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The benefits to be derived by financial institutions especially banks by investing in information technology cannot be over-emphasized. In this era of post consolidation, banks need to be continuously innovative and have a strong retail and e-business vision in order to stay ahead of competition. Today  competition  has  compelled  most  banks  to  drop  their  age-long tradition of conservatism, slowness and long reaction time to business opportunities  and  customer  requests.  IT  department  will  be  driven  by business imperatives; it will be pro-active, timely, flexible, simple, scalable and cost effective. For the purpose of this study, some selected banks in the industry were chosen. They include the staff and customers of United Bank of Africa Plc, Diamond Bank Plc and Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. Related literature was reviewed to ascertain other writers’ views   concerning the subject matter. Questionnaires were used to elicit responses from the sample elements and were further analyzed with tables, percentage and test of hypothesis. Also interviews were conducted. Against this background, valuable and reliable discoveries were made. It was discovered that investment in IT and incorporation of its policies and programmers is a ‘sine qua non’ to the continuous existence and survival of most banks in the present millennium and reposition them to face competition in the industry in terms of:

•   Speedy   and   timely   reached   management   decisions   both   in opportunities exploration and corporate management.

•  Delivering prompt services to their customers to meet customers’ expectations.



The requirement and need for information is constantly growing in every business application. In the past, following the Industrial Revolution of 1760, the success of enterprise tended to vary in relation to the combination  of  fixed  assets  and  technology available  to  it. Today  most successful companies are innovative, flexible and able to respond to the scope  and  depth  of  change  seen  in  the  shifting  global  environment (Senapalh, 2000).

As we  move ahead in this 21st   century, banks all over the world realize that only those that overhaul the whole of their payment and service delivery systems and operations are likely to survive delivery systems and operations are likely to survive and prosper in the new millennium. This is due to the pressure of globalization, consolidation, deregulation and rapidly changing technology as already stated above. Therefore in order to properly place themselves, particularly, Nigerian Banks in favourable positions, of competition and be one of the corporations to be reckoned with in the new millennium banks must make use of Information Technology (I.T).

Information Technology (IT) incorporates two main technologies or domains of study, viz; computers (PC) and Telecommunications. It is the technology  of  gathering,  analyzing,  manipulating,  storing  and communication data (Woheren, 1991 and 1993). Today, the world ‘DATA’ encompasses voice, text, numbers, fax, graphics, pictures, video and multimedia. We embark of the study of information technology because we need organized way of handling information for proper planning, proper decision-making, and proper management. This therefore save time, cost and minimizes the process of organizing and coordinating our big activities (Mbam, 2002).

According to Bill Gates (1995), “as a result of the convergence of the computer (PC), microelectronics and communications industries, we will have PDAS (Personal Digital Assistants) which will remind us of our meetings ands when to book or catch an aircraft”. He also noted that Tens of Thousands of business in the United States already exchange information via an electronic system call Electronic Document Interchange (EDI).

However, the present state of diffusion of IT in the Nigerian Banking sector as Woherem posit; that information Technology has already become the nervous systems of Banks worldwide.

As we move into the new century, Nigerian banks and non banks which constitute the Nigerian financial arena will become uncompetitive if they do  not  have  the  means  to  deliver their banking  services  and  non- banking services online and in real-time cross all their branches, homes and abroad.

Moreover, of they do not have the backbone telecommunication’s infrastructure in the form of broad-band local and wider area networks, if they are not able to communicate and trade globally with the rest of the world through cyberspace; and if they do not invest substantially in IT and the training of their IT personnel, they will be left behind in the globalized banking playfield of the 21st century.

The emergence of information technology in Nigeria banking started in the 90s, which later developed a sub-system, which is well known today as electronic Banking (E-Banking) which is the use of electronic gadgets like the PCs. Punch cards, smart cards, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) etc for exchanging data and consummating financial transactions by banks. This will lead to an improvement in their serviced delivery through the use of electronic or software packages/programmes like Electronic Document Interchange (EDI), client information filling (CIF), ATMs, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and personal computer (PCs) through the internet, which is a global market for information exchange (Frenzel, 1996).


Globalization and its offspring, hyper competition, uncertain environment, demand for quality services and above all rapid advances in technology  have  necessitated  that  organizations  especially  banks  change their usual or traditional way of doing business.

In Nigerian banks today, the still exist considerable use of papers and files to consummate financial transactions instead of adopting the modern technology. The result is slow rate of banking operations, which will greatly affect the output. In that case, there are still congestion of customers at banks’  counters.  Customers  are  still  seen  forming  longer  queue  than necessary resulting in a lot of time being wasted by these cusotemrs, which has created negative impressions by the customers o nthe particular bank. Moreover, there are still high rate of fraudulent practices among bank employees and bank chief executives who have taken the advantage of inadequate availability or provision of Information Technology (IT) equipment or lapses in the system to perpetrate crimes in order to achieve their selfish desires to the detriment of the particular bank. Above all, poor

and slow management decision making and information dissemination still exist in the system and this has greatly affected output and will invariably affect the turnover as information that is timely or that is out of date is useless.


The major objectives of carrying out this work is:-

•   To examine how crucial information technology is, to the banking sector.

•   To  examine  the  reasons  why  the  desired  efficiency  has  not  been achieved in the sector.

•   To examine the factors responsible for the lapses experienced in the sector.

•   To  determine  whether  the  banking  sector  realize  the  tremendous advantage that may accrue following investment on information technology (IT).

•  To examine the constraints and challenges information technology

(IT) may face in the Nigerian Banking industry.

