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The study assessed  the  perceived  health  benefits  and  utilization  of Moringa tree products Moringa oleifera among rural households of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The study described the socio-economic characteristics of the rural households; determine the extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera by the respondents; examine the perceived health benefits of Moringa oleifera utilization; determine the factors influencing the extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera and examine the constraints associated with Moringa oleifera utilization in the study area. Multi- stage sampling technique was used to select 244 respondents on which structured questionnaire was employed to obtain primary data. Data collected were analysed with descriptive Statistics as well as attitudinal measuring scale such as Likert rating scale. The results revealed that most (60.7%) of the respondents were within the age range of 31 – 60 years with a mean age of 40 years, while majority (84.0%) of the respondents acquired one form of formal education or the other (primary, secondary and tertiary) with a mean of 13 years of formal schooling. More so, majority (99.2%) of the respondents utilized Moringa leaves, followed by Moringa Fruits/Seeds (89.8%), Moringa roots (87.7%) and Moringa barks (64.3%). In terms of extent of utilization, Moringa leaves (̅ = 2.84), Moringa fruits/seeds (̅ = 2.07) and Moringa roots (̅ = 2.05) recorded the highest extent of utilization among the Moringa tree products in the study area. On the perceived health benefits of Moringa oliofera tree products, the respondents agreed to all the health benefits of Moringa tree products that it is effective in the treatment of High Blood Pressure (̅ = 4.23) ranked 1st. The result of Logit regression estimate revealed Pseudo R2  of 0.4189 and Chi–squared statistic of 141.01 statistically significant at p<0.01 probability level implying goodness of fit of the overall model. Variables such as marital status (2.05, p<0.05), household size (2.04, p<0.05), education (2.83, p<0.01), farming experience (1.82, p<0.1), cooperative membership (1.83 p<0.1), access to credit (3.23, p<0.01), moringa products (6.48, p<0.01), purpose of utilization (2.79, p<0.01) and perceived health benefits (2.17, p<0.05) were found to influence extent of Moringa oleifera tree products utilization. The major constraints indicated by the respondents were inadequate finance to purchase Moringa (   = 2.70), poor access to credit facilities ( = 2.61) and inadequate extension services (   = 2.32) ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively. The study concluded that the respondents had positive perception about health benefits of Moringa oliofera tree products, while the leaves, fruits/seeds and roots are the most utilized tree products. It was therefore recommended that adequate awareness should be created through extension agency on the need to utilize Moringa oliofera tree products.



1.1       Background of the Study`

Moringa Tree, also known as Horseradish tree, drumstick tree and ben oil tree is a widely cultivated species of the tropical flowering plant family Moringaceae containing thirteen diverse species (Shahzad et al., 2013) and grows quickly in many types of environments. Moringa oleifera is a perennial softwood tree with timber of low quality, but for centuries, has been advocated for traditional medicinal and industrial uses (Eze et al., 2012). It is considered as one of the World’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food, medication and industrial purposes (Abdullahi, 2011). Also Moringa oleifera   has   the  potential   to   improve  nutrition;   boost   food  security;   foster  rural development; support sustainable land use and improve the health status (Stevens et al., 2013).

Moringa oleifera has the potential to significantly add to rural household income and improve quality of life in Nigeria (Adikuru et al., 2011). It serves as a source of income to number of people as several people have started nurseries to grow Moringa oleifera in large quantities in order to diversified to generate income, reduce poverty and improve the health of people. According to (Chopade et al., 2012), Moringa oleifera plantation can help provide a more diversified farm economy and also potentially stimulate the rural economy as a whole, encouraging the development of more stable commodities. Moringa oleifera leaf is not only a promising source of income and employment, but also an outstanding, nutritionally rich vegetable for families and businesses (Seewu et al., 2010).

The perceived Health benefit of Moringa oleifera is limitless and a strong antioxidant effective against prostrate and skin cancers. Moringa oleifera is an anti-tumour and anti- ageing substance. It is also used as a blood cleanser and blood builder in wound healing and boosts the immune system (Mehta et al., 2011) as well as modulates in anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, blood cholesterol thyroid, liver and kidney problems. The tree products have strong anti-inflammatory properties ameliorating rheumatism, arthritis as well as effective against digestive disorders, diarrhea, ulcer or gastritis.

