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The study determined the effectiveness of Computer Aided  Instructional package (CAI) on achievement and retention of biology students in senior secondary schools in Minna metropolis. Four research questions were raised and four null hypotheses were tested. The study adopted the pre-test-posttest=control group design. A sample of one hundred and twenty (120) students from two intact classes from senior secondary two (SS II) of mixed gender were selected for this study. The researcher developed a computer assisted instructional package (CAI) on mitosis which  was  used  as  treatment  for experimental group while control  group  were exposed  to conventional lecture method (CLM). The instrument used for data collection was teacher made biology achievement test (TMAT).  A 20-items multiple choice objective type achievements test covering four phases of mitosis was used. Reliability co-efficient of 0.89 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson (K-R 21). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze the hypotheses. The findings revealed that the experimental group performed better than the control group. There was no significant difference in the performance of males and female students. The experimental  group  retained  better  than  the  control  group  while  there  was  no  significant difference in retention in male and female students in the experimental group. It was recommended that teachers should be exposed to the development and use of CAI; organize workshops and seminars and symposia on CAI to assist teacher deliver lessons through CAI packages to enhance learning among students generally.



1.1    Background to the Study

Since the world is fast turning into a Global village, where the ability to use, manipulate and communicate  using  the  computer  has  become  a  necessity  to  both  learners  and  instructors, learning in the nearest future is visualized to be computer based through the use of Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) packages rather than the conventional lecture method (CLM). The study of science as a subject that investigates both living and non living things incorporates biology as the branch that studies the aspects of living things made up of plants and animals. Learning these days can only take place effectively when science and technology are used to impact knowledge to learners through the use of computers with the help of Computer-Aided-Instruction package (CAI) because, science and technology are the main agents of social and economic changes (Taiwo, 2008).

Since biology occupies a unique place in school curriculum, biology has been found to be central and related to many subjects such as Botany, Zoology, Medicine, Agricultural science, Nursing, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, etc. As a result of its significance to science, it has drawn the attention of many researchers as observed by Kareem, (2003).   Biology as a science subject cannot be studied in isolation of today’s scientific and technological progresses achieved in the use of observation, experimentation, recording, collection of data and its analysis (Ugwu, 2005). Other branches of biology include zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry, integrated science and health science. Jegede (1990) opined that biology, like other science subjects has distinctive traits as field of study that relies heavily on practical. Ajayi (1998) associated poor performance of students in biology with their heterogeneous nature in terms of their ability level and the lack of properly equipped laboratories plus over loaded syllabus. Instructional models are in short supply (Adelekun, 2004). Technology in the information communication technology revolution (ICT) has provided many unique benefits to instructional programs.

Although traditional methods of instruction are widely accepted in teaching and learning environments, some educational institutions have started to implements computer technology as an  instructions  approach  (McKethan  et  al.,  2001).  The  introduction  of  computers  into  the business world in the mid fifties brought about significant changes in the way computers can be used since they were purely envisaged to carry out scientific functions. The early sixties saw the integration of computers into business and scientific functions though in a limited way. The invention of the microprocessor in the early seventies saw the introduction of personal computers for educational usage. Educational software was also developed to produce CAI packages.

Umaru (2003) defined CAI as a program of instruction or a package presented as software for instructional purposes. Several researchers have shown that the use of CAI has positive effect on students’ achievement compared to CLM. Nwobi and Uwandi (2007), found that CAI have been used to teach various subjects in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) and Senior Secondary Schools (SSS). The evolution of Computer-Assisted-Instruction (CAI) shows that CAI has existed for more than 50 years. The first CAI , was a flight simulator for pilots which was designed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1950 (Lockard, Abrams & Many, 1997) one of the first application of CAI for educational purposes was developed in 1960s at the University of Illinois called PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching). This program was designed to teach a variety of subjects such as pharmacology, nursing and geometry. In the seventies further developments occurred in computer aided instruction (CAI). The National Science Foundation in the United States of America provided the sum of $10 million for funding PLATO and TICCIT (Time Shared Interactive Computer-Controlled Information Television System). The main aim of this project was to develop a better teaching and learning environment via computers and television. The result of a research conducted by the Educational Testing Service showed that PLATO improved achievement significantly in chemistry, biology, and English while TICCIT also showed a significant improvement in English and Mathematics. Moreover, both PLATO and TICCIT students showed positive attitude towards CAI.  In the nineties, due to lower costs, faster processing power and better multifunctional performance capacity, microcomputers became an essential part of education.