•   To suggest solutions where possible to problems/lapses which may be encountered in using IT equipments.

•   To determine low Information Technology (IT) will encourage proper planning, proper decision-making and proper management in the banking sector through systematic or formalized way of handling information.


In this research work, a study will be carried out to ascertain if information Technology is the basis for achieving efficiency in the banking industry thereby obviating inefficiency in the industry. Therefore, at this point, questions will be then asked:-

(a).    Are  there  much  benefit  to  be  derived  by  banks  by  investing  on Information Technology?

(b).    How sound is the structure in complementing business performance roles?

(c).    Does the Information Technology (IT) to be adopted have the capacity to completely or to a greater extent alleviate the numerous human efforts being wasted in he previous unorganized or non-systematic manner of running the industry or collecting information?

(d).    Does  the  Information  Technology    (IT)  to  be  adopted  have  the capacity to reduce complexities in the system by maximally utilizing available  information  to  improve  on  the  quality  of  production  or services to its customers?

(e).    Does  it  have  the  capacity  to  save  time  and  cost  via  formalized procedures and to quicken services in the industry.

(f).     How can the future of Information Technology (IT) equipment be secured in terms of maintenance and problem of constant power interruptions in Nigeria?


This study is calculated to create an awareness of Information Technology (IT) a modern tool for effective and efficient business management.  The  researcher  cast  his  mind  back  when  most  business activities went on without any knowledge of or exposure to Information Technology (IT). Certainly, the picture was good to the operators because there  was  nothing  to  compare  their  situations  with.  The  picture  under analysis portrays a sluggish, mutilated and unreliable network of business connections. Nobody will be in a better position to appreciate the significant of Information Technology (IT) in business than the executive who had the opportunity to span the two performances.

In summary, the study has broadened the horizon of the researcher on issues concerning information technology and its application in the business world especially the banking industry. This will help to educate management on the need to invest in Information Technology (IT) considering the tremendous advantages that may accrue from such investment.


At present, there are over twenty banks operating in Nigeria with their numerous branches scattered over Nigeria. Therefore, it will be cumbersome to carry-out a detailed study of all these banks or their branches nationwide.

The  research  work  tries  to  streamline  the  task  by  focusing  on Diamond Bank of Nigeria Plc, Okpara Avenue Enugu, United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) and Guaranty Trust bank (GTB). These banks have made considerable  efforts  in  investing  on  information  Technology  in  their financial transactions. It needs to be emphasized that following the merger between the old UBA and Standard Trust Bank Plc (STB) in August 1, 2005, the new United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) was formed.

Moreover, since time is very limited as to carry out a comprehensive study  of the whole sections of the selected banks, attempt will be made to focus on its top management responsible for decision making, its operational departments rendering customer services like the cashiers, and how investment in Information Technology (IT) has enable them to improve on their service delivery.


The procedures to accomplish the objectives of this research in order to ensure detailed and accurate result are as follows: a systematic and logical observation and experiment are to be employed for an optimum objectivity value. Such procedures include; taking a proper view of the banking industry through inquiries, interview and the use of questionnaire specially designed and  formulated  as to arrest the  attention  and prompt  response from the bankers, customers and other professional bodies in the banking sector.


In the course of carrying out this research, the researcher encountered, some constraints, which tends o limit and or retard the timely completion of this research work. The time available for this work was not enough top permit detailed and comprehensive collection of data and materials. Again some of the modern gadgets used in Banks in Nigeria were not readily made available to the researcher by the banks. The researcher therefore has to rely mainly on textbooks and journals to study how they are operated or how they ease the efficiency of operations of banks in the new millennium.

Lastly, the most contingent among the limiting factors is the financial involvement, most of which emanated from various sources; printing of questionnaires and other relevant costs attached to   its execution such as traveling expenses and cost of photocopying relevant materials.


The following hypothesis designed will be tested in the study of this research:

Hi:     There are tremendous advantages accruing to computerization as it facilitates effective and efficient performance.

Ho:    There are no tremendous advantages accruing to computerization as it does not facilitate effective and efficient performance.

Hi:     Information    Technology    does    enhance    management    decision capability.

Ho:    Information  Technology  does  not  enhance  management  decision capability.

Hi:     Investment in Information Technology (IT) enable banks to improve on their service delivery and being able to compete favourably.

Ho:    Investment in Information Technology (IT) does not enable banks to improve on other service delivery and unable to compete favourably with others.


Information  Technology  (IT):  It  refers  to  technology that  amalgamated computers (PCs) and telecommunication facilities for gathering, analyzing, manipulating, storing and communicating data for organizational executives for decision making.

Personal Computer (PC): It is an electronic device made-up of chips and micro-processors that enable it to accept instructions to process data and output information useful to solve a particular problem/s.

Data: It relates to a series of voices, texts, number, fax, graphics, pictures, video etc, which represent raw data input to the computer for processing to output useful information.

Smart cards: A smart card is a card made of plastic that looks like a credit card with an embedded microprocessor chip that can store and process information and transactions.

Internet: A network is a series of computers that are connected together electronically and that can share information digitally.

Decision Support System: It is a collection of computer programmes (software) and (hardware) that help management responsible for decision making, to make viable and reliable decisions that enable them to achieve corporate objective/s.

Management Information System: This is an information system that formalized procedure to provide management at all levels in all function with appropriate information from all relevant sources both internal and external to the organization which will enable them to make clear and more effective  decisions  for  planning,  for  directing  and  for  controlling  the activities which they are responsible for.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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