As a medicinal plant, Moringa oleifera tree products acts as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti- spasmodic, diuretic, anti-hypertensive, cholesterol lowering, anti-oxidant, ant-diabetic, hepatic-protective and inhibitor against bacteria and fungi (Leone et al., 2015). Moringa oleifera is very effective for treating arthritis, rheumatism and joint pain. It can also control other severe diseases such as epilepsy, migraine and other headaches. Its detoxification properties make it suitable to treat scorpion and snake bites it has also claimed to boost immune  systems  (Olugbemi  et  al.,  2010).  Its  leaves  are  full  of  medicinal  properties including antiseptic, rheumatism treatment, venomous bites, and other. In traditional medicine, the leaves are used to treat ailments including malaria, typhoid fever, parasitic diseases,   arthritis,   swellings,   cuts,   diseases   of   the   skin,   genito-urinary   ailments, hypertension and diabetes (Leone et al., 2015).

Moringa oleifera is perceived to be an anti-bacterium, anti-microbial and anti-viral agent against urinary tract infection, typhoid, syphilis, dental carries  and toothaches, fungus, common cold, HIV, worms, and trypanosomes. The tree products are also a good detoxifying agent against snake and scorpion bites (Popoola and Obembe, 2013). Moringa oleifera is also perceived to prevents the growth of cysts, tumors and glands. It curbs other health complications such as diabetes, anemia and high blood pressure. liver, kidney, stomach and thyroid problems. Leone et al. (2015) posited that in traditional medicine, the Moringa leaves are used to treat ailments such as malaria, typhoid fever, parasitic diseases, arthritis, swellings, cuts, diseases of the skin, genito-urinary ailments, hypertension and diabetes. Moringa oleifera is also used to enhance lactation and boost the immune system (to treat HIV/AIDS related symptoms), as well as cardiac stimulants and contraceptive remedy (Popoola and Obembe, 2013). Therefore, for treatment of various ailments, one can directly consume either raw and dried leaves, or the extract of an aqueous infusion (Leone et al., 2015).

According  Prod  et  al.  (2012),  perceived  health  benefits  of  Moringa  oleifera  includes control severe diseases such as epilepsy, migraine and headaches. It is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because of the substantial or numerous health benefits realized by consumption of Moringa oleifera in situation where starvation is imminent (Sanford et al., 2011). Moringa oleifera is the cheapest and credible alternative to not only providing good nutrition, but also to cure and prevent a lot of diseases (Paliwal et al., 2011). Actually, the great interest in Moringa oleifera is related to its multipurpose uses and its ability to guarantee a good yield, where other crops cannot, in countries where people are mostly at risk of suffering from nutritional deficiencies (Leone et al., 2015).

Moringa oleifera is perceived to be medicinal plant with high nutritional value in terms of high protein, vitamins, beta-carotene and amino acids, hence could be useful as a food supplement for both human and animals (Hashim et al., 2013). The plant has been found to be rich is vitamins, minerals and edible oil called Ben oil (Ofoh et al., 2011). Phyto-chemical  analysis  have  also  shown  that  its  leaves  are  particularly  rich  in  potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamins A and B, essential amino acids as well as such known antioxidants such as B-carotene, vitamin C and flavonoids (Amaglo et al., 2010). The leaf powder is rich in proteins and micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and all essential amino  acids  and  for  centuries,  these  nutritional  and  therapeutic  properties  have  been utilized in the traditional treatment of several health disorders in various cultures (Animashaun et al., 2013; Azeez et al., 2013).

Utilizing Moringa Tree has been of many uses to human race ranging from consumption to domestic usage, animal forage, plant manure, bio pesticides and as ornamental plants. The tree also produces viscose resin that is used in the textile industry. The leaf biomass was used as mulch and as organic fertilizer. Usage of Moringa seed for household water purification produced substitute for imported flocculants, thus reducing expenditure by rural household. Moringa seed oil as biodiesel feed source has been proved, and oil could be used as pure biodiesel or petro-diesel mixture on engine (Da Silva et al., 2010). Moringa oil has also excellent characteristics, making it a highly valued ingredient in a variety of applications,  ranging  from  vegetable  food  oil  to  use  in  cosmetic  products  and  other industrial applications such as lubricant for fine machinery.

The key uses of Moringa include human nutrition (leaves, seeds, flowers), alley cropping (biomass production for biodiesel and fertilizing), animal forage (leaves and treated seedpod-cake), biogas (from leaves), domestic cleaning agent (crushed leaves), blue dye (wood), fencing (living trees), fertilizer (seed-cake), foliar nutrient (juice expressed from the leaves), green manure (from leaves) (Adebayo et al., 2011; Popoola and Obembe, 2013). The species is also mainly used as gum (from tree trunks), honey and sugar cane juice-clarifier (powdered seeds), honey (flower nectar), medicine (all plant parts), ornamental  plantings,  bio-pesticide  (soil  incorporation  of  leaves  to  prevent  seedling damping off), pulp (wood), rope (bark), tannin for tanning hides (bark and gum), water purification (powdered seeds) (Adebayo et al., 2011; Leone et al., 2015).