CAI has been in use for more than five decades for educational purposes; although it is not new in the developed world, it is still new in the Nigerian context. It provides an instructional interaction between the learner and the computer in a variety of contents with or without the assistance of the teacher. It helps learner(s) by presenting the multimedia CAI materials as well as acting as a tutor. It uses the computer to facilitate and improve students’ learning through interacting with the computer at their own pace. CAI directs the learners’ attention to different sections in a learning sequence without the direct assistance of the teacher (Petrakis, 2000).

Some of the CAI features have originated from the learning theories of B.F. Skinner and E. L. Thorndike. The CAI principle uses the stimulus-response relationship, negative and positive reinforcement and the role of immediate feedback in a teaching and learning environment which has promoted the development of programmed instructions (Volker, 2001). Programmed instruction helps the teacher to plan and organize his lessons in a linear or branching model that allows sequential steps which provides immediate feedback as in the mitosis CAI developed for this study.

Achievement is defined by the oxford dictionary as the attainment of success in educational performance or the act of success in doing something. This determine the extent to which a student or teacher or institution achieves its academic goals. There is no known best method of measuring achievement which normally leads to procedural knowledge, skills, declarative knowledge such as fact, (Wikipedia 2014 web). Achievement is commonly measured through tests, examinations or continuous assessments (CA) but in California USA, it is measured by academic performance Wikipedia 2014, (web). Academic performance is usually influenced by individual difference as a result of different level of IQ. Other factors include parental socio- economic background and physical activities which enhances brain functions such as attention and working memory.

CAI is  now the  “in  thing”  for  enhanced  instruction  and  achievement  in  different  subjects, biology inclusive. Handelsman, Ebert-may, Beichner, Bruns, Chang et al (2004) opined that ”many  exercises  that  depart  from  the  traditional  lecture  method  or  CLM  are  now  readily available on  the web”  (p.521) even though  teachers hardly use them.  Karper, Robinson  & Casada-Kehoe (2005) found CAI to enhance performance than CLM. However, Mill (2001) findings reveal that CAI was found to be effective as the CLM in established facts but not as effective  in  topics  requiring  critical-thinking  such  as  mathematical  problem-solving.  Akour (2006) found that students taught with CAI performed better than those taught with CLM. (Basturk 2005), showed that, how CAI is delivered can affect its effectiveness. Jenk & Springer (2002), Karron & Bryme (2005) noted that in Nigeria today, teachers, text books, chalkboards and traditional teaching facilities are no longer adequate to cope with types of skills and competences expected of students. Ogoni (2003) suggests that teachers, need resources that can assist them carry out their duties efficiently. Williams (2004), state that teaching methods over the years have undergone several changes leading to the use of CAI package. Umaru (2003) defined CAI as a programme of instruction or a package presented as software for instructional purposes. Several researchers have shown that the use of CAI have positive effect on students’ achievement compared to CLM. According to Ezeliora (2000), CAI has been used to provide learners with different background and characteristics. Okoro & Etukudo (2001), found CAI to be effective in teaching, Paul & Babaworo (2006) in technical education courses, Egwunjobi in geography and Karper et al (2005) on counseling education. They all confirmed that CAI is effective in enhancing students in most subjects than the CLM. Chang (2000) in Yusuf (2009), opined that “many exercises that depart from CLM are readily available on the web (p521), even though teachers hardly use those facilities”. Orisebiyi (2007) investigated the effects of CAI on students’ achievement and retention in biology and found CAI to be effective also in students’ achievement in integrated science and some aspects of mathematics such as algebra, statistics, word problems and quadratic equations but not much on geometry using CAI package.

