the country has greatly limited this research as occupants of some of the selected high-rise condominium buildings denied the researcher access to their building and from taking photographs. As such, measurement taking and photographs were very difficult in some places for security reasons.

1.7 Contribution to Study

This research provides information on ways to prevent and protect high rise condominium buildings from fire through the use of active ( such as fire extinguisher, alarm system, smoke detectors, fire hydrants and sprinkler system) and passive (such as building form, compartmentation of fire, photo luminescent  marking, means of egress and fire resistant materials)  fire prevention strategies. The results obtained from the data analysed through critical observation and questionnaires, provides greater awareness on factors that causes fire outbreak in high rise condominium buildings (smoking, carelessness, electrical faults, and arson) and how fire outbreak can be prevented. The information shall also be useful during designing and construction of high-rise condominium buildings.

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