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Public corporations in Nigeria are noted for their lack luster performance. This  aims  at  critically examining, where  in  lies  the  ineffectiveness and inefficiency of public corporation, with regards to staff training and development so as to know it effect on job performance, with particular reference to staff and management of Radio Nigeria, Enugu National Station Radio Nigeria Enugu National Station was chosen to discover how staff training and development can eliminate ineffectiveness and inefficiency on job  performance as  it  affects  information dissemination to  the  listening public.

Solution will be proffered on how to eliminate the problems of ineffectiveness and inefficiency on job performance.



In every organization be it governmental or private business, manufacturing or service oriented, the place of human resources should be given proper attention. The reason for the above statement is that in the economic world, resources are categorized into three: The  material resources, and financial resources, and human resources.  The material and financial resources cannot fit into scheme of things unless they are planned, organized, controlled, and coordinated and managed by the human resources.   Moreover, criterion for measuring high performance  of  an  organization  is  the  effectiveness  and  efficiency  of  its products and services.  The high quality of these products and services is much imbedded in the quality of its human resources.   Based on this premise, therefore, manpower is the catalyst that propels all other resources.

This assertion agrees with Pigors and Myers (1981,280) view that unless the administration of personnel is effectively carried out by members of line management, technical efficiency is inadequate to achieve organizational success. In  essence,  human  resources  are  indispensable  in  the  management  of  any

enterprise since all other resources depend on it for proper separation and integration.   As other resources are managed by human component of any organization, human resources are also managed.  For effective management of human resources  of  an  organization, staff  training  and  development takes  a conspicuous position because of its pertinent relevant to job performance. Due to this, all organizations are supposed to have a training and development programme.

This agrees with Flippo’s (1961,182) view ‘No organization has a choice of whether to develop employees or not, the only choice is that of method’.  The implication of this is that, where there is no formal training programme for staff in an organization, the organization still created forum for staff training and development through learning on the job.  In Nigeria, there is evidence of poor management of human resources in our organization, the effect is uncoordinated approach to various personnel functions particularly staff training and development.  Management of human resources cannot be treated in isolation; it should be related to public corporation for more understanding.

A  critical analysis of pubic corporation in our national lives(political, economic and   socio-cultural)   indicates   that   public   corporations   need   high   quality

managerial, administrative and technical manpower, the reason being that they are established for a specific objective.

Due to their vital positions in national development it become necessary that they should attract, develop and retain high quality personnel.  This is achieved through efficient recruitment, selection, staff training and development programme, where there is no effective training and development programme, such an organization experiences inefficiency and ineffectiveness in its operations.   The question is this, have staff training and development been given adequate attention? From all indications, this is still lacking in most of our pubic corporations especially the non-profit ones.

Among the non-profit ones, broadcasting houses stand out most.  Federal Radio Corporation with reference to Radio Nigeria Enugu National Stations the one under study.   Radio houses are indispensable, they play vital roles in the dissemination   of   information,   defining   problems,   portraying   government priorities and deciphering the word to the listeners.   The information they disseminate may become sources of good understanding and unification multi- national society like Nigeria, in addition they educate, motivate and entertain the whole populace these vital roles account for their rapid growth in number.  For instance, we have five federal Radio stations namel; Ibadan, Eugu, Kaduana, Lagos, and Abuj, while all the thirty six states have got or almost established

their own stations.  It is not unprecedented that in Radio broadcasting house one is overwhelm confronted with the best transmitting equipment broadcasting studios, yet the broadcasting services are remarkably unsatisfactory, this problem is attributed to training inadequacies.

In response to the yearning for training facilities and opportunities for broadcasting personnel, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria offers all grades in their own environment where problems and interests can be assessed and dealt with.  This study is therefore, designed to appraise the status of staff training and (FRCN) set up a training school in 1957 which has grown into a full-fledged training and manpower development institution.

The essence of establishing it is to make training available to greater number development programme embarked upon by Radio Nigeria and its contribution to service production.  It is also designed to determined the extent the presence of this programme contributes to the quality of staff of the station.


In spite of the huge investment on training and development of employees of Radio  Nigeria  Enugu  National  Station  much  does  not  seem  to  have  been achieved.  There is high absenteeism, poor articulation of progrmmes that do not

touch on the  lives  of  the  masses and  airing problems  that  fail to  take  into consideration the rate of viewers.   Because of this, interest in some of their programmes had decreased.

It  is  in  this  respect  that  we  want  to  critically  look  at  their  training  and development programmes to see how they should best be organized for effective result.


The  objectives  of  the  study  are  to  evaluate  staff  training  and  development programme of Radio Nigeria Enugu National Station.

The focus will include among other things:

To find out the training and development programmes at FRCN To identify their major characteristics

To determine their major challenges

To appraise the effect of duration of training on job performance

To evaluate the effect of equity and scope of training on job performance


1.What are the training and development programmes in Radio Nigeria Enugu

National Station?

