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Environmental degradation is a subject that is currently receiving attention all over the world and one of its causes is improper management of solid wastes. Many Nigerian cities  like  Aba  in Abia  State  are  currently  facing  serious  environmental problems arising  from  this  situation.  Apart  from  the  obvious   aesthetic  cost  of  improper management of solid wastes, some of the problems  go deeper because many of the things  thrown  away  like  aluminum  products,  bottles  and  plastics  are  eventually indestructible  in nature and if not properly  disposed of, they cause pollution  which invariably  give  rise  to  environmental  problems  that  affect  the  ecology  and  human health. The study was embarked on because of the need to explore and examine the contributions of the visual arts in solid waste management in Aba metropolis. This is in line with the current  awareness all over the world that solid wastes can either be a liability or an asset depending on how they are managed. The study is divided into six chapters  and   was  guided  by  seven  objectives.  It  adopted  the  ethnological   and descriptive  approaches.  The basic  ground  for the involvement  of the visual arts  in sustainable waste management is anchored on the second option in waste management hierarchy which is known as ‘reuse’. Artists who are engaged in ‘waste to art’ show how wastes can be reused creatively. They have equally demonstrated that art works are not  just  objects  of decoration  or  merchandise  but  are also  important  historical documents   and   mediums   of   social   re-engineering   and   can   be   used   to   make environmental  statements.  Positive  changes  were  observed  in  students  that  were exposed to waste to art. This was evident in the way they become peer educators on the prospects in waste to art; showed interest in discarded objects as materials for artistic creation; and the art works they created with waste materials.



1.1 Background of the Study

The environment is a subject that is currently receiving attention all over the world  because  its  fast  deterioration  has  become  a  global  issue  and   calls  for intervention from all, ranging from the school child to the housewife, the smoker, the builder,    the    market    woman,     corporate    bodies,     industrialists,     scientists, environmentalists,  the visual artists,  among others.  This is because  it has become apparent that the present generation has a responsibility to protect and replenish the fast deteriorating natural resources in order to preserve its environment for the future generation.

The  environment  according  to  the  American  heritage  dictionary  is,  “the combination of external or extrinsic physical conditions that affect or  influence the growth  and  development  of  organisms.”  This  involves  all  the  external  factors affecting an organism. These factors may be other living organisms (biotic factors) or non living variables (abiotic factors e.g. temperature, rainfall, length of day, wind and ocean current). This is why Okonkwo in Mba, Uchegbu and Moughalu, (2001) sees the environment as an amalgam of land, sea, river, streams and coastland, the country side,  natural  vegetation,  animals,  fishes,  hills  and  mountains.  Canter  (as  cited  in Uchegbu, 2002) and Holderness and Lambert (1982), summarize by categorizing the environment   into   air,   water,   noise,   sociological,   cultural   and   socio-economic environments. To him, in a physical sense, the environment is made up of things in the air, land and water.

Organisms and their environments often interact and both are changed by this interaction. The interaction of organisms with both biotic and abiotic factors is what

forms an ecosystem (Zimmermann, 2009). In an ecosystem, every minute change in any one factor can determine whether or not a particular plant or animal species will survive. Therefore any activity in the environment can pose a threat or a blessing to the flora or fauna in an ecosystem.

Over the years, the environment has often witnessed negative changes  with disastrous consequences which are exemplified  by such phenomena as soil erosion, notably   sheet   and   gully   erosion;   earthquakes;   volcanoes;   deforestation   and desertification; air and water pollution; over grazing; testing of nuclear weapons and missiles  with  all  their  attendant  radioactive  fallout;  and  oil  spillage  leading  to unproductivity of the land and water in agriculture. As if the above index is not bad enough,  currently,  the  ozone  layer  is  reported  by  scientists  to  be  constantly diminishing.  They warn that  if urgent  steps are  not  taken to check the trend,  the environment may be in great danger of exposure to radiation (Mba et al 2001, Duggan 2010).

