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Perception of any given environment enables one to comprehend and react to stimuli brought about by the environment. As such, the way landscape in recreational parks is perceived evidently affects the satisfaction derived from the recreational experience. Studies have shown that in Minna, people face several problems as regards outdoor recreation of which include inadequate recreational facilities, apathy towards recreation, time constraint, lack of finances and health problems and it is recommended to research the problem from the people‟s point of view. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate people‟s perception of landscape in the design of a recreation park in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria to foster more frequent visits. The research method adopted by this study is  the  mixed  research  method  whereby  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  research methods were employed. The sampling method adopted by this study is the Laddering technique where by data was collected in an unstructured manner based on a Means-end theory. The probability sampling technique therefore used as the sample technique for this study. As such, the use of questionnaires and observation schedules were employed to collect primary data from respondents and data about the existing recreational park in Minna. Relevant literature was analysed to bring out key parameters and variables to be measured for the study. Thus, the parameters measured in this study included five perceptual categories (open smooth, open coarse, rivers, agrarian, and structures) which were used to obtain the preferences for landscape settings for recreational park visitors. Also, the six perceptual qualities of landscape features; form, texture, sound, colour, pattern and smell were analysed to examine what respondents considered adds beauty to recreational parks. Hence, the result gotten from the analysis were cross tabulated with various social group factors for further examining. Furthermore, perceptual qualities where categorized based on the two perception modes; the allocentric and autocentric perception modes.  It was discovered that the most desired landscape settings were structures, open smooth landscapes and water bodies having the percentiles of 31%, 22%, and 20% respectively. It was also discovered that a statistical relationship exists between gender and the preference for Structures in recreational park design, as the P– value of the Pearson‟s Chi-square test yielded 0.002. The P- value of the Pearson‟s Chi- square test also revealed that, for the Idoma tribe, the perception of form as a landscape perceptual quality is dependent on gender, as the value yielded was 0.03. Thus, it is recommended that recreational park managers and landscape architects should take into account not only the spacial qualities of landscape settings but also perceptual qualities so as to optimize user experience satisfaction in recreational parks design.



1.1       Background to the Study

Recreational parks are essential to any neighbourhood because it contributes to the general  wellbeing  of  the  individuals  and  the  community as  a  whole.  An  essential component of any community or residential neighbourhood is the space that is committed and determined to nourish active and passive recreational needs (Olaleye, 2014). Therefore, recreation is an integral part of people‟s lives in any given society. Recreation is multidimensional, it involves the exercises of physical, cognitive, emotional and social interaction (Broadhurst, 2001). Traditionally, society has proposed that recreation occurs during “leisure time”, it is thereby closely related to the concept of leisure (Hailegiorgis, 2017).

Leisure  parks,  often  regarded  as  recreational  parks  are  basic  elements  of  great ecological and environmental importance. The existence of recreational parks and gardens in various communities help to meet very necessary social and recreational needs in the society (Recreational Park Landscape, 2019). Hailegiorgis (2017) further explained that, for a community or society generally, leisure offers a perfect avenue for the  announcement  of  historical,  social  and  cultural  values  which  in  turn  promotes desired customs, norms and social orientations. Spaces in recreational parks are known for beautiful landscaping which are done in order to appeal to the eyes of visitors. Landscape features are arranged in ways to draw the attention of people giving them a sense of serenity as they experience the recreational park. Thus, recreational parks serve as a place for relaxation for individuals residing both in and out of locales.

Afolabi and Afolabi (2016) explained that the provision and development of parks have become necessary, particularly in contemporary times when urban centres are progressively being densely developed with little or no spaces for green and play areas. Yfantidou and Anthopoulos (2017) explained that the work life of people is being affected culturally, spiritually, psychologically as a result. Hence, the perception of the environment in which individuals find themselves has an effect on the psychological satisfaction gained. Necka (2011) asserted that every act of creation is influenced by perception, the way things are perceived by people determines the thoughts of people about the subjects. Thus, there is a growing need to have the presence of recreational parks in communities. Walker (2004) reinforced this view by emphasising that with the increase  in  psychological  stress  levels  in  contemporary  life,  parks  have  great recreational benefits and provide a place to enjoy fresh air and exercise. People find recreational parks the perfect fit for leisure because it serves as an avenue to escape from stress, a place to spend time with loved ones and to enjoy scenic views.

In an investigation on the effect of recreational parks on park‟s visitors, a significant correlation was found between use of the parks and observed state of health of people: people who used local parks frequently were more probable to report good health than those who do not (Godbey et al., 1992). Thus, Officha et al. (2013) further explained that recreational parks that are well designed and landscaped, properly managed and found within residential areas can serve as play area for children, shared spaces, and a serene environment which adds to the quality of life and well-being of residents in that locale. Schroeder (1991) revealed that natural environments with vegetation and water prompt tranquil and relaxed states compared with urban environments without any form of   soft   landscape.   This   capacity   of   natural   elements   to   function   as   “natural tranquillizers” may be specifically valuable in urban regions where stress is an all-too- common aspect of daily living (Van den Berg et al., 1998). Natural landscape and features, besides having aesthetic, mental and health benefits, have social benefits included. Nature can encourage the use of outdoor spaces, increases social integration and interaction among neighbours (Coley et al., 1997). Thus, nature is believed to have a positive influence on the health of individuals.

