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In this work, performance of four mobile network operators (MNOs) was measured, analysed, and evaluated in Shiroro Power Station  and recommendation were made to improve the quality of their voice and data services. Drive test was performed using transmission environment monitoring softwares   (TEMs) and statistical analysis was done for performance evaluation. The results  shows that  the received signal strength level was between the ranges of -50 dBm to -110 dBm as against the standard range values of   -30 dBm to -70 dBm, recommended by the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) and the received quality for Mobile Network A , Mobile Network B and Mobile Network C    were observed to be Excellent. This implies that MNO A, B and  C  met  the NCC  recommendation  in  terms of received quality level.  Received quality level of Mobile Network D  was observed to be poor. MNO C offered the best quality of service in term of call setup time (CST), Call setup success rate (CSSR), Call completion success rate (CCSR) whereas in term of dropped call rate (DCR)  MNO A and MNO B were the best. Mobile Internet service of MNO B with latency of 2.75 ms and throughput of 6731.8 kbps was observed to be the best in term of Latency and Throughput follow by MNO C with Latency of 121 ms and throughput of 153kbps but in term of data rate, MNO A with data rate of 38.85 kbps was observed to be the best followed by MNO C 10.55 kbps data rate. Technical issues that  were observed to be responsible for  poor performances are; Terrain problem, low transmit power, absence of booster amplifiers at the base stations, Insufficient coverage   and absence of 4G wireless technology.



1.1       Background to the Study

Telecommunications is  fundamental for development of any economy;  it is a vital infrastructural element that increases the growth and expansion of other sectors. It is necessary in day to day activities and essential in times of national crisis or natural disasters; it also minimizes the hazard and rigors of travel. Therefore, the availability of efficient telecommunications facilities is good for any country that wants to compete in today‟s economy as  most  economy becomes  handicapped  in  the absence of sound communication system (Aliyu et al., 2018).

Telecom regulatory body in Nigeria, the Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) knew that Nigeria had a very few telephone lines for several years, before the liberalization of the Telecommunication system in 2001 by the Federal government of Nigeria. The number of subscribers seeking to be connected through the then Nigeria Telecommunication (NITEL) was projected at over ten (10) million (Dahunsi et al., 2018). The story has changed dramatically today with the lunch of Wireless Mobile Communication  (WMC) also  known  as  Global  System  for Mobile Communication (GSM)  in  2001  in  Nigeria  (Dahunsi  et  al.,  2018).  Its  acceptance  was  likely  and projected to provide a feasible alternative to the analog system operated at that time in Nigeria. The main objectives during its launching in 2001, was to offer efficient and valuable telecommunication services that will maintain good speech quality, minimize interference, roaming, minimum drop call, maximum handoff, spectral efficiency, and good interconnectivity (Alabi et al., 2017). Four Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are in Nigeria presently competing for mobile subscribers for Telecom services namely; Airtel, 9mobile, Globalcom and MTN (Aliyu et al., 2018).

The  unprecedented  number  of  subscribers  witnessed  by  the  telecommunication industries led to poor quality of service been provided by the Mobile Service Providers (MSPs) (Al-Imran et al., 2010). In Nigeria for the past years, the problem of poor quality of service (QoS) has been an issue to both mobile network service Providers and Mobile Users. Fundamentally, every subscriber to mobile network in Nigeria is affected in  one  way  or  the  other  on  services  provided  by  the  Mobile  Telecommunication operators (Al-Imran & Ajayi , 2010). Subscribers of Mobile Network have been complaining and suffering from terrible quality of service (QoS), ranging from problem of network congestion, incessant dropped calls, failed calls, poor voice clarity, and failed handover, among others (Al-Imran & Ajayi , 2010). The challenge is how to sustain good, secure, uninterruptible Mobile Service for public health, safety, military control in the face of poor QoS such as: Call Setup Failure, dropped call and poor voice clarity. The need to tackle the problem of failed calls, dropped calls and poor mobile internet service on the mobile network is important, as this will  be of advantage to both operators and users.

According to United Nations Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy (CCITT) recommendation  E.800  Quality of Service is  defined  as  “The combined effect of service Performance which determines the level of contentment or agreement of a user of the service” (Edy & Oki , 2016). QoS upholds customers’ confidence and is good for a competitive advantage. In telecommunication system, Network coverage (availability of services), Network Accessibility (receiving or getting on  the  network),  Network  Retain  ability (holding  on  the  network)  and  connection Quality (having a good service experience while using the network) are the four major factors considered in evaluating quality of service (QoS) of a Mobile Network Provider (Daniel & Joshua , 2018).The most important element to the mobile service providers are  connected to Network Performance and Quality Service for income generation and subscriber contentment (Galadanci et al.,  2018).

However according to Gordon et al (2016), for Mobile Network Telephony services to be of good quality, it has to meet up with some criteria such as, good speech quality, minimum call blocking, minimum dropping, appropriate loudness level, good signal strength, and high data rate for multimedia application.  Mobile service also has to be delivered to the customers as at when needed.

