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Production and Characterization of oil from kerogen obtained from Bida Basin. In this study, kerogen from Bida Basin was used as a source of hydrocarbon for the production of oil and gas. Different thermal characterization such as Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Rock Eval (R.E) pyrolysis were employed. TGA was studied for the purpose of determining the thermal decomposition of kerogen. The decomposition of kerogen occurs at temperature of 308.28-471.68 oC. Thermal breakdown of the kerogen content using TGA and R.E takes place mainly at the temperature of 300 to 600 oC. The analysed kerogen sample from R.E have Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content of 0.68 wt % and constitute of oil and gas prone kerogen type II. The maximum temperature (Tmax) is 418 oC. Thermal characteristics of analyzed sample obtained by TGA is in conformity with R.E parameters. The results obtained from R.E pyrolysis reveal that the shale oil contains good quality kerogen to generate oil and gas during pyrolysis. Fixed bed pyrolysis was performed in order to obtained shale oil, gas and coke. Temperature of 500 oC gave an optimum yield of 50.20 wt %.GCMS analysis shows the organic compounds present in the shale oil. Physical properties  such  as  viscosity,  density,  pour  point,  flash  point,  calorific  value,  pH  and moisture content were studied and compared with standard shale oil. The BET analysis shows that the specific surface area of the kerogen was 171.95 m2 / g, pore size was 2.97 nm and pore volume was 0.068 cm3  / g which enhance the flow of oil within the kerogen sample.



1.1       Background to the Study

Energy is a very important resource of any nation all over the world. It can be observed that increase of industrial growth of any nation is a function of the quantity of energy available in that nation and the extent it is utilized (Osueke and Ezugwu, 2011). Conventional energy source are petroleum, coal and natural gas. Nigeria is the world’s tenth biggest reserve of crude oil estimated to be about 36 billion barrels. Onshore drilling refers to drilling deep holes under the earth surface whereas offshore drilling refers to drilling underneath the seabed. These drilling methods are used in order to extract natural resources usually oil and gas (Oyedepo, 2012). The most exploited natural resource in Nigeria is petroleum. However recent findings suggest that petroleum potentials of Nigeria have not been fully realized, particularly with emphasis to its inland basins. Nigeria’s inland basins have been highly under explored basically as a result of abundance of oil in the Niger Delta. Examples of inland basin in Nigeria are Anambra Basin, Benue Trough, Benin Basin, Bida Basin, Borno Basin, Niger Delta Basin and Sokoto Basin (Geologin, 2012).

The technology of exploring inland Basin is Seismic, which is technology employed by oil and gas companies to find-out the rock where there is potential for hydrocarbons. Seismic technology operates with sound waves to predict what lies in the ground. Therefore, there is a need to utilize the use of energy sources to meet huge energy demand. Similarly, alternatives fossil fuels such as oil shale, oil sand, tar, asphaltite, shale gas and so on can be transformed to increase supply of energy (Kok and Ozgur, 2016). Kerogen (Petroleum Source Rock) can simply be defined as the organic matter content of the oil shale with sufficient amount of hydrocarbon to form a commercial quantity of oil or gas (Al-Areeq, 2018).The elemental contents of kerogen are   Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Sulphur (S) and Oxygen (O) (Adegoke et al., 2015).

Pyrolysis is one of the new alternative methods used to produce fossil fuels (oil and gas). The major methods of pyrolysis are combustion (presence of oxygen), thermal / cracking, catalysis / cracking (catalyst), hydrocracking (hydrogenation), gray–king pyrolysis (fixed bed pyrolysis) and micro wave pyrolysis (Olufemi, 2016).