This erosion of natural environment through the depletion of natural resources, the  destruction  of  the  ecosystems,  the  extinction  of plants  and  animal  species  is known   as  Environmental   Degradation.   Hence,   the   glossary   of  Environmental Statistics  (1997)  describes  environmental   degradation  as,  “the  deterioration   in environmental quality from ambient  concentration of pollutants and other activities and processes such as improper land use and natural disaster”. This can be as a result of changing lifestyles. For  instance, the increase in the use of disposable materials, excessive packaging, scraps from machines and cars are all contributing to increase in the amount of waste being generated. The result is that waste management becomes a huge challenge and Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) becomes complex because  of  the  quantity  and  diversity  of  the  nature  of wastes  and  also  financial

limitations on public services in large cities. When waste management is not properly implemented, it contributes immensely to environmental degradation which currently has become  a global concern.  This  problem  is not only  confined  to land,  it also includes air and water as well.

Nigerian cities and towns are currently facing serious environmental problems arising  from poor solid  waste management.  The rate of solid  waste  generation  in Nigeria  is said  to  have  increased  with  rapid  urbanization.  According  to  Okpechi (2007),  “this rapid urbanization  in Nigeria  did not bring  with it, a commensurate growth  in  public  infrastructure.”  She  points  out  that  the  draft  National  Urban Development  Policy  (FMHUD,  2004)  stressed   that  many  Nigerian  cities  were growing  without  adequate  planning  with  people  constructing  houses  on  drainage channels causing obstructions and resultant flooding of roads and houses as are being currently experienced in cities like Ibadan, Lagos and Aba. Millions of people also live  in  sub-standard  and  sub-human  environments  with  grossly  inadequate  social amenities. This gives rise to solid waste being generated at a rate beyond the capacity of the city authorities to handle in order to maintain a sustainable urban environment. The   result   is   poor   solid   waste   management   system   that   portends   serious environmental crisis.

Many of the residents dump refuse indiscriminately along the streets,  roads, open  spaces,  market  places,  and  frontages  of  residential  buildings  and  drainage system.  This often results in an unsightly mountain of refuse that  have become a common feature of the country’s urban landscape (Nwachukwu, 2009).  Aside from the obvious aesthetic cost, the problem of solid waste goes deeper. This is because many of  these  consumer  products  that  are  thrown  away especially  plastics,  non- returnable  bottles,  aluminum  cans  etc  are  very  difficult  to  destroy  in  nature  and constitute  serious  environmental  pollution  if  they  are  not  properly  disposed  of (Mumbai government, 2008).

The problem of solid waste disposal in some Nigerian cities especially in Aba, Abia state has become one of the most intractable environmental problems facing the country today.  The  level  of environmental  sanitation  in the  city of  Aba  is often considered  as  among  the  poorest  in  Nigeria.  In  recent  years,  there  has  been  a phenomenal increase in the volume and range of solid wastes generated daily in the city. This  is largely due to the increasing  rate  of  population  growth  arising  from urbanization, industrialization, trading activities and general economic growth.   Aba being a predominantly  trading or  commercial city attracts migrants  from different parts of the country. As the number of people increase, more wastes are generated and because they are not properly disposed, pollution of the air, soil and water follow. For instance, problem of water pollution arising from dangerous substances seeping into water  sources from the refuse dumps cannot be overlooked because virtually every one in that city depends on surface or individually mined underground water.

In Kenya, WAMACO, (2006) reports a study which was commissioned by the United Nation Environmental Programme (UNEP) on 308 children up to the age of 18 living around a municipal dump site. The report showed that half of the children had a concentration of lead in their blood exceeding the internationally accepted levels. It also showed that 42% of soil samples recorded lead levels almost 10 times higher than unpolluted  soil.  Almost  half of the  children  tested  are suffering  from  respiratory diseases including chronic bronchitis and asthma.  The report was described as very worrisome and worst than expected by the UNEP. This is because chemical, metals, pharmaceuticals and other wastes often find their way into our drinking water and the atmosphere  and  can  have  serious  health  effect  ranging  from  toxic  poisoning  to hormonal disruption and cancer.