Several researches in CAI have found no effects on certain variables while others have had some effects on many variables. Some CAI programs have effected improvement in students’ achievement in early academic skills of pre-school students with disabilities (Hitchcock & Noonan, 2000) and cognitive and psychomotor skills in collegiate basic instruction tennis course (Konukman et al, 2001). In contrast, other group of researchers have found results in contrast to no effect of CAI on achievement; critical-thinking skills of nursing students (Saucier et al, 2001); Mckethal et al (2001) found no significant effect of CAI on PHE students.

Though a lot of CAI programs are available in the market from pre-school to adult learning programs, a lot of discussion is on in the literature and learning environments about the effectiveness of CAI. Several studies have recognized the following advantages of CAI programs (Lockard, Abrams & Many 1997, Petrakis 2000). Learning can occur at learner’s pace and time frame. CAI enhances learning and retention rate of students; it motivates and develops sense of efficacy. Meta analysis of sixty-five studies concluded by Kutchler (1998) revealed that CAI has positive effect on retention of mathematical concepts and skills of secondary school students; it improves student’s attitudes towards several aspects of schooling and towards learning. CAI makes learning interesting for students. Bunett (1999) and Albion (1997) asserts the need for CAI due to its flexibility and its potential to use skillful teaching techniques the minds of human instructors have developed over the years. Miller (1999) conducted a qualitative study of computer tutorial soft ware as a mode of instruction in intermediate algebra classes. Benefits of CAI that emerged from the studies were immediate feedback from the computer, the value of interaction with the computer and the individualization of instruction.

There is performance feedback immediately based on correct and incorrect responses and lessons are individualized. The rate of learning is paced and controlled by the learner. Learners can review mistakes. CAI programs have assessment and scoring of performance. Simulation and animation environments are provided by the computer. CAI can be timed to suit the time table needs of class work. Sounds, graphics and colour make it interesting to learners. Tutorials teach a lesson the way teachers give lectures. Instructional games can be simulated.

CAI usage isolates students from peers and school environment. CAI learning becomes individualized  rather than group or cooperative learning.  Instruction  is  programmed  like in robots rather than as given by humans. Teachers take on passive roles as facilitators rather than instructors.  Technical  malfunctions  can  distract  students  easily.  Electrical  failures  can  also distract learning as well.

Retention in learning has been defined by Wikipedia as the ability to retain facts and figures in memory. However retention as defined by Hornbil (2001) as the ability to remember things. For the purpose of this study retention is thus defined as the ability to retain or remember knowledge in biology learned and be able to recall it when the need arises. Retention in biology is not acquired by mere memorization but through appropriate teaching methods (Chianson 2008). According to Iji (2002), students learnt more in experimental group than in the control group. Also, Obodo (2010), states that retention is measured in collaboration with achievement. His study of different effects of three teaching models on performance in JSS students in some algebraic concepts showed equal retention. This indicates that each of the models was effective in students’ achievement in algebra, could as well help students retain algebraic concepts effectively. Retention is the preservative of the mind (Kundu & Tatoo, 2007), whatever touches consciousness leaves traces or impressions and is retained in the mind in form of images. Two types of memory have been identified as short and long term memories.  However this study is aimed at investigating the effect of CAI package on retention in mitosis in biology in Minna metropolis.

