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This  research  work  is  aimed  at  finding  the    effect  of  training  and development in banking operations.   The  purpose  is to determine the relationship between the level of productivity and  human resources  training and development, discover the causes of high labour turnover in the banks especially commercial banks, determined   whether   the availability of   training   and   development opportunities motivates staff of the banks. In  conducting  the research, the researcher  used oral interviews, questionnaires and  personal observation to  collect the necessary data required A sample of 198 employees out of the population of 1279 employees of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, East Banking Unit were studied.

The  data collected were statistically analyzed by the use of X2 (chi-square). Upon the application of the statistically technique X2, it was discovered inter alia that: training and development opportunities motivate workers and reduce the rate of labor turnover: human resources training and development improve efficiency and productivity;  the  benefits  of  training  and  development  justify  the  high  cost implications associated with it; despite the fact that substantial number of banks’ employees have been trained, their performance  still need to be improved upon for efficient and effective service delivery.

Based on the above findings, the following recommendations were made:

Banks should ensure that their training and development programmes are well structured and planned; equal opportunity for training and development should be given to every member of staff at all level; a good organizational; climate and learning system should be created by banks; managers should ensure that instructors recommendations on  trainees  are  implemented; training  programmed should  be supported with adequate job rotation and assignment; training programmed should be structured to cover more practical aspects of banking services, banks should ensure regular training for trainees to enable them update their knowledge; trainers should be equipped with materials that is compatible with the present economic social and technological environment.

The researcher also recommends that banks should keep this research work and refer to tit whenever a training and development programme is being designed. The idea of dumping research works in the archives without any meaningful use of them is ill-conceived.



“You can’t blame them if you don’t train them We update our knowledge on a continual basis Through attending Courses, Conferences, Seminars And reading relevant Journals”. I – G.E. SMITH

The success of any enterprise depends entirely on the effectiveness of its human resources on their jobs. Resources are not made by nature. They are made by

man. And this is true of two key resources the human being and capital. Indeed, human being as such is not a ‘resource’. He becomes a resources only if trained, developed and allocated to productive work.2 One of the Central management tasks in a developing country is developing of people into human resource – a task of training, of developing, of managing. In the pursuit of higher per Capital national incomes, the third world countries must emphasize increased investment and human resources development through the training of workers because they work directly towards the goal of economic growth.3

Training     and   development  in  Organization  not  only  constitute  and

investment  in  human  resources  but  is  also  one  of  the  colossal  and  pervasive enterprise in many countries today. No enterprise can be guaranteed a permanent place in our highly competitive society and no manager lasts longer unless he keeps his business competitive by way of training and development.

The primary purpose of the existence of any organization is to accomplish some set goals. Since the degree of accomplishment depends immensely on the quality of its members. It therefore has to be concerned with the availability and the improvement of human resources. The main part of any training and development programme is directed towards preparing individual to meet future needs. All new employees regardless of their previous training, education, experience and to be shown how to perform specific tasks.

Training of workers should not be confined to sending people on Courses or putting them in formal learning situations. Since improving current performance and developing potentiality is all training is about On-the-Job training, with supervision by staff/line management could be better bearing in mind the introduction of new technologies and methods.

Training should not be limited to big business organizations alone rather to all    those  organizations that  engage  the  services of  at  least  from  five  persons upwards. In so doing, the  organization is improving the performance and future of the worker and vice versa,  the worker will want to perform to the best as to increase productivity and same time work towards the future of the organization.

Therefore, to operate successfully, an organization, whether small or large, private must improve its human resources to enhance quick and effective realization of its set goals. According to Edwin Flippo no organization has a choice of whether

to develop its employees or not, the only choice is that of methods.4  One  of the greatest problems of organizations todays is the determination and choice of training and  development methods  that will best accomplish their goals. The  real objective of  company training and development programme should  be  to  help  optimize the use   of   manpower   resources of the enterprise. Unless training is provided, the livelihood of hundreds of thousands are likely to be wiped out in no distant a time because these people will be caught without the right skills. Unskilled young people entering labor force  will  be  particularly  vulnerable.  One way to cope with the problem  is to  having training and  development  programmes. It  can  circumvent skills from becoming  obsolescence and it can help equip out of  school  youth  with skills that will qualify them for jobs.

In highlighting the relevant of manpower training and developing, Enahoro said: The human development of human resources cannot be entirely the concern of our nations educational institution. The case of Japan is a relevant example. As you know, before adequate public educational institution could be established in Japan, private  enterprises  had   their  own  programme  to  train   skilled  workers  and technicians. You, as employers no less than national leaders, development planners and technical assistance agencies all over the world, must recognize the over-riding importance  of  the  development of  human  resources,  without  which  we  cannot overcome the continuing shortage of time people as we strive to throw off the bonds

of economic backwardness and seek to achieve the social and economic objectives of our development plan.5

However,  some  employers have refused to be deeply involved in training and development   philosophy. The employers are mostly proprietors of small business enterprises. Experience has shown that many employees have failed in organization because their need for training was not identified or provided for as an indispensable  part  of  management function.    However,  employees are  not  just trained for their own benefits only, but the organization stands to gain a lot from them. The manpower training programme is a very important activity management cannot afford to miss because of its various objectives.