In another report by Egbere, Itelima and Opiah, (2000) on Municipal  solid waste and their health hazard implication in Angwan-Rogo  ward of Jos,  Nigeria, it was noted that the biodegradable bulks occupied an average weight of 68.26%, while the non-biodegradables formed the remaining 37.44% of the wastes in the dumps. The bacterial isolates from the dumps with their respective percentage prevalence were E. coli (86.70%), Staphylococcus aureus (76.70%), Salmonella sp (46.700AJ), Klebsiella sp (43.30%), Shigella sp (43.30%) and Proteus sp (33.30%). Most of these bacterial isolates are generally known pathogens, hence their presence in the dumps in such high prevalence poses health hazards to the public as rodents and flies and even air could transfer the organisms into foods, water and other consumables. Hence, raised incidents of low birth weight (less than 2500g), fetal and infant mortality, spontaneous abortion and birth defects have been related to residents near dump sites and land fill sites as has the occurrence of various congenital malformations.  Also, lung cancer, chronic health effects such as increased rates of bronchitis and reduced lung function, elevated rates of respiratory symptoms and also shortened life span, nausea/vomiting, and increase in hospitalization of diabetics  have been recorded (Rushton, 2011).

These  reports  have  implication  for Nigerian  cities like Lagos,  Ibadan,  and Kaduna  that  have  had  recent  flooding  experiences  as  a  result  of  indiscriminate dumping  of refuse.  They also  apply to  Aba where  indiscriminate dump  sites  are located all over the city and the volume of solid wastes appears to have exceeded the urban administrators’ capacity to plan for their collection and disposal.

It is a very common sight to see some of the streets and roads  practically blocked  by  wastes  and  this  has  contributed  greatly  to  flood  disaster,  which  is

associated with the city; and health hazards to plants, animals and people. Many areas have poorly controlled open dumps and illegal roadside dumping remains a problem. Obioha, (2008) described the trash heaps around the city of Aba as, “so many and so high that one could mistake them for big urban landfills”.  The  garbage piles have turned the roads into putrid smelling mud slides and many  of the folks just walk through these roads seemingly unperturbed by their dangerous implications.

This is because many people in the town do not consider dumping of  their wastes indiscriminately as an environmental problem that could lead to epidemics and other severe health hazards. To them, they are simply disposing  of their wastes as inexpensively and as quickly as possible especially as they do not have better options. Many of these residents are not aware of the relationship between ways of disposing of waste and the resulting environmental and public health problems. This generates great concern for inhabitant of the city of Aba where sights like women roasting corn and frying yams/akara balls right in front of the dump sites and on top of the blocked gutters with customers patronizing them are very common.

Waste disposal in this city has generated so much controversy with the state government and the residents trading blames on who is responsible for the eye sore especially  along  Enugu  –  Port  Harcourt  high  way.  The  residents   accuse  the government of collecting sanitation fee from them without carting away the wastes on a  regular  basis  while  the  government  accuses  them  of  disposing  their  wastes indiscriminately.  Worried  by the  situation,  the state  government  in January,  2005 handed over the management of refuse to the local government authorities and also engaged  the  services  of  street  sweepers  to  clean  up  the  streets  on  daily  bases. Although  the  situation  improved  during  the  first  few  months,  it  later  collapsed apparently due to the inability of the councils to handle it.