In the study of thermal and geochemical characterization of Lokpanta oil shales conducted by (Sonibare et al., 2005) stated that kerogen sample was characterized using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Rock  Eval (R.E) pyrolysis.  Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) was the instrument that gave information about thermal behavior of the kerogen with respect to the composition of organic matter and heating rate and the Rock Eval (R.E) pyrolysis was used extensively in analyzing the organic matter contained in the oil shale with respect to quantity, quality or type and thermal maturity. The sample was heated in oxygen free environment to a particular temperature range using a special temperature program. The first peak (S1) stand for hydrocarbon already present in the sample at about temperature of 300 oC. The second peak (S2) stand for hydrocarbon gotten from thermal cracking of kerogen at about temperature of 300 – 550 oC and the third peak (S3) stand for the CO2  which is generated from kerogen during thermal cracking. The analysis also provides information about maximum S2 peak (Tmax) and the Total Organic content (TOC) of the oil shale.

(Obaje et al., 2013) studied the geological surveying, mapping and characterization of the kerogen from Bida Basin using Rock Eval pyrolysis instrument. (Liu et al., 2017) study kinetics   characterization   of   kerogen   from   Mudanjiang   using   Rock   Eval   pyrolysis instrument. The results of heating rate obtained are 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 oC/min while temperature   range   of   200   –   600   oC.   However   they   are   limited   to   kinetics, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Rock Eval (R. E) Pyrolysis. This research is going further by carrying out fixed bed pyrolysis experiment on the kerogen to obtained liquid, solid and gas. The shale oil from fixed bed pyrolysis was characterized with Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) in order to know the organic compounds present in the kerogen (Stanshenko and Martinez, 2014). The kerogen sample was analyzed in Brunauer Emmitt Teller (BET) in order to know the pore size, pore volume and specific surface area of the kerogen. The aim of this research work is to evaluate and characterize oil production from kerogen in Bida Basin.

1.2       Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research work is to evaluate and characterise oil production from kerogen in Bida Basin area in Niger State, Nigeria. The aims can be achieved through the following objectives.

I.      To evaluate the composition and chemical content of the kerogen and shale oil through ultimate and proximate analysis.

II.      Rock Eval pyrolysis of the carbonaceous kerogen in order to evaluate the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and hydrocarbon generative potential of the sample.

III.      Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the carbonaceous kerogen in order to evaluate thermal and chemical contents and Brunaer Emmett Teller (BET) analysis in order to obtain the specific surface area, surface pore size and pore volume of the kerogen.

IV.      Fixed bed pyrolysis experiment of carbonaceous kerogen to obtained shale oil, shale gas and coke.

V.      Determinations of physical properties such as viscosity, density, calorific value, pour point, flash point, moisture content and pH of the shale oil.

VI.      Characterisation of the shale oil via GCMS.

1.3       Scope of the study

The scope of this research is limited to evaluation and characterization of oil production from kerogen in Bida Basin in Niger State, Nigeria and characterization of the shale oil with GCMS, characterization of kerogen using TGA, Rock Eval pyrolysis and BET analysis.

1.4       Statement of the Research Problem

This  study has  become  very important  because  of  the  need  for  energy as  a  result  of population growth, dependence on fossil fuel and depletion of already existing oil reserves such as Niger Delta Basins. The commonest methods of extracting crude oil are thermal dissolution, hydrogen treatment (hydrogenation), and pyrolysis. Consequently, the need for a viable energy sources have become imperative. Pyrolysis is one of the new alternative methods used to produce fossil fuels (oil and gas).This research is aimed at studying the evaluation and characterisation of oil production from kerogen in Kudu Bida Basin area in Niger State and characterisation of the shale oil obtained from fixed bed pyrolysis with GCMS, Characterisation of kerogen using TGA, Rock Eval pyrolysis and BET analysis.

1.5      Justification of the Study

This  is  justified  for  the  following  reasons,  kerogen  as  an  indicator  to  presence  of hydrocarbon deposit in Bida Basin will go a long way to provide more oil reserve which will therefore solve the problem associated with demand for energy. This will in turn provide more sources of energy from fossil fuel for the teaming population.

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