2.  What are their major characteristics?

3.  What are their major challenges?

4.  To what extent does training course content affect training and development?

5.  How does duration of training affect job performance?

6.    Evaluate  how  quality and  scope of  training and development affect  job performance.


The significance of any research work is its ability to expand the frontier of human knowledge and to ameliorate the present human condition.  It is on this basis that the research fashioned this study to meet both intellectual and practical needs of humanity vis-à-vis the time and resources channeled in this work.

To this end, the findings in this work will have both intellectual and practical relevance at the end of the day.  On the intellectual dimension, it will add to the literature in the field of study, thereby throwing more light on the understanding of the concept of staff training and development with regards to organizational management.   On the practical dimension, the findings and recommendations from this work can be useful as a guide in formulation policies and programmes in how to develop efficient pubic corporation with particular reference to staff

training and development.   The result of this work will hopefully bring management of Radio Nigeria Enugu, National Station to the knowledge of the problems affecting her staff training and development pgrammes.


The scope of this study covers both management/senior and junior staff of the FRCN Enugu National Station.  This is done in order to have a wide coverage opinion of the staff of the organization.


The study is not devoid of some limitations. Notably are:

(a)  Time Constraints: This is the operation of time constraints, because

other activities, such as classroom works and assignments are all contending for limited time simultaneously.

(b)Financing is a limiting factor: With adequate funds many visit will be made to the company as to gather data.  However, as a result of inadequacy of funds, my visits are also limited.

(c)  Also  there  was  the  uncooperative attitude  of  the  respondents.    This  is evidenced in their refusal to answer some questions.   Some of them also refused outright to respond to oral interview.

However, all these notwithstanding, the researcher struggled to get all the needed data for the project.


The second world wars political activities acted as positive factors to the establishment of radio Nigeria Enugu in 1948.  In other words, Radio Nigeria Enugu commenced its radio services during the era of wired broadcasting. This was possible following Residence Director of stations effort to expand its service to cover all regions and provinces in Nigeria.

As at that time, it was an arm of information service of British Colonial administration.   It was only a zonal branch of Radio Nigeria with its headquarters at Lagos, therefore, any change and development taking place in Lagos and other regions reflected it interest.

In 1952 when Nigeria Broadcasting service (NBS) started wireless broadcasting, Radio  Nigeria  Enugu  was  not  left  out  and  it  was  rechristened  as  Nigeria

Broadcasting service (NBS) Enugu.  The station continued to answer NBS Enugu till 1957 when it was incorporated.

The  incorporation Act of 1956  mandated NBS Enugu like other stations to broadcast in important Nigeria languages in Eastern Region namely: Igbo, Efik, Tiv, Ibibio and Ijaw.

It was also mandated to relay national programmes from headquarters at Lagos like so regional and broadcasting house in Kaduna and Ibadan.   It also enjoys greater NBS especially in originating programme of local interested.   This autonomy was  in pursuance of  the  objective  for establishing a  broadcasting system in Nigeria to create a sense of unity among the people and foster inter and intra regional harmony.    Though, regional stations must relay national programmes, they can opt out if they like when it is  network service.   The national programmes are  joint effort of  regional officers and  officers of the headquarters.  Regional officers send in their contributions on life and living in their regions.

In 1979, the name change from NBC to Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria(FRCN) Enugu, Enugu become the zonal headquarters for the Eastern zone, since regions have gone with creation of states in 1967 and 1976 respectively.   The states under Eastern Zone presently are Abia, Awka Ibiom, Anambra, Eboyi, Enugu, Imo, Benue, Rivers, and Balyelsa.  Formally headed by

zonal Controller, but now known as Executive Director.  In the area of technical development, Radio Nigeria Enugu received its own shares like other zonal or regional stations.  The physical development started in 1948 when a broadcasting house was built at N0 5 Onithsa Road closeMurtarla Mohammed Park Enugu during the RDS era with only receiving transmitter, one studio, an equipment hall and an office space.   Much technical development did not take place till 1951 when  Turner-Byron report  was  implemented  with  some  modification which marked the beginning of wireless broadcasting in Eastern Region.

This was possible due to T.W Chalmers former British Broadcasting corporation Director General who was  on secondment in  Nigeria.    His  first  move after assumption of office was to reconstruct all the broadcasting stations including Lagos headquarters.   For Enugu National Station the reconstruction took this form: refurbishing of the station and receiving center built within the premises. New transmitters and control equipment were not installed because of the Korean War.  The option open was to purchase second hand transmitters for temporary uses, the transmitter purchase from America has the radiation power of 300 watts. This transmitter was installed at the staff premises for lack of building that will carry it.  When the new transmitters ordered arrived  Radio Nigeria Enugu got

2.5kw short wave type 8 WB/8 and at Milikin hill its permanent home in 1954; in

addition, the station received mobile recording equipment following this, it resumed work in September, 1955, when the creation   of 12 states in 1967 it becomes obvious that NBC equipment and facilities need over-haul in order to achieve the expected national coverage.   To this end, a task force comprising senior  engineers  of  NBC  was  inaugurated to  examine    ways  and  means  of improving the services, of   NBC.After the task force report, the changes   that followed base on its findings include the changing of old audio mixing console to a modern types the studios were re-built and their acoustic changed and improved The turn table also given a face lift, they were moderizined in  u-shape forms so that the presenter can operate them with less difficulties.