Also, in 2007, the government being aware that the quagmire in Aba,  Abia state  constituted  a perennial  source  of embarrassment  determined  to  confront  the challenge  of refuse  disposal  head  on.  Being  aware  that  there  is  a  veritably  high economic value (sources of biofertilizer, biogas fuel and animal feeds) that could be generated from the wastes since a greater portion of the  dumps were composed of biodegradable  waste  matter,  it  entered  into  partnership  with  an  American  refuse management   firm,   (Phoenix   Environmental   Resources),   whose  major   term  of reference was to evacuate all waste materials in Abia State, move them to Obingwa in the same state and convert them to organic manure. This is in line with the report by Okonkwo  in  Mba,  (2001)  and  Taiwo,  (2009)  that  solid  wastes  generated  in  the country are characterized by a high percentage (60-80%) of organic materials which gives the waste high density with Okonkwo suggesting that modalities for evacuation should place more emphasis on the discharge points so that the wet  organic refuse could be converted to other uses such as manure for farmlands and building materials.

These  all  took  off but  failed  and  the  problem  still  looms  large.  One  can attribute one of the major reasons for the failure to convert the wastes to  organic manure to the fact that not all the solid wastes are biodegradable and therefore all of them  cannot be converted  to manure.  This is because wastes  generally  are things discarded by individuals, households or organizations. They are unwanted materials discarded  as a result of human  or animal activities  and  they constitute  of solids, semisolids or liquids in containers thrown out of  houses, commercial or industrial premises.  As  a result,  they are a complex  mixture  of different  substances  which include  food and garden waste, paper  and cardboard,  glasses,  plastics and metals. Since the municipal government has not been able to cope with waste collection and

disposal  successfully,  the people  settle for waste dumping  into  storm  water,  open dumping and stream dumping.

This  type  of  situation  may  have  informed  Leventis  in  a  publication  by

National Environmental Study/Action Team (NEST) 1991, to opine that,

While  it  is  proper  that  governments  should  take  the  lead  by  adopting appropriate  natural resource  conservation  policies,  creating the  institutional framework   for   policy   implementation,    and    promulgating   appropriate legislation,  it  has  also  become  obvious  that  government  alone  cannot  be entrusted with all the task of combating environmental degradation.

Hence,  Agunwamba,  (1998)  opines  that  successful  solid  waste  management  in Nigeria will require a holistic program that will integrate all the technical, economic, social,  cultural  and  psychological  factors  that  are  often  ignored  in  solid  waste management programs.

Also, Ukpong, (2006) sees the management of solid waste as one that can be conceptualized   as  a  multi-disciplinary  activity  involving  engineering  principles, economic, urban and regional planning, management techniques, social sciences and the arts in order to maintain a viable quality of environment in a city or area. Hence the problem of solid waste management in Aba has attracted the attention of scientists who have studied the long term consequences of human actions on the environment. Environmentalists  and  other  professionals  in  various  fields  as  well  as  concerned citizens have also tried to advocate ways to lessen the impact.

The world of visual arts, which has played a critical role in provoking thought and generating dialogue on crucial issues in society, is not left out in this discourse, as it has its own input to make in the preservation of the environment.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The  Nigerian  government  being  aware  of  both  the  aesthetic  and  health implications  of  improper  management  of solid  wastes  in the  nation  promulgated Decree 58 for the establishment of a Federal Environment Protection Agency (FEPA) on 30th December,  1988.  This  led  to  the formation  of a  National  Policy on the Environment whose goals include amongst others: to secure for all Nigerians a quality of environment  adequate  for their  health and  well being.  The policy depends  on specific actions directed towards major sectors and problem areas of the environment for its  implementation.  In the  solid  waste  sector  for instance,  the  specific  action required include  collection  and disposal of solid waste in an environmentally  safe manner;   setting   up    and   enforcement    of   laws,   regulations    and   standards; encouragement of public participation; environmental monitoring; and imposition of penalties  on   defaulters  to  encourage   compliance   (FEPA,  1989;     FRN,  1991; Agunwamba,  1998).