A lot of reasons, why organisations carry out manpower training can be identified. These are:6

–          To improve the quantity of output

–          To improve the quality of output

–          To lower the cost of waste and equipment maintenance

–          To lower the number and costs of accidents

–          To prevent absenteeism and increase employee’s Job satisfaction

–          To prevent employee obsolesce

Considering the benefits of manpower training mentioned above, one is forced to say that manpower training is indispensable necessary for attainment of

organizational goal. A substantial amount of money is needed for this programme but it is regarded as money well invested because of its outstanding benefits.

Infact the importance of manpower   training cannot be over-emphasized. It plays a large part in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.


More than ever before, there is an increasing number of jobs that require special knowledge, skills and apttitudes.7  This is because of growing technology changes and complexity in our banking industries as well as social factors. It then becomes inevitable that we should train and develop personnel to cope with the increasing and changing jobs requirements posed by fast technological and social changes.  This  can  be  achieved  through  an  effective  or  systematic  manpower planning and development. Since independence in 1960, there has been increasing interest by many organizations in training and development. The financial system is not an exception since it performs many activities. In order to attain  its goals effectively, effective and efficient workers are considered very important and necessary. However, to keep and maintain these workers, they should be trained and developed often and on. This increasing interest by organizations was brought about by the current realization of the importance in training and development.

This is reflected by the number of management training and financial institutions   such  as   Nigerian  Institute  of   Management  (NIM),  Centre  for

Management and Development (CMD), Nigeria Institute of Bankers, Administrative Staff College of Nigerian (ASCON) etc established to deal with management and development issues. The Federal Government on its part acknowledged this importance  by  promulgating  Decree  No.  47  which  established  the  Industrial Training Fund (ITF). The Manager and employees must be well equipped in order to carry out their assignment. Inspite of some outstanding effort, we remain short of skilled manpower so necessary to successful development. Training is an important means of meeting this chronic manpower shortage.

In addition, Management has the prerogative of seeing that the instrument for achieving the objective must be blended and tailored in such a manner that they are proficient in the areas of work to which they will be assigned.

It is against this background and in accordance with Management principle or  rationality of  objective  that  every  training  and  development programme  in Company(s)  ought  to  be  designed  against  some  clearly  defined,  attainable immediate objectives for prospective trainees.

Also,  it  would help  improve  the  efficiency of  the  managerial and  non- managerial employees and ensure their personal confidence on the job.

The research is invaluable to the financial institutions and the bank that is being studied as it would enhance the banks interest and make the bank to intensity its efforts in training more than  ever before. The study will also be useful to the

institution in terms of implementation and subsequent research to be undertaken by other writers.

The study has immensely afforded the writer the opportunity to contribute his own little quota as regards the findings on the topic under study, as it would also add to the multifarious literature on training and development over the years.

Finally, the standard of living of the society is bound to improve if productivity is achieved through training and development.


The objectives of this study include to:

(1)      Determine     the     influence     of     human     resources     training  and development on the operation of banks.

(2)      Determine  whether  there  is  any  relationship  between  labour  and availability training and development opportunities in banks.

(3)      Examine the training and development opportunities available to staff of banks.

(4)      Find out the number of staff trained each  year and how it has affected their performance at work.

(5)      Find  out  whether  staff  of  banks  see  the  training  and  development programme   as   motivating   and   a   means   of   job   enrichment   and satisfaction.

(6)      Establish the types of training available, methods and places of training. (7)      Evaluate workers performance before and after training course.

(8)      Make recommendations where appropriate to the banks in order to make more meaningful its human resources training and development programme.

(9)      Determine the effect of human resources training and development in profitability of the banks.


This study has a number of significant dimensions to it. The result of this research work when completed will be an information documents and of immense benefit to the following:

(1)      Banks in Nigeria (2)      Bank Customers (3)      Nigeria Economy (4)      Banks staff

(5)      Other Research Studies.

Banks in Nigeria:    An organisation whether public or private exists and grows because it provides the community in which it exists with goods and services the community members sees as worthwhile. To do this effectively, the organization must function at an optimum level of productivity. This level is a direct result of the

collective  effort  of  all  employees.  Yet  not  every employee  work  at  the  level established by the standard of performance for the job he or she holds. Similarly, the need for training and retraining.

The findings of this study will help the  management of banks in Nigeria to improve the quality of their human resources. This is because, this study may reveal the various shortcomings in the present human resources training and development programme of banks.

