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1.1 Background to the study

Epilepsy is a chronic non-communicable brain disorder, according to the World Health Organization. It had a global impact on more than 50 million individuals. Epilepsy is characterized by recurring seizures. Seizures are short bouts of uncontrollable movement that may affect one or more parts of the body and are often associated with loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function. Seizures are caused by an abnormally high rate of electrical discharges in a set of brain cells (“Epilepsy,” 2019). Additionally, it is characterized as a disorder in which continuous seizures occur in short periods and spread throughout the body, resulting in the loss of key organ functioning, altering brain processes, and resulting in repetitive seizures (Umashankar, 2017, p. 528- 547).


Epilepsy is categorized into two basic groups depending on the kind of seizure. Seizures that are partial or focal in nature are classified as Simple partial seizures or Complex partial seizures. Additionally, there are generalized seizures such as tonic-clonic seizures, absence seizures, myoclonic seizures, atonic seizures, and tonic or clonic seizures (Umashankar, 2017, p. 528-547). Patients with epilepsy may suffer behavioral and cognitive difficulties. They may present with consequences such as interictal personality disorder, in which the patient develops a lack of humor, dependent obsessions, hostility, hypo or hypersexuality, and emotionality, among others. Similarly, the patient suffers memory loss, hostile behavior, secretory aspiration, fractures, shoulder dislocation, biting injuries to the tongue, lip, or cheek, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infraction, head trauma, and pulmonary edema. Whereas, emotional stress is readily generated in complicated partial seizures (Umashankar, 2017, p.528-547). Additionally, a study discovered that individuals with epilepsy had the worst communication, self-image, and future expectations, whereas handicapped adolescents communicated openly about their illness with family and friends and were the most optimistic about their social adjustments and futures in later life (Hodgman et al., 1979, p.298-304). Additionally, it has been shown that women who have epilepsy and use anti-epileptic medications are at an increased risk of preeclampsia, pregnancy hemorrhage, and premature delivery (Borthen, 2015, p. 32-34).


1.2  Statement of the problem


People with epilepsy struggle to understand and manage their condition because of different explanations and understandings about its cause and treatment (Kleinman 1980). Because of deeply embedded cultural beliefs about the illness, persons living with epilepsy may experience difficulties of coping within a society that has negative attitude about their illness. These have the potential to alter the quality of life of the individuals. This is exacerbated by the desire to meet collectively defined socio-cultural standards of life projects (Bury 2001). This imposes a heavy toll to the existing diseased subjects. This makes them to alienate themselves from the outside world as a way of cushioning themselves from stigma and oppressive structures. This destabilizes and undermines their sense of self-worth as existing beings. As a result, they are forced to come up with new ways of living cognizant of their limitations imposed by the illness. Thus, this study investigated perception on the aetiology of epilepsy among the people of Diye District of Jos South LGA Of Plateau State.


1.3 Objectives of the study


The main objectives of this study is to investigate Perception On The Aetiology Of Epilepsy Among The People of Diye District Of Jos South Lga Of Plateau State



The following are the specific objectives of the study;



  1. To Examine the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of epilepsy among the People of Diye District
  2. To determine the aetiology of epilepsy among the People of Diye District Of Jos South LGA Of Plateau State
  3. Explore the belief of People of Diye District towards epilepsy


1.4 Research Question


  1. What are the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of epilepsy among the People of Diye District?
  2. What are the aetiology of epilepsy among the People of Diye District Of Jos South LGA Of Plateau State ?
  3. What are the belief of People of Diye District  towards epilepsy?




1.5 Significance of the Study


Examining the Perception on The Aetiology Of Epilepsy Among The People Of Diye District Of Jos South LGA Of Plateau State is important, because the degree of the respondents‟ knowledge, attitudes and practices has a significant impact on people with epilepsy (LWE) and their peers.

Documenting the knowledge, attitudes and practices towards epilepsy among the respondents will help in the designing of better interventions to prevent stigmatization of the condition, because the Ministry of Education could educate respondents, thus closing the gap on knowledge; which will result in the school children living with this condition benefiting from their respondents‟ knowledge. The respondents need to be well educated about epilepsy and the factors that trigger these attacks, such as flickering lights in order to advocate for proper accommodation of children living with epilepsy.

There is a need to enlighten respondents on epilepsy, in order to help the children with this condition, because they are found to experience feelings of anxiety, anger, and frustration about living with epilepsy; which are attributed primarily to having seizures, bullying, academic difficulties and medication experimentation (Whitting -MacKinnon et al, 2012).


1.6 Limitations of the Study

Financial Constraints: The researcher was with limited funds and cannot visit all the areas to get responses from respondents but was able to get good information concerning the research topic.

Time Constraints: The researcher was involved in other departmental activities like seminars, attendance of lectures et.c which limited the time for the research but the researcher was able to meet up with the time assigned for the completion of the research work.

1.7 Significance of the Study


Examining the Perception on The Aetiology Of Epilepsy Among The People Of Diye District Of Jos South LGA Of Plateau State is important, because the degree of the respondents‟ knowledge, attitudes and practices has a significant impact on people with epilepsy (LWE) and their peers. School children with epilepsy spend most of their daytime socializing and interacting with their respondents and their schoolmates, therefore respondents „understanding of the condition plays an important role in LWEs‟ lives and in the public at large. The respondents can pass on the knowledge to their pupils and indirectly to the community, minimizing discrimination of pupils with epilepsy (Akpan, Ikpeme, & Utuk, 2013). Respondents usually do not receive any formal instructions on epilepsy during their training, yet they are expected to take care of children living with epilepsy.

Documenting the knowledge, attitudes and practices towards epilepsy among the respondents will help in the designing of better interventions to prevent stigmatization of the condition, because the Ministry of Education could educate respondents, thus closing the gap on knowledge; which will result in the school children living with this condition benefiting from their respondents‟ knowledge. The respondents need to be well educated about epilepsy and the factors that trigger these attacks, such as flickering lights in order to advocate for proper accommodation of children living with epilepsy.

There is a need to enlighten respondents on epilepsy, in order to help the carrier with this condition, because they are found to experience feelings of anxiety, anger, and frustration about living with epilepsy; which are attributed primarily to having seizures, bullying, academic difficulties and medication experimentation.

The study will add to the existing body of knowledge on the subject matter. Students undergoing research work similar to the present study who may wish to use this work as a reference material or a spring board for their own work will find this work really useful.

1.8 Scope of the study

The scope of this study is Perception On The Aetiology Of Epilepsy Among The People Of Diye District Of Jos South Lga Of Plateau State. The study made use of research survey design with structured questionnaire.

1.9 Definition of Terms


Knowledge: Familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicitly (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); and it can be more or less formal or systematic (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015).

Attitude: An opinion that one has about someone or something. It can reflect a favourable, unfavourable, or neutral judgment. Attitudes are thought to reflect the “mental readiness” or learned “disposition” that influence actions and reactions. It is a way of thinking or feeling about something (Hamdan, 2012). It is a predisposition to behave in a particular way (Gilbert, 2012).

Practice: The actual application, putting an idea into action, performing an activity or exercise repeatedly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency. It also refers to the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing something (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015), in this case the behaviour displayed towards children living with epilepsy.

Epilepsy: A brain disorder characterised by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and by the neurobiologic, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of the condition (Ko, 2015).

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