As a result of the formulation of FEPA and a national environmental policy, all the states in the federation including Abia state are making efforts to protect the environment by setting up structures towards the effective management of municipal solid wastes. However, the researcher having lived in Aba for four years observed that despite   the   Federal   government   policy   on   environment   and   the   Abia   state government’s efforts towards the management of municipal solid waste in Aba, solid waste  management  has  remained  a problem  that  looms  large.  It appears  that  the capacity of the residents in that city to generate wastes far exceeds the ability of the agencies in charge of waste disposal to effectively handle. This has become a matter of  great  concern  because  the  negative  impact  of  the  improper  management  of municipal  solid  wastes  is contributing  to  the  deterioration  of that  environment  in

addition to the health hazards on man, plants and animals. One begins to wonder if the Abia state government is really doing enough in the issue of solid waste management. If they are, to what extent have they gone in enforcing measures to control people’s negative attitude to the environmental issues. Or, is this situation as a result of lack of knowledge on the part of Aba residents on the danger of environmental degradation which may have resulted from improper sensitization of the public on the issue. Any of these necessitates an urgent need for appropriate ameliorating strategies of waste management through various fields including the visual Arts.

Again, solid waste management has a number of acceptable concepts and the major areas or options are reduce, reuse, recycle and recover with the  ultimate aim being to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to reduce wastes to minimum before final disposal in landfill or other methods (Okpoechi, 2007). There is therefore the need to explore the contributions of the visual arts in waste minimization through their involvement  in the reuse of discarded materials for the production of quality art works in the society. This can be done through examining art works that have been executed with the use of discarded materials which otherwise would have been  destroyed  through  open  burning  and  other  waste  management  strategies.  In addition to these waste or discarded materials  being destroyed, most other methods of waste  disposal also have negative effect on the environment and could be avoided through the conversion of waste to art and ultimately to wealth.

Furthermore,   in  1991,  the  Nigerian  Environmental   Study  Action  Team (NEST) estimated  that 20kg of solid waste was generated per capita per  annum in Nigeria.  This  amounts  to  2.2  million  tons  per  year  given  Nigeria’s  estimated population of more than 100 million people per year at the time of that study. With the upsurge of the country’s population in recent years to about 167 million according

to the United Nations report of 2011, the volumes of wastes generated have increased significantly. This is an alarming situation especially as the various agencies involved in waste disposal appear incapacitated to handle the challenges. This necessitates the call for waste reduction as a means of solid waste  management and the volume of wastes generated can be significantly reduced by changing the behavior and habits of the population through intensive education  on the consequences  of improper waste management, and also waste management through the use of the visual arts in the area of waste reduction through the conversion of waste to art. This has given rise to the need  of exploring  the use  the  visual  arts to embark on continuing  education  and awareness campaign in the city of Aba concerning solid wastes and their impact on the environment.

Finally, the alarming rate at which materials like plastics, aluminum cans, and bottles etc which are non-biodegradable in nature are dumped in streams and rivers or burnt in dumpsites close to residential areas, need the attention of all stake holders including the visual arts for immediate  remediation.  This will  forestall  impending risks and health related problems associated with it.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Environmental problems are one of the main characteristic features of urban cities. These problems appear mostly in the form of solid wastes. While there have already been various efforts to raise awareness for the recycling of these solid wastes, not much formal work has been carried out through the visual arts. This study sets out to examine the contributions or the role of the visual arts in solid waste management towards intervention in the global problem of environmental degradation.

Specifically, the study undertakes to:

1.   Enumerate the nature of solid wastes in Aba metropolis and the system of solid waste disposal by Aba residents.

2.   Ascertain  Abia  state  government  efforts  in  educating  the  residents  of  Aba metropolis on solid waste management.

3.    Ascertain Abia state government waste management implementation strategies

4.   Ascertain the ways the visual arts contribute to solid waste management in Aba metropolis

5.   Identify  contemporary artists that are engaged in the creation of art works from waste or discarded objects

6.   Examine and document some of the works of the ‘waste to art’ artists

7.   Ascertain if secondary school students in Aba metropolis can create artworks from waste or discarded objects.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The high rate of generation of solid wastes in Nigerian urban cities including Aba has necessitated  active government  and private participation.  All  stakeholders should  work  towards  effective  disposal  of  solid  wastes  because  their  presence constitute  environmental   nuisance  which  invariably  give  rise   to  environmental problems  that  affect  the  ecology  and  human  health.  This   makes  solid  waste management a matter if utmost exigency especially as it has become one of the most intractable environmental problems facing the nation today.