Gender is normally defined as the segregation of the sexes into males and females. Gender issues have been linked to performance in students’ academic achievement in sexual studies without definite  conclusion.  The  concept  of  gender  has  attracted  the  attention  of  many researchers (Okpala & Onacha, 1995; Oyedeji 1996; Adesoji & Fisuyi 2001, Anekwe 2006; Anagbogu & Ezeliora, 2007; Poopola 2007; Iwendi 2007). There is a general imbalance by females in the use of computer, access to computer, career in computer and attitudes towards the computer. Some studies show that males perform better than females in chemistry, physics and biology (Olaofe, 2005; Adeniyi 2005; Paul, & Babaworo 2006) while others revealed that female students are better off than males. Studies on the use of CAI has shown that female students perform better than males when introduced to individualized CAI package while other researchers observed that gender has no influence on the performance of students when exposed to CAI   package (Paul & Adeniyi, 2005; Babaworo 2006). Ash (2005) Basturk (2005) & Dantala (2006) found no significant difference between males and females taught physics and history respectively. Russell (2003) noted that teachers are expected to provide assistance, equip the students, provide the technique involved and at the end clarify student worksheet. Hence, biology teacher should be involved in using CAI package. Spence (2004) found no significant influence of gender on the achievement of college students in mathematics when they were taught mathematics with mathematics course ware in online CAI package and CLM. However, female students were unlikely to complete their course compared to males and females. The present study is an attempt to  determine the moderating effects  of student’s  gender on  learning outcome in  mitosis  in biology, that is whether gender is an important variable in students’, achievement and retention when exposed to CAI package.

It is in view of the above that the researcher finds it necessary to search for an appropriate approach that is student-centered and that can enhance academic achievement and retention in mitosis in biology. Therefore, this study tends to find out if CAI package could be used to improve students’ achievement and retention in mitosis in biology in senior secondary school II in Minna Metropolis. Hence, this study will develop a CAI package on mitosis and apply it as a teaching  strategy  to  investigate  its  effectiveness  on  students’  achievement  and  retention  in mitosis in biology.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

In spite of the popularity of the subject, biology records poor performance in WAEC and SSCE examinations (Ahmed, 2008). The desire to find out why students perform poorly was attributed to over population in the classes, poor quality of science teachers, lack of suitable and adequate science equipment among others (Kareem, 2003). Other factors include heterogeneous ability level, ill-equipped laboratories and over loaded syllabus in biology (Ahmed 2003). Biology, being one of the basic requirements for admission to read medicine requires excellent grades by students to produce high quality doctors. Chief examiners’ reports from previous WAEC 2004-2009, NECO 2000-2010 and NABTEB 2006-20012 examinations indicate that students score low marks in genetics question thereby leading to poor grades in biology.

Despite the perceived importance and role of biology in the world’s science and technology development, students’ achievement in West African Senior Secondary School Certificate examinations in the past decades have persistently been so poor in this public examinations (Asayai, 2005) in Aniodoh and Ngozi (2012). Based on the pivotal role of biology in every spheres of life, it has been noted that the enrolment of the students for the subject has been on the increase but achievement of the students, persistently diminishes dramatically on yearly basis.

This assertion is being supported by WAEC/SSCE biology results of 2004-2009 and NECO/SSCE biology results of 2000-2010 and the chief examiner’s report of 2002 to 2010. Insufficient instructional materials have been identified as the key factor accounting for students’ poor  performance  in  biology  in  spite  of  large  enrolment  (Nwachukwu  and  Nwosu,  2007). Looking at the number of students that register for biology examination, it was observed that large number of students registered for it because it is in line with Federal Government National Policy on Education that mandates all students to register for one science subject (Danmole and Adeoye, 2004). This resulted in high number of students that registered for biology as a result of their belief that biology is a “cheap” subject (Soyibo 1982) in Danmole et al, (2004). Hence, students’ high failure rate may be due to the fact that biology is a difficult subject. This is of great concern to stakeholders. Could this poor performance be the outcome of teaching strategy? What will be the effect of Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) on achievement and retention of SS II students in mitosis in biology? The search for a more efficient method of teaching mitosis in biology has necessitated the need for more interactive strategies for improved teaching and learning. An interactive strategy considered by this study for improvement is Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) package. Although CAI is purported to have the potential to enhance students, learning, it is not quite clear whether CAI may be more effective in achieving better learning outcomes and sustaining students’ retention in mitosis in biology.