The  studio  facilities  were  acquired  and  installed  were  as  followed:  for  the medium eave, one mixing console gateway 80, two turn tables EMT 930, two tape recorder contari Mx700f and one catridge play audio E series.  For the short wave the facilities include: One ampro mixing console two contrary tape recorder Mx700f and two turn –table EMT930.  These first two studios the medium and short waves are called continuity studio because they are ever on.   There were two other production studios with mixing consoles, turn tables and tape recorder of the same make as those in both medium wave and short wave studios.  They are used for production of programmes before they are aired out.  Added to the studio facilities and equipment, the stations transmitter of 1954 was charged from

5kw short transmitter to 25kw short   828 KHZ.   For the medium wave, then another one for short wave 10kw short wave NEC 26.025 HMZ, 100kw Harris short wave (1) 4.932MHZ.  The change to Mw was promoted by the fact that short wave transmitter were meant for distance transmission, the medium type allows listeners the opportunities for clear reception.

Lastly, it  is  pertinent to  mention that as  at  1951-1955 the  procurement and installation of these facilities and equipment and their maintenance were done by crown agents anditish Engineers who were at the helm of affairs.

After independence, Nigerians gradually look over which was referred to as a period of Nigerianization and presently, the maintenance of all equipment have been fully indigenized but the corporation is still 100%  dependent  on foreign market for the procurement of its equipment needs.

The dawn of the millennium witness the installation of FM (frequency modulation) in all the National stations including Enugu national station.

Also witnessed, was the supply of outside mobile station caravan to cover out station programmes.   A slogan was imitated in by the then leadership of the national  station  to   reflect  the   new   millennium  called  “network  for   the millennium”. This brought about tremendous change to the national station. Another area of interest in the history and development of Radio Nigeria Enugu is  its  human resources development, at  its inception in 1948, Radio Nigeria

Enugu  had  a  staggering  manpower  both  in  the  area  of  management  and operations, and this in one form or the other affected the services of the station.

The technical staffs was mainly post and telegraph engineers, with a large number of artisans and craftsmen who were not trained in radio broadcasting while the programme staff were people from public relations department who performed the functions of announcers, presenters and newscasters. The engineering personnel and programme makers were supplied by BBC, other personnel from NGS workers in RDS, post and telegraph department and public relations department.  This was how both technical and programmed personnel were taken care of the expatriate services had  short  span as  most  of  them were  on  secondment, and  moreover, quest  to Nigerianize radio broadcasting and to maintain standard in broadcasting that will serve the emerging new state coupled with personal ambition to leave a legacy in radio broadcasting in Nigeria promted Mr. T.W. Chalmer, the ten director of broadcasting to recruit and  retain many school leavers in different departments of broadcasting.   Some of them went on oversea training especially technical staff monthly in broadcasting   organization mainly BBC and VOA with there   were gleams of hope and improvement in programmes and services of Radio Nigeria Enugu.

In  order  to  improve  the  quality  of  programmes,  concerted  efforts  were  made continually to recruit experienced producers and to retain the existing ones.

The researcher gathered later that station programmes since then has increase from a programme a day to 23 different programmes a day cumulating to 200 programmes a week with conspicuous increase in local production.   Despite these, personnel problem  remained  un-tackled  since   its   inception;  the   reason  for  this   ugly phenomenon is increase in state creation and expansion in electronic media industry which created high turn over rate as trained personnel were in constant search for greener pasture.


NBC: Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, which marks the beginning of wireless broadcasting.

FRCN: Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria.   It marks the era the station was incorporated according to incorporation Act of 1956 and indigenization of 1970s. BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation.  The colonial masters broadcasting station that covers their interest within the colonized territory and beyond.

VOA: Voice of America: the America broadcasting station.

SW: Short Wave; A name that depicts the distance of transmission coverage, it covers long distance transmission.

MW: Medium Wave: A name in broadcasting that shows the distance transmission coverage. It covers shot distance transmission.

FM:  Frequency Modulation: A name in broadcasting that shows the level of output of transmission.

KW: Kilowatt: A name in broadcasting that shows the modulation transmission. KHZ: Kilowatt.   A  name  in broadcasting that  measures cycle which the  wave completes in one second called the frequency.

MHZ: Megahertz.  A name in broadcasting that measures the cycles which wave completes in one second called the frequency higher than kilohertz

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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