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  quality of  banks  services  will  attract  more customers to the banks more customers means more revenue and more revenue increases the profit margin which consequently guarantee a reasonable degree of return to shareholders and other investors in the banks.

(2)      Bank Customers     With better developed human resources (personnel’s) working in the banks, the quality of banking services will improve immensely which consequently will help in saving the time of bank customers usually wasted in the banks before. Qualitative services will make them fell that the banks care, it will also give them the urge to go to the banks, whenever, they have the need for bank services. This trend will go to the banks whenever they have the need for bank services. This trend will go a long way n culminating habit among the Nigeria populace.

(3)      Nigeria Economy    There  is  no  doubt  that  improved  and  qualitative services by the banks will generate unprecedented economic activities which will help s to alleviate our battered Economy, efficient services by the  banks will attract both Nigeria and foreign investors. But the basic truth is that there is no way banks can guarantee efficient services unless a planned human resources training and development programmed is adopted and implemented.

This study will therefore help the  banks with information in areas they should sharpen in their training and development programme.

(4)      Bank’s staff  When banks realize the need for human resources training and development their employees will no doubt have a greater opportunity of being trained. This will help in developing and shaping their future. Human resources training and development opportunities will make the employees envisage a brighter future and therefore put in their best for the banks.

(5)      Research Studies     The research work will act as a good source document for scholars and persons studying the effect of human resources training and development in banks operations.


This study covers the seven states under East Administrative Banking Unit of First Bank of Nigeria Plc. A thorough study will be carried in all the major branches of the seven states.

Any other reference to materials other banks, activities etc is for purpose of clarity and vivid understanding of the subject topic and will not be within the scope of this research study.


It is to be noted that this study is greatly handicapped by paucity of information in training activities of First Bank Plc. Not all the questionnaires sent out  to  the  respondents were  returned,  some  of  the  questionnaires which  were returned were not properly completed further, some of the respondents were not found on their seats when the research called on them to obtained necessary information needed for the primary data for the study. This caused the researcher to make repeated trips at unplanned higher cost.

Other inhibiting factors to the smooth research effort of this study include:


The research was unable to visit all the branches in First Bank Plc, East Administrative Banking Unit Personally because of limited finance at his disposal. The meager finance available to the researcher could not have taken him to all the branches under East Administrative of First Bank Plc so some of the questionnaire for the study were mailed.

Time Constraint1

The time provided for the executive of the study is short considering the researcher’s busy schedule as a business man.

Lack of co-operation from respondents:

Some of the respondents who are in position to give the researcher relevant information refused to do so, believing that these information are secret and classified which should not be disclosed to outsiders. Some of these respondents even fed the researcher with information he later discovered to be wrong.


This study seeks to answer the following questions:

(1)      Does training and development of human resources have any influence on the level of performance of banks?

(2)      Is  there any relationship between labour turnover and  availability of training and development opportunities?

(3)      What types of training programme are available in banks?

(4)      How does staff of banks see the training and development programme available to them?

(5)      Is training a motivational tool used by management of banks? (6)      What proportion of the staff are trained annually?

(7)      Is there any significance difference between the performance of trained staff and that of untrained staff of banks?

(8)      Does training and development has any effect on the profitability of the banks?

(9)      Does training and development of human resources have any influence on the employee performance of his assigned functions in the banks?


The following hypothesis would be statistically tested and analyzed.

(1)      Ho:      Training  and  development  does  not  improve  the  level  of  job performance of staff of banks.

(2)      Ho:      Availability of training and development opportunities does not have any effect on the rate of labour turnover in the banks.

(3)      Ho:      Training and development opportunities do not motivate the workers. (4)      Ho:      Human resources training and development does not improve the

profitability position of banks.

(5)      Ho:      Training  and  development  programmes  in  banks  are  not  well designed.

(6)      Ho:      Performance on the training and development programmed is not a yardstick for staff appraisal during promotion exercises.

(7)      Ho:      Benefits of training and development do not justify the costs involved in the programme.


Development: Deals  with  the  activities  undertaken  to  expose  an  employee  to perform additional duties and assume positions of importance in the organizational hierarchy.

Effectiveness:  This means doing the right thing

Efficiency:    Means doing it right with minimum cost

Manpower:   All employees in an organisation from chief executive officer down. Organisation:An economic establishment set up with the aim of maximizing profit. Productivity:  A measurement of the efficiency of production, a ratio of output to input.

Training: The system process of altering the behaviour of employee to increase organizational goals.

Evaluation: The weighing of an individuals fitness for a job in terms of the job, duties or arrangements.

Human Resources:  All individuals engaged in any of the organizations activities.

Development: Would include both training to increase skill in performing a specific job and education to increase general knowledge and under standing of our total environment.Management:  Has been defined as the process of planning directly organizing and controlling organizational resources (Man, and materials) so that they are used towards the optimal achievement of organizational goals and objectives.

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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