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Ethnozoological studies have shown that Python sebae, is associated with medicinal uses in Nigeria. This study was designed to determine the chemical composition of the oil extracted from the body fat of Python sebae and to evaluate its anti-inflammatory potentials. The Python fat used in the study were obtained from two (2) locations and were tagged: Fat Python A (FPA) and Fat Python D (FPD). The fatty acid profile was identified using GC-MS. The anti- inflammatory activity of the fat was tested using egg albumin-induced paw oedema in rats and membrane stabilization (heat-induced and hypotonicity-induced haemolysis of human red blood cells (HBRCs). The physicochemical properties of FPA and FPD showed peroxide value (2.25 ± 0.21 and 0.90 ± 0.14), acid value (34.08 ± 0.17and 15.82 ± 0.16 mg KOH/g), saponification value (160.88 ± 0.88 and 179.05 ± 0.66 mg KOH/Kg) for FPA and FPD, respectively and the fatty acid composition of the fixed oils of Python sebae identified 12 constituents. The percentages of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were 22.78 % and 44.06% for FPA, respectively and 17.91 % and 74.76 % for FPD, respectively. The most abundant components being oleic (40.19 %) and linoleic (34.54 %). The Python sebae fat samples (FPA and FPD) were found to significantly (p < 0.05) reduce the oedema induced by the phlogistic agent in rats in a dose-related manner and the reduction was during the early and later phases of the inflammation. Also, FPA and FPD exhibited membrane-stabilizing property, as it significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the levels of haemolysis of HRBCs exposed to heating and hypotonic solution. Fat extracted from the Python sebae revealed a potent anti-inflammatory activity due to its fatty  acid compositions and  can be exploited for pharmaceutical and industrial applications.



Inflammation is a complex process, which is frequently associated with pain and involves occurrences such as the increase of vascular permeability, increase of protein denaturation and membrane alteration (Medzhitov, 2010). Inflammation underlies a wide variety of physiological and pathological processes as it has been implicated in the development of many complex diseases and disorders including autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases, cancers, and cardio- vascular diseases (Leelaprakash and Mohan- Dass, 2011). Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are known to treat inflammation and pain. However, their prolonged use often leads to serious side-effects such as gastrointestinal tract dyspepsia, peptic ulceration, haemorrhage and perforation leading to death in some patients (Griffin, 1998). The use of plant and animal resources constitutes an important therapeutic alternative for many populations (Alves et al., 2007), and they have been reported to be used against many illnesses (Salvagnini et al., 2008). Although there is no established scientific basis for the use of a particular animal or plant material in the treatment of a defined ailment, alternative medicine practice (traditional medicine) continues to be popular due to effectiveness, prohibitive costs of modern medical facilities and the ease with which the practitioners can be reached (Okafor, 2003). Python fat is one of such products used for therapeutic purposes. It is extracted from the wild Python s, with species including Python sebae, Python molurus, Python tigris (McDiarmid et al., 1999). It is golden yellow in colour and melts to pale yellow oil on standing. Traditionally in Nigeria (especially in the Southern and Western parts), Python fat has been used in the treatment of rheumatism, boils, keloids and broken bones (Adeola, 1992). Oils of plant and animal origin have been studied for their pharmacological properties including antimicrobial (Nissen et al., 2010), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant (Sepahvand et al., 2014), and anticancer (Nikolakopoulou et al., 2013) properties. These properties are often due to the fatty acids that make up these oils or fats, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (Black and Rhodes, 2006). This study was therefore, aimed to elucidate the lipid profile and anti-inflammatory properties of Python fat.

1.1 Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s immediate response to damage to its tissues and cells by pathogens, noxious stimuli such as chemicals, or physical injury (Medzhitov, 2008). It is derived from the Latin word, “inflammatio” meaning to set on fire. It could also be referred to as part of the

complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants (Ferrero-Miliani et al., 2007). Inflammation is a protective response that involves immune cells, blood vessels, and a host of molecular mediators. The mechanisms involved in the inflammatory process are common to all, regardless of the triggering factor. It involves a cascade of biochemical events comprising of the local vascular system and the immune system (Da Silveira e Sá et al., 2013). It also involves the production of factors that could cause damage to tissues when not properly regulated. As a consequence, genes that play key roles in effector functions of inflammatory responses are actively repressed under normal conditions and are only induced when cells sense evidence of a triggering factor (Nathan,

2002). The primary functions of inflammation are to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear necrotic cells and tissue damaged from the original insult and inflammatory process, initiate the process of repair and then restore tissue homeostasis (Soehnlein and Lindbom,


1.1.1 Signs of Inflammation

Inflammatory signs are secondary to one primary pathophysiological event, which is the enhancement of vascular permeability. Inflammation is defined by the presence of five signs, which includes:

•   Redness (Rubor): This is due to local hyperaemia as red-haemoglobin containing erythrocytes accumulate in the course of vascular stasis and arteriolar dilation (Werner,


•   Heat (Calor): This is also due to local hyperaemia as enhanced blood flow into the inflamed tissue elevates its temperature by heat conduction from the warmer blood to the affected tissue (Stankov, 2012).

•   Swelling (Tumour): This is also known as oedema. It occurs as a result of increased passage of fluid from dilated blood vessels into the surrounding tissues, and to a much lesser extent, from the infiltration of inflammatory cells into the damaged area (Klos et al., 2009). In prolonged inflammatory responses, it is caused as a result of deposition of connective tissue. Mediators responsible for oedema include histamine, serotonin, kinins, PAF, PGs and the complement anaphylatoxins, which act on mast cells to release histamine. Localised oedema is the only specific, macroscopic sign of inflammation (Stankov, 2012).

•   Pain (Dolor): Pain is the intensive sensation of a noxious stimulus. It is due to the direct effects of mediators of inflammation, especially bradykinin and some of the PGs due

to their sensitizing effects. It also results from direct mechanical pressure of oedematous fluid on adjacent nerves endings leading to the stretching and distortion of the nerves (Vogel and Berke, 2009).

•   Loss of Function (Functio laesa): This is the impaired function of the affected organ due to oedema and pain, as extensive oedema development can result in increased hydrostatic pressure that can seriously impair organ function. It is also due to the replacement of functional cells with scar tissue (Rather, 1971).

1.1.2 Types of Inflammation

The two major types of inflammation are acute and chronic inflammation. Inflammation can be classified as either acute or chronic. Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is achieved by the increased movement of plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes) from the blood into the injured tissues. A series of biochemical events propagates and matures the inflammatory response, involving the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within the injured tissue. Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of    cells present at the site of inflammation, such as mononuclear cells, and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process. Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation is a short-term response that usually results in healing: leukocytes infiltrate the damaged region, removing the stimulus and repairing the tissue. It involves a coordinated and systemic mobilization response locally of various immune, endocrine and neurological mediators of acute inflammation. In a normal healthy response, it becomes activated, clears the pathogen and begins a repair process and then ceases (Kumar et al., 2004). It is characterized by the five cardinal signs of inflammation (Parakrama and Clive, 2005).

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