Perhaps, in recreational parks design, the landscaping should be considered as staple component. This is as a result of the undisputable connection between nature with the mental and physical health of recreational park goers. The incorporation of landscape features in recreational parks should be well-thought-out, but not without being compatible with people‟s perception of these landscape features for recreational park designs.

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

Recreational  parks  are  known  to  be  of  numerous  benefits  to  individuals  and communities at large. In a study done to assess the behaviour and preferences of Minna city dwellers to outdoor recreation by AbdRazack et al. (2013), it was revealed that majority of the respondents (92.4%) indicated that they faced many different problems in outdoor recreational areas which includes; inadequate recreational facilities, apathy towards recreation, time constraint, lack of finances and health problems. Hence, these problems  result  in  limited  visits  to  recreational  parks  .  It  was  recommended  to understand the problems in existing outdoor recreation in Minna from people‟s point of view.  With all the benefits users stand to obtain by visiting recreational parks, it is thus noteworthy to investigate these problems posed to recreational park goers so as to facilitate more frequent visits.

1.3       Aim and Objectives

The following section describes the aim and objectives of this study which focusing on integrating people‟s perception of landscape in the designof recreational park.

1.3.1    Aim

The aim of this study is to assess people‟s perception on the use of landscape elements and integrate in the design of a recreation park, in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

1.3.2    Objectives

The objective of this study is to:

i.      Investigate people‟s perception of  landscape in recreational parks in Minna, Niger State.

ii.      Evaluate the performance of landscape features in recreational parks located at Minna, Niger State.

iii.     Integrate  the outcome of  people‟s perception  of landscape  in  the design  of recreational park in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

1.4       Research Justification

The designs of structures, facilities and spaces meant to be used by people should have the users involved from the inception stage in order to aid efficient, adequate and a rewarding use. The American Society of Landscape Architects thus advocate that an exposed,  participatory  design  process  can  produce  a  healthier  environment  and communities of better quality.   Public contribution aids in identifying issues vital to communities  and   contribute  to   the   creation   of   suitable   planning,   design,   and management solutions (Public Participation, 2008). Futhermore, Hansen (2016) explain that the study of landscape involve both the material, which is the physical properties of landscape and the immaterial landscape properties which involves human values and perception. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate and incorporate people‟s perception of landscape in the design of recreational parks.

1.5       Scope of Work

This study seeks to address the issue of the underutilization of recreational parks in Minna, Niger State, by investigating people‟s perception of landscape in the design of recreational parks based on various perception categories. These perception categories include autocentric and allocentric perception. Also, the factors influencing perceptions such as preferences, association and memories was investigated based on landscape perception in recreational parks.

1.6       Contribution to the Body of Knowledge

This research seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge of research by investigating the  perception  of  landscape  and  the  factors  affecting  and  influencing  people‟s perception of landscape in recreational park design. Amongst the factors discovered to influence people‟s perception of landscape, the basic perceptual modes for landscape settings were investigated across various social group factors. The findings are thus employable in the design of recreational parks.

1.7       Study Area

The study area is Minna, Niger State. Accroding to Niger State (2020), there are three major ethnicites found in Minna, these include the Nupe, Hausa and Gbagyi tribes. Other  ethnicites  found  in  Niger  State  include  Kadara,  Koro,  Baraba,  Kakanda, Ganagana, Dibo, Kambari, Kamuku, Pangu, Dukkawa, Gwada and Ingwai. The people of Niger State engage in farming activities having a percentage of 85% of the total population. Other occupations which make up the remaining 15% include Businesses, arts and crafts and white collar jobs. Having the asset of vast fertile land and mineral resources like gold, copper, iron, lead, marble and silica, Niger state is acknowledged to   possees   great   economic   potential.   The   city  of   Minna   comprises   both   the administrative capital and headquarters of Niger State and Chanchaga Local Government, having a land area of over 1,000 hectars (Abdulrazack, et al., 2013).

Minna is the capital city of Niger State, as a result this has attracted a population increase over the years. Consequently, the population of Niger state has increased from 3,954,772 in 2006 to about 5,556,247 in 2016 (National Population Estimates 2006). According to Abdulrazack, et al., (2013), the people of Minna include migrants and the male working age distribution constituting a higher percentage of the population. In 1976,  according to  Muhammad  (2012),  Niger  State was  created out  of the North- Western State of Nigeria. Niger State in 2006, had a population estimate of 3,954,772 which was considered to be the second highest after Benue State in the North Central zone.

Muhammad (2012), further explained that Niger State has a total of twenty-five local government areas which, for administrative convinience, is sectioned into eight emirates of  the  long-standing  traditonal  political  systems.  The  emirates  are  predominantly occupied  by the  three  major  ethnicities,  Nupe,  Hausa  and  Gbagyi.  These  emirates include   Bida, Lapai and Agaie in which the Nupe ethnicity predominantly reside; Borgu, Kagara and Kontagora in which the Hausa ethnicities predominantly reside; Minna and Suleja is predominantly occupied by the Gbagyi tribe. Though Minna is predominantly occupaied by the Gbagyi tribe, other tribes in Nigeria reside in the city, making Minna a heterogeneous city (Abdulrazack, et al., 2013). The ratio of the populations of the three major ethnicites in Niger State; the Nupe, Hausa and Gbagyi are 10:8:7 approximately. Thus, this gives an idea of the relative strength of the three major ethnicities in Minna, Niger State (Muhammad, 2012).

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