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1-5 chapters |

This project work is designed to take a close look at the function of motivation in achieving organizational goals with a particular reference to  Ministry of Finance, Asaba, Delta State. This research is carried out in order to identify whether the workers at the Ministry of Finance are properly motivated and whether job satisfaction is derived. In fact, it is generally accepted that when employees are sufficiently motivated, they put in more efforts in their jobs to increase output and performance. To identify whether the employees are properly motivated in ensuring greater productivity and job satisfaction, questionnaire were distributed and analysis. The method of analyzing the data include percentage and chi-square (X2) statistics and the findings was that the ministry emphasized on rewording employees for excellent job performance also workers are not properly motivated to ensure productivity and job satisfaction. Lastly, motivation have no impact on workers moral and output. Therefore, some recommendation was made which will be useful to management of the ministry in order to understand what motivated their employees.




1.1 Background to the study 

In all organizations, whether they operate in the private or public sector, there is an increasing awareness that employees are the most important asset towards the achievement of organizational effectiveness. In this regard, organizations are concerned with how to motivate workers, make them committed and ensure their job satisfaction in order to accomplish organizational goals. Motivation means “to move” and it is derived from the Latin word mover. It is “the state of an individual’s perspective which represents the strength of his/her propensity to exert toward some particular behaviour”. Gibso (1980) motivation is an internal force which stimulates, regulates and upholds a person’s more important actions. Its existence and nature is deduced from observation and experience of behaviour. By using motivation as a tool, a manager can effectively blend organization and individual goals. Terry and Franklin (1987) explained motivation as “the need or drive within an individual that drives him/her towards goal – oriented action. Appleby (1981) defined motivation as the way urges, aspiration, drives and needs human beings direct, control and explain their behaviors. Motivation and job satisfaction are management principles used by managers in influencing their subordinates in order to be productive in their performances. While job satisfaction on the other hand, refers to a feeling of contentment experienced by someone whose performance has been recognized through performance appraisal as commensurate with what is expected of him. Therefore, if an employee is well motivated by recognizing his/her performances the employee will derive job satisfaction. Scientific management assumes that an employee is an emotional being and emphasizes the importance of encouraging cohesive work groups in which each worker has a sense of belonging. It is recognized that people possess.

  1. Potential for Development
  2. Capacity for assuming responsibility
  3. Readiness to direct behaviour towards organizational goals

It is therefore, the basic function of a manager to create an environment which helps people recognize and develop these human characteristics through motivation. A manager is required to comprehend human behaviour in order to utilize motivation as an instrument to increase organizational productivity. Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes and similar forces. To say that management or managers motivate their subordinates is to say they do things which they hope satisfy those drives, desires and induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner.
Also, it is the responsibility of the manager to provide an environment conducive to performance, but staff motivation is the responsibility of the individual themselves (Weihrich and Koont, 2003).
Individual behaviour is determined by what motivates him. Their performance is a product of both ability level and motivation, so if the managers must achieve the goals and objectives of his organization satisfactorily he has to motivate his subordinates, and also he must attempt to know the needs and expectations of his subordinates if he is to influence their behaviours and performance at work.
According to (Rebis Likert (1967) every aspect of organization activities is determined by the competence. Motivation and the general effectiveness of its organization, of all the task of management, managing the human component is the central and most important task because all depends on how well it is done. The logical reasoning from the above therefore, is that the employees of the organization must be taken care of in a way as to ensure that they give their best to the realization of accepted goals.


The statement in this study is to find out or establish a fact whether the employees or workers in the ministry of finance, Asaba, Delta State are well motivated, whether they are satisfied  or dissatisfied with their jo.
Thus, the challenge of management including ministry of finance, Asaba is  how to ensure the employees better commitment. The problem of how to motivate employees or workers towards commitment and job satisfaction remains a management task which this study set out to undertake.


The purpose of the study is  focused on the effect of motivation on job satisfaction in the ministry of finance, Asaba. Other objectives include the following:

  1. To identify whether workers are properly motivated in ensuring greater productivity and job satisfaction
  2. To offer comprehensively, the meaning of motivation and its disability in accomplishing task effectively and satisfactorily.
  3. To determine the need for motivation and various ways of motivating employees.
  4. To determine the impact of motivation on workers moral and output
  5. To ascertain the emphasis on rewarding employees for better performance.


The research questions for this study include:

  1. Are workers properly motivated in order to ensure productivity and job satisfaction
  2. Does motivation have impact on workers moral and output?.
  3. Does your ministry emphasis much on rewarding employee for excellent job performance.
  4. Dose present salary motivate staff towards achieving organizational goals.


The researcher hopes that the finding and suggestions would enable for effective management of employees towards achieving organizational goals. Moreso, the research work will endeavor to look into the motivational tools used by Dangote plc to achieve its success in the present day economy. And also, to see of what significance are these tools to the future productivity of the company.


The scope of this research work will be limited to Dangote Plc, and the following will be its limitation among others:

  1. a)         Time constraints- due to the short time given for the study, the researcher could not get all the required information needed for the study.
  2. b)         Finance- as a result of money constraint the researcher had not enough money to carry out the study beyond the level. The researcher could not visit places where necessary information relevant to the study could be obtained.
  3. c)          Attitude of respondents – some of the respondents were unwilling to cooperate with the researcher because they felt, they have nothing to benefit from the study both financially and otherwise. Besides they were afraid of losing their jobs, if all information needed are released to the researcher.
  4. d)         Another limitation is the non-availability of relevant and vital documents in the school library, which could have be useful in making an extensive research work and the library did not keep any special manuals for the topic which the researcher could make reference to.
  5. e)        This research work was undertaking when the writer is fully engage in the class work. This has greatly constrained the research work because the researcher has to pay attention to normal class activities.


Business Organization: Collective endeavor consisting of contractual relationship among the various parties involved

Motivation: it involves the inducement given to a worker to work more

Productivity: it is the outcome or output of a firm

Modern: it refers to something new


This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, significance or the study, research methodology, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlight the theoretical framework on which the study its based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.  Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study


This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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