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This study was on prospects and problems of private media management in Nigeria. Three objectives were raised which included; To find out the problems confronting private broadcasting media in Nigeria, to ascertain the influence of ownership that affect the management of African Independent Television (AIT), to find out the main sources of revenue for the private media and to find ways private broadcast media be effectively managed. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn African Independent Television (AIT). Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).

 Chapter one


1.1Background of the study

Propaganda is a unique device used in politics. This is mostly observed in most electioneering campaign process. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, propaganda is ideas and statements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used in order to gain support for a political leader, party, etc.  In his own view, Szanto (2008) sees propaganda as “a specific form of activated ideology.” He argues that propaganda is one of the manifestations of the ideology that involves the sales of specific concepts.

According to Longe and Ofuani, (2006) the sole purpose of propaganda is to misinform and mislead and to consciously indoctrinate. Propaganda aims at deliberate slanting of facts and arguments as well as displays of symbols in ways the propagandist thinks will have the most effects. For maximum effects, the propagandist may deliberately withhold pertinent facts, and try to divert the attention of the people he is trying to sway from every other thing but his own propaganda. This is why Szanto (2008) argues that propaganda could be “total falsehood, on the one hand, and on the other a totally valid depiction of reality or truth.

The role of the broadcasters and the broadcast media as agents of rural and national development, especially at the information dissemination level is now generally recognized and accepted by experts and policy makers. (Nwosu, 1990). In Nigeria, there are two main types of media ownership namely; government ownership and private ownership. In the case of government ownership, the government establishes controls and finances the media outfit. Private ownership is when an individual or a group of persons establish, control and finance the media outfit in partnership.

There is a symbiotic relationship between the media and the society. It is in the interest of the society to have strong and robust mass media just as it is in the best interest of the media to uphold the values and protect the interest of the society from which they derive their impulse, support and patronage. No media institution can survive if it is perceived to be working against its own society (Onukaba 2005).

It is the duty of any media institution to keep the public aware of what was going on around them by providing accurate, factual and timely information at all times. It is also the duty of the media to warn and alert the public about impending dangers to interpret events or provide information needed by the public to make every day decision that will make them participate actively in the political, economic and social activities of a community and to assist the public in determining current trends. Media organizations are also expected to use their products to educate, entertain, modify public opinions, reinforce attitudes and set agenda for the society. In many societies, people depend on the media to know where to find jobs, where to shop, where to eat, seat out, who to vote for etc. It is therefore, safe to say that the influence of the media extends to every aspect of human life and society (Onukaba 2005). 

Statement of the problem

The research x-raythe problems and prospects of private media management with a particular reference to a single private broadcast media using African Independent Television. No doubt to say the fact that management is not a bed of rose. With this backdrop, management has some problems in managing, controlling and commanding a media outfit. Among the problems are motivations of diligent and intelligent staff in the organization, problem of leadership, individual difference can also not be overlooked. Funding is another identified challenge because equipment in broadcast media are very expensive and become outdated after some time when modern equipment are produced, especially now that broadcasting are moving to digital age. 

Other research problem of decision making, environmental problem, psychological constraints, burn out and stress and others which arise in poor and improper management. This study will be successful in finding out the problems and prospects of private media management with a particular reference to a single private broadcast media using African Independent Television.

Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are;

  1. To find out the problems confronting private broadcasting media in Nigeria
  2. To ascertain the influence of ownership that affect the management of African Independent Television (AIT)
  3. To find out the main sources of revenue for the private media
  4. To find ways private broadcast media be effectively managed

Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses will be formulated

H0: there are no problems confronting private broadcasting media in Nigeria

H1: there are problems confronting private broadcasting media in Nigeria

H0: there are no main sources of revenue for the private media

H2: there are main sources of revenue for the private media

Significance of the study

Apart from evaluating the achievement of private broadcast and the problems facing the organization, the study is important, because, it makes the people have an easy and a timely access to information or news without hassle. Also, this study will hasten the news gathering process of the reporters and facilities the delivery of information to a large and heterogeneous audience. Moreover, this project work is scientifically concerned about the prospect of private broadcast media, the contribution towards the development of our rural areas their achievement in the area of information dissemination in conjunction with their challenges. It will be of use and benefit to the organization i.e. private broadcast media in Nigeria having realized their weakness.

Scope and limitation of the study

The scope of the study covers prospects and problems of private media management in Nigeria. The study will be limited to African Independent Television (AIT)

The limitations of this study include:

Finance: Due to the economic hardship that is faced by people, including the researchers, the possibility of a larger sample size which may have helped the work to cover many areas has become impossible.

Time: It was not unusual that the researcher was constrained by a time limit, as it posed a serious threat to the successful coverage intended in the course of this study. It is the intention of the researcher to interview all the respondents from redeemed church of God, but because of various activities of the researcher which border on both academics, work schedules and other social activities, it has become relatively impossible to justify that intention

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