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

Over the years Nigeria government have taken many steps to ensure adequate food, improved health status and income of her citizen, but yet there is inadequate knowledge about the medicinal, nutritional and economic benefits of moringa tree products. There have been limited efforts in utilizing this valuable multipurpose tree species in many places in Nigeria including the study area. Little or no efforts have been made to unearth the prevailing potentials health benefits of Moringa oleifera among rural households.

Despite the potential health benefits, Moringa oleifera has not enjoyed the full patronage expected from the vast populace in Nigeria especially in rural areas. Moringa oleifera is still not well exploited and hence considered as underutilized. However, number of factors could be responsible for poor perception of the people in relation to utilization which include lack of technical knowledge,  poor entrepreneurial skills  and  meager  access to communication technologies that could help farmers, extension workers and others to share information. The above scenario underlines the need for this study to provide answer to the following research questions:

i. what are the socio-economic characteristics of the rural households in the study area?

ii. what are the extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera by the respondents?

iii. what are the perceived health benefits of Moringa oleifera utilization among the rural households?

iv.what are the factors influencing extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera?

v. what are the constraints associated with utilization of Moringa oleifera in the study area?

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study was to examine the perceived health benefits and utilization of Moringa tree products (Moringa oleifera) among rural households of Nassarawa State, Nigeria.

The specific objectives were to:

i. describes the socio-economic characteristics of the rural households in the study area;

ii. determine the extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera by the respondents;

iii. examine the perceived health benefits of Moringa oleifera utilization;

iv. determine the factors influencing the extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera, and

v. examine the constraints associated with Moringa oleifera utilization in the study area.

1.4       Hypotheses of the Study

The following null hypotheses were tested in this study:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between some selected socio-economic characteristics of rural households (age, gender, education, experience etc.) and extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera in the study area.

HO2: There is no significant relationship between the perceived health benefits and extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera in the study area.

1.5       Justification of the Study

There has been a clamour for the cultivation and utilization of lesser known plant species like Moringa oleifera in Nigeria. A number of studies have been carried out on the origin, morphology and chemistry of Moringa oleifera, but little or no efforts have been made to unearth the health benefits of the plant. The enormorsity of the benefits of this specie is a reason to look into the awareness of the specie locally and to find out the knowledge base of local people on it. The study findings will not only give a picture of the health benefits, but will also help in policy recommendation for mass propagation so that the species sustainably used.

Moringa oleifera on a global scale can be a basis for sustainable and predictable global progress and development. Therefore, there is need to make people aware of the beneficial role played by Moringa oleifera in order to enjoy the full benefit attached to its use. Medicinal plants in medicine known as phytomedicine are still trustworthy and widely applied as one of the alternative way in medicinal field due to its affordable cost (Abalaka et al., 2009). Therefore, there high cost and competition of conventional medicines can be reduced through the use of non- conventional medicine like which is less expensive and toxic.

Despite the importance of medicinal plants, Moringa oleifera inclusive, the trade is highly intricate, unorganized and diverse. These could be attributed to the fact that most medicinal plants materials are sold unprocessed, the harvesting of the plant are basically by untrained people  and  nomadic,  inappropriate  storing  of  medicinal  plants  (Ume  et  al.,  2016), Although, Moringa oleifera tree is widespread throughout the tropics, it is commonly found around farms and fences in many compounds, thus making information emanating from plant very scarce.

Therefore, the result of socio-economic characteristics of the rural household will provide insight on factors that  could influence the use of Moringa oleifera and enable policy makers to come up with appropriate policies that will improve Moringa oleifera utilization. It is believed that this research of this nature will provide information to Agricultural Development programme (ADPs) on the on rural households socio-economic and their extent of utilization of Moringa oleifera. More so, the findings are also expected to be useful to the federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and researchers in term of policy formulation and design of programme that will better the life of rural households especially on utilization of products. The study findings will not only give a picture of the health benefits, but will also help in policy recommendation for mass propagation so that the specie can be sustainably used.

This information will act as basis for supporting the small scale farming communities in their  quest  to  secure  better  livelihoods.  This  study is  also  of  importance  because  the involvement of farmers in the value chain of Moringa plant is critical to optimizing the plant potentials especially when the needed information is available at their disposal.

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