Based on the above questions, the most prominent question is: What will be the effects of

Computer Assisted Instruction package on the achievement and retention of mitosis biology?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package on achievement and retention in mitosis in biology in senior secondary II in Minna Metropolis.

1    To develop a computer aided instruction package CAI on mitosis for the study.

2    To determine the effects of Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) package on students’ academic achievements in secondary schools II mitosis biology.

3    To determine the influence of gender on mean achievement scores of SS II students taught mitosis using (CAI) package.

4    To determine the effects of Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package  on mean retention scores of SS II students in mitosis biology.

5    To determine the mean achievement scores of male and female SS II students taught mitosis biology with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

1          Is there any difference in the achievement mean scores of students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided -instruction (CAI) package and students taught mitosis with Conventional Lecture Method (CLM)?

2          Is there any difference in the achievement mean score of male and female students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package?

3          Is there any difference in the retention mean scores of students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided- instruction (CAI) package and students taught mitosis with Conventional Lecture Method (CLM)?

4.         Is there any difference in the retention mean scores of male and female students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package?

1.5       Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated and tested for the purpose of this study at 0.05 level of significance

HOI:   There is no significant difference in the achievement mean scores of students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package and students taught mitosis with lecture method (CLM).

HO2:   There is no significant difference in the achievement mean scores of male and female students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package.

HO3:  There is no significant difference in the retention mean scores of students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package and those taught mitosis with lecture method.

HO4: There is no significant difference in the retention mean scores of male and female students taught mitosis with Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) package.

1.6        Significance of the Study

This study is based on the framework that findings will have both theoretical and practical significance. It is expected that findings of this study will give credence to the mental load theory when the achievement and retention of the students changed positively as a result of the application of CAI package in mitosis in biology. This is because the mental load scientist such as Mayer, Heiser & Lonn, in 2001 emphasized that an audiovisual presentation will usually have lower extraneous load than a visual format only, since the audio modality is also being used to convey information to the learner. These have been found to support learning which is in line with the development of computer assisted instructional (CAI) package technology as a teaching machine.This study focuses on finding out the effects of CAI package in mitosis in biology. It is expected that at the completion of this study, students, teachers, teacher training institutions, curriculum developers, policy makers, government and the nation at large will benefit from the findings in the following ways:

The result of this study is expected to have positive impact on teaching and learning of mitosis biology in SS II. The teachers will identify the mode of instruction that will be suitable for effective teaching and learning of mitosis in biology. Apart from increasing the number of instructional strategies at their disposal, it might make the teaching of mitosis in biology more interesting and hence improve achievement and retention of concepts in mitosis in biology. It will be useful to computer programmers and software designers by providing them with the appropriate programme for effective teaching and learning.

The study will be of benefit to biology teachers because the CAI package will stimulate their innovativeness in their teaching and learning process. After being exposed to the package, they can develop other computer packages to teach difficult topics in biology. They can use what they have developed in CAI packages to achieve their objectives. CAI packages assist teachers in teaching abstract and complex topics in biology. This also reduces the stress of teaching since the package is interactive in nature. The use of CAI package assists in effective large class management since it can be projected on a screen.The result is expected to be useful to learners in biology because it will provide opportunities for students to practice basic skills in mitosis in biology. They will learn some basic concepts on their own, at their own pace and time. The use of CAI package developed for this study will raise learners’ interest in mitosis in biology. The CAI package will also increase the creativity level of learners which will help them generate ideas in solving biology related problems. With the use of CAI package in learning, the learner’s interest in video games will now be shifted from irrelevant programs to a more learning-oriented- programs.

The listening skill of the learner is supposed to be greatly enhanced and the phobia or fear of the computer is also greatly reduced. The CAI package encourages individual and group learning habits where after the normal class work the learner can go home and study the CAI package at his will and pace or form a group of friends to study together at their leisure time. This procedure will provide for individual differences, eliminates tension and fear in learners, make learning easy, simple and enjoyable which leads to mastery of the subject matter. It is hoped that it will provide cognitive bridge to the students which will lead them from abstract learning to a concrete one. The result of study will encourage the use of the head, heart and hand to acquire skills necessary for harmonious interaction between the learners and the materials to be learnt.