Call setup time (CST), Call Setup Failure Rate (CSFR), Call Drop Rate (CDR), Call setup  success  rate  (CSSR), Call  Completion  Success  Rate (CCSR), Call  Handover Success Rate (CHSR) and Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) are some key performance indicator (KPIs) considered by Telecommunication regulatory organ in Nigeria for monitoring and rating (QoS) of Mobile Network Service. The three common methods used to monitor and evaluate these KPIs are; Network Statistics, Drive Test and Customer complaint/Questionnaire. Nevertheless, drive test trial is the best method to analyze Mobile Network Performance as it provides the subscriber experience of the service provider (Yusuf   et al.,   2016). In order to measure and evaluate network performance of Mobile network, Data ara needed. This research work made use of eight KPI parameters which are: Call Setup Time (CST), Call Setup Failure Rate (CSFR), Call Drop Rate (CDR), Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR), and Call Completion Success Rate (CCSR), data rate, Data throughput and Latency.

1.2       Statement of the Research Problem

The Poor QoS experienced by mobile network users is one of the challenges confronting mobile network operations. Mobile networks therefore need to be under constant monitoring. Therefore, the need to carry out this investigation to assess and monitor the Mobile Network operations in order to quantify the degree of quality service deviation from the acceptable standard and identify the challenges that are responsible for the problem  of poor quality of  service  and  hence  make recommendations  for possible improvements. Ability to identify the root cause will enable us to address the problem.

1.3       Aim and objectives of the Study

This research aims to evaluate the quality of voice and data services and make recommendations for improvement on mobile network operations in Shiroro power station

The specific objectives to achieve this aim include to:

i.      Conduct  drive  tests  for  data  collection  using  Transmission  environment monitoring software (TEMs)

ii.      Analyze the collected data to determine the network coverage and various KPI parameters for all the Mobile Network operators in Shiroro power station

iii.      Determine the Mobile Network Provider with the best Quality of Service (QoS) through comparative process of various KPI parameters with the KPI benchmark set by NCC and Minimum standard for data communication

iv.      Investigate network transmission impairment and offer useful recommendations.

1.4       Motivation for the Study

The socio-economic setting of Nigeria has been positively transformed after the rollout of wireless Mobile Services across Nigeria. The growth and the general acceptance of wireless  telecommunication  system  by  Nigerians  bring  about  giant  income  to  the Mobile Service Providers and to the Government in the course of issuing license and tax fees.  Equally,  the citizenries  are not  also  left  behind  in  terms  of benefit  from  the Services of Wireless Telecommunication, not just as a way of passing  information thousands of people had also benefited in terms of job opportunities in Nigeria. Nonetheless, the Service.

rendered by these Service providers have continued to witness series of complains from the subscribers concerning poor Quality of Services (QoS) provided in the country. The lamentable part of these circumstances is the reality that all the Mobile subscribers are continually affected. On account of this situation, many subscribers are undecided on which Mobile Service Provider to subscribe to and thus making the Subscribers to migrate from one Mobile Network Provider to the other in search of a better services.

The main motivation of this research is that the subscribers not only in Shiroro power station but also everywhere like to see fast and reliable telecommunication activities and get values for their money. This study was undertaken based on the poor quality of voice and data service experience by the Subscribers in Shiroro power station. To find out the cause of unreliable voice and data service and provide some useful recommendations.

1.5       Scope of the Study

The scope of this research was limited to using eight (8) KPIs parameters to evaluate voice and data Services provided by the Mobile Network Providers in Shiroro power station. Five of the KPIs being voice centric and the remaining three data centric.

1.6       Justification of the Study

The workforce and inhabitant of Shiroro Power Station need voice and data services for social, industrial, educational and economic purposes. A qualitative voice and data service in this location will ensure   employees in this locality can easily use their telecommunication devices such as smartphone, modem to send and receive emails, participate in multimedia conferences and efficient voice service, collaboration between departments will be more easier and effective, Network operators will get good returns on their investment and there will be a positive impact on the economy of this location and the national economy in general It is therefore important to monitor and evaluate the mobile network operations in this location to understand nature of the service being provided and investigate network transmission impairment    and to make recommendations for  improvement.

1.7       Limitation of the Study

One of the most challenges that militate against the Quality of Service Evaluation of this Research and probably in Nigeria is abruptly refusal from the side of Telecom Network Providers (TNPs) to authorize researcher‟s contact to database. This makes this research to resort to comparative analysis of Data obtained from the Drive test with that of NCC KPIs threshold and minimum standard for data communication instead of using real-live Network Statistics from the MNP in evaluating the accuracy of QoS been provided by the Wireless Service Providers WSP.

1.8       Thesis Outline

The remaining part of this thesis is arranged as follows: Chapter two presents the Literature reviewed in the course of the research work while the methodology adopted in this research is presented in chapter three. The results obtained from the Drive Test and performance analysis and are discussed in chapter four and chapter five contains conclusion and recommendations.

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