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Social media had change the way people communicate with each other. In previous years traditional media play a significant role in creating awareness among people but over period of time social media become important marketing tool which not only aware people but help to attract them. Politicians are becoming more and more active on social media. This research the role of social media as a tool for voters education.  With the help of social media will it be possible for political parties to get vote from voters. These are the finding which will be carried out by this research work.















  • Background of the study

The advent of internet and technology has exposed majority of the global population to different interactive platforms on which different kinds of information are exchanged which might significantly have effect on human behavior, decision and judgment (CES, 2012). Social media are new information network and information technology using a form of communication utilizing interactive and user-produced content, and interpersonal relationships are created and maintained. The emergence of the Internet as the new mass medium of the 21st century now changes the mass media substantially. Information can be distributed at high speed, low cost, and broad scope and as a result, there is egalitarian access to the production and the consumption of news (Prat and Strömberg, 2011). Today’s social media has made the world a “global village”, with the quick transfer of information overriding the challenges of time and distance (Friedman, 2007). Social media’s has gradually become one of the important means of influencing the society and this influence is based exclusively on its social aspects of interaction and participation. As social media gains more popularity and scope, its impact on voters’ political and cultural perceptions cannot be underestimated as social media practically influences the way users interact, communicate and make decisions on social, cultural, and political issues in today’s world.
Voting behavior is a form of political behavior exhibited by electorates which can be influenced by a lot of factors ranging from emotional, ethnicity, religion leading them to make certain decisions. Various factors such as gender, race, culture or religion go a long way in affecting the way a voter behaves and the decision he makes as regards selection of a candidate of his choice. However, key external factors may also influence a voter’s education such as political socialization, socio-cultural views, tolerance of diverse political views and the media, internet inclusive. The effect of these influences on voting education is dependent on attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and the source of available information to the voter.

Although the presence of social media is spreading and media use patterns are changing, online political engagement is largely restricted to people already active in politics and on the Internet. Other audiences are less responsive. For example, television news together with print and online newspapers is still the most important sources of political information in most Countries

Social media has reshaped structures and methods of contemporary political communication by influencing the way politicians interact with citizens and each other.

Experience has demonstrated that due consideration of voters’ level of awareness about and confidence in the new technologies is key to the success of any electronic voting or counting system. It is  enough for voters to know how to vote using this new technology; they must also have confidence in the integrity of the technology that is being used. Providing voters with the information necessary to cast their votes using a new system efficiently and with confidence requires a comprehensive approach to voter education and public outreach which social media play major role for daily awareness. Such efforts should therefore start as early as possible and continue until results are certified. A public outreach strategy should include detailed information about how to vote, as well as how the overall system works. The strategy should consider the target audience and use different types of media (TV, radio, press, Internet) based on the country context and, in particular, the mediums through which different segments of voters most commonly consume information. Voters should also have an understanding of the reasons why the new technology is being adopted, how it will be implemented and what mechanisms have been included to ensure its integrity. Voters with disabilities and elderly voters should be informed about any new functionality that may facilitate their ability to vote unassisted, and should be provided with relevant information about any further steps they need to take prior to voting. Elderly voters may be particularly hesitant to use new technology, and special efforts should be made so that they feel comfortable with the equipment. Voters from minority language groups should receive voter information in their own languages to inform them about new opportunities to use ballot interfaces in alternative languages. Specific TV and radio campaigns should also provide information for illiterate and low-literacy voters, to explain how they will be able to vote using the new system (e.g., by displaying candidate photos or party symbols on the ballot) and to encourage their participation, given that they may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with electronic technologies. Successful voter education ensures that voters are ready, willing, and able to participate fully in the election process. Voter education is essential to ensuring voters are well-informed and can effectively exercise their voting rights and express their political will on Election Day. This can be achieved with the help of social media for awareness.

The Internet has become the most important communications channel worldwide and is the most valuable voter education tool at your disposal.



However, with the advent of online social media forum, most voters can access information, debate on the information and also give feedback on his own views, opinions and expectations from the party and candidate. Although the social media has helped in increasing the popularity of candidates and their parties, it has the capacity to make or mar their chances and voter’s perception of the party or candidates. It is in view of this that the researcher intends to investigate the role of social media as a tool for voters education.


The main objective of the study is to assess the role of social media as a tool for voter’s education.

Specifically, the study intend to;

  1. Find out the impact of social media on voters education
  2. To investigate the effect of social media on voters education
  3. Assess the relationship between social media and voters education
  4. Assess the role social media play on voter’s education.



For the successful completion of the study, the following research hypotheses were formulated by the researcher;

H0: there is no influence of social media on voter’s education

H1: there is influence of social media on voter’s education

 H02: there is no significant relationship between social media and voter’s education


H2: there is significant relationship between social media and voters education



It is believed that at the completion of the study, this study will help beam the searchlight on the role of social media on voter’s education, the decisions they make and elections as a whole based on the information available to voters on the internet. It will also enlighten relevant stakeholders such as political parties, candidates, and even the civil society on how social media can bring about awareness and campaign opportunities if properly utilized. The study will also be of great benefit to the researchers who intends to embark on research on similar topics as it will serve as a guide. Finally, the study will be of great importance to academia’s, lecturers, teachers, students and the general public.



The scope of this study covers the role of social media as a tool for voter’s education. In the course of the study, the researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study; The researcher attending lectures, doing assignment, preparing for semester exam and also writing project was the major challenge, thereby limit the study. The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study.



SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications. User-generated content, such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data generated through all online interactions, are the lifeblood of social media

TOOL: tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process.

VOTER:   A person who has attained the voting age and has the right to vote for a candidate in an election .

EDUCATIUON:  Is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research.

VOTER EDUCATION: Successful voter education ensures that voters are ready, willing, and able to participate fully in the election process .Voter education is essential to ensuring voters are well-informed and can effectively exercise their voting rights and express their political will on Election Day.






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