To the curriculum developers, the study would keep them abreast of the new innovation in the use of CAI packages to teach as against the conventional lecture method. They will now draw up a master plan for the review of the National Policy on Education to reflect the development and the  use  of  CAI  in  most  of  the  subjects  taught  in  our  schools  throughout  the  Federation. Workshops and seminars could be used to train teachers to be ICT compliant which will lead teachers to be able to develop and use CAI packages.

To the government, it expected that this study will be of great benefit to the government. It is expected  that  the  cost  of  importing  foreign  CAI packages  will  be  greatly  reduced  thereby conserving our scarce foreign reserve.

To the nation, the study would be of immense benefit because it could produce learners with ICT literacy that will be able to adapt to the “Global Village” syndrome where global citizens must be ICT compliant or will not survive as survival requires the ability to use computer for all their transactions. Teaching and learning in those days will be computer-based due to the advent of “Skype”  software  which  enable  both  learners  and  teachers  to  interact  with  each  other  on computer screen as the teacher teaches from the classroom. One just needs to log-on to Skype and he will be connected to his teacher at another location say, Gidan Kwanu “GK” where the lecturer is delivering his lectures through Skype to his students in far away distances.

The learners so produced will be spurred to think logically geared toward producing a CAI package for future in different areas of professional endeavours. The use CAI packages will encourage scientists to produce CAI packages in Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Geology, Anatomy and Physiology and other science related courses.

1.7       Scope of the Study

The research study intends to cover two secondary schools in Minna Metropolis of Niger State. It is limited to only senior secondary two (SS II) in the area of study. They are Hill Top Model School, Minna (HTMS), Government Day Secondary School, Minna (GDSS) The topic of the research will be mitosis and the study will last for four weeks. Minna metropolis of Niger State comprised of ten Senior Secondary Schools, with the ten schools having well developed ICT facilities and infrastructural development. The population characteristics of the schools are homogenous  in  terms  of  student  population  in  the  classes,  teacher’s  qualification,  school programs etc. Based on the above, the choice of Minna became suitable for the study. The choice of SS II is borne out of the fact the topic falls under their syllabus. The mitosis topic will include all the phases of mitosis; Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. The study will last for four weeks.

1.8       Basic Assumptions of the Study

In this research study, it is assumed that results of the effects of CAI program in mitosis will assist to bring about a change from the use of lecture method to the use of CAI programs. It is also assumed that due to the audio, graphics and simulations, students will be motivated to work hard to excel in their study of biology. It is assumed that students at the end of the treatment will acquire computer skills due to the embedded drills and practice in the CAI package.

1.9       Operational Definition of Major Terms

Biology: Bio in Greek means life, logy means study, so biology can be defined as the study of life or living things.

CAI-Computer Aided Instruction is the instructional package developed in mitosis for this study

Achievement: Scores obtained by learner. MBAT: Mitosis Biology Achievement test. CLM: Conventional Classroom Method

TMBAT: Teacher Made Biology Achievement Test.

Retention: Scores obtained by learner after 2 weeks delay after treatment. Gender: Segregation of sexes into male and females.

Mitosis: Is the cell division that occurs at the apical meristematic region of plants.

Interphase: Cell has appearance of non dividing cell, chromosomes too thread like for visibility Prophase: Chromosomes thickens, centromere visible, nucleolus disappears and breakdown of nuclear membrane

Metaphase: Chromosomes arrange themselves at the centre of the cell, chromatids draw apart and moves towards the opposites poles of the spindle

Anaphase: Chromosomes migrate to the opposite poles and the cell starts to divide at the centre Telophase: Cell division is completed here forming two daughter cells containing the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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