The term waste management,  in all its ramifications  encompasses  all  steps taken in controlling the production, storage, collection, transportation, processing and disposal  or  utilization  of  wastes  in  a  sanitary  manner.   Although  solid  waste

management spans across many areas, the scope of this study however is narrowed down to:

1.   The  study of  the  nature  of  solid  wastes  generated  and  their  methods  of disposal in three major streets in Aba metropolis.

2.   The  reuse  of  waste  materials  in  the  creation  of  art  works.  This  covered documentation of thirty samples of works of some artists who have used waste materials in creative endeavors in the various fields of the visual arts.

3.   Introduction of waste to art as a contribution to solid waste management  in two secondary schools in Aba metropolis.

4.   Creation of artworks and crafts by students in two secondary schools in Aba metropolis with waste or discarded objects.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Environmental  degradation  and  its  attendant  problems  which  include  the management  of solid  wastes  is now  a global  concern  both in the  developed and developing   nations.  Rapid  technological,   scientific,   industrial   development   and urbanization  have  largely increased  the rate of waste  generation  and its attendant consequences.

In recent times, the subject of solid wastes and its impact on the environment is  gaining  wide  attention  from  all.  This  is  because  improper  waste  management constitutes  a  great  threat  to  human  health  and  the  environment  in  general.  The management of the solid wastes is now conceptualized as a multi-disciplinary activity involving   engineering    principles,    economics,    urban   and   regional   planning, management techniques,  social  sciences  and the arts in order to maintain a viable quality of environment.

It is therefore hoped that the outcome of this research on the role of the visual arts  in  solid  waste  management  will  contribute  towards  the  solution  of  some environmental  problems  in  Aba  metropolis  by  bringing  out  measures  aimed  at providing effective management of some solid wastes.

Again,  it  will  provide  useful  materials  that  will  help  educate  the  public through  the  visual  arts  on the  health  hazards  that  emanate  from  improper  waste disposal.

The research will also help sensitize the public that wastes can be converted to art and to wealth if properly handled from the point of production.

Furthermore, the outcome of this research will provide a useful document for the visual artist on the role that the visual arts can play in the management of solid wastes. This will enable him/her to consciously apply his/her skills and knowledge to contribute  to  solving  one  of  the  pressing  problems  that  lead  to  environmental degradation.

The findings of this study, it is hoped will be of use to the art students and the public who will learn that the visual arts is not an isolated area that is meant only for aesthetic purposes but can also make its contributions to global issues.

The significance of this study is not only for the benefit of the artist or the art student but also for the government,  policy makers,  curriculum  developers,  health workers and environmentalists who can utilize the findings of the research for policy making and also in their various fields.

Finally, it will provide valuable document on what would help researchers and individuals who are interested in Environmental Waste Studies.

1.6 Organization of the Study

The study is organized into six chapters: Chapter 1 – The Introduction:

Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Scope of the Study, Significance  of the Study, and the  Organization  of the Study

Chapter 2 – Literature Review:

Environmental   degradation   (meaning,   causes   and  effects);   Solid   Waste

Management; and Visual Arts

Chapter 3 – Research Methodology:

Research Methodology; Aba in Abia state; Solid Wastes in Aba Metropolis;

and Solid Waste Management in Aba metropolis

Chapter 4 – Visual Arts and the Reuse Concept of Solid Waste Management

Chapter 5 – Waste to Art Secondary School Project

Chapter 6 – Findings, Summary and Conclusion

Educational   Implications,   Recommendation,   Limitations,   Suggestions   